Over it!*

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I looked at the caption I Just spent the last ten minutes writing, I decided to post photo of me and E laughing in front of  Big Ben. Danni was trying to take a photo but Jess was pulling faces behind her. I smile at the memory but my mood quickly changes, I tried telling myself she wasn't worth it but I knew it was a lie.
I scrolled back to the top reading the caption one last time.

What's up! #brothersbeforelovers
So the last few days there's been some drama. Just want to let you all know how much I appreciate you! We love you ❤️ I'm over it. OVER IT! Life's too short to waste time! Right now all I need is Eth and you guys! LOVE YOU! PEACE

I looked at the rather pathetic caption before me, I've written it over and over again, not wanting to sound too sappy or too depressed. I love my fans, more than anything but some over complex things. Within an hour I'd look at through my newsfeed and see edits about how I'm not the same or how Danni has ruined me. As much distain she's caused me I don't want people hating on her. I decided to add in
'I know you may not like Danni but please stop the hate, it didn't work out, that's it' After the 'Over it.'

I quickly publish it and logged out of Instagram, the last few months I've been getting tired of social media and the drama it's caused.

I glance over to Ethan napping on the hotel sofa.
I really do appreciate him.
We've been best friends from the start and I couldn't live without him but everyone needs some time alone. I thought back to only the other month. Both me and Ethan needed a break from what's been going on. We needed a break from each other, just some time for us to clear our minds. I just needed some time away from social media, but that didn't work. I went to Hawaii and for The next few days my notifications were alive with fans asking why we weren't together. I swear some of these fans are freaking spy's from amount of rumours of us being with different girls.

I love this all, earning money from what I love, but it's hard, people always wanting to know where you are and who you are with.
I'm 17, I can't deal with it all 24/7. I grimace thinking about how pathetic I sound. I'm so lucky for my fans, I need to put them as my priority.

I log onto the Mac, looking at some of our comments on today's video, we did 'reacting to dirty video edits', it amazes me the skills some of our fans have but still.. I inwardly cringe thinking about some of the edits. Floods of comments were still coming in, we only uploaded and hour ago. I briefly scanned through seeing the common and very inappropriate comment. Baffles me how some of them come up with these comments, they must spend hours coming up with some of these lines. As I scroll through I notice a lot about yesterday's video and why I deleted it.
Deciding not to reply to any I shut off the Mac and powered down my phone.

Me and Eth are going to make the most of the time we have in London before we carry on the tour. We wanted a weeks break because we love it here. I jogged over to the bathroom and filled a cup with cold water. On the way out, careful not to spill it, I walked over to the end of E's bed and threw it over him.

Ethan shot up in shock, his eyes wide.
"Fuck sake Gray!"
I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing, he didn't look impressed but soon joined in. After gaining control of myself I walked over to Ethan who was now shifting through his case.
'I've decided we're gunna go out and explore, no phones, no Apple watches. Forget social media for the day, let's go have some fun!'

The only reply I got from Ethan was a short nod as he continued riffle through the case. I looked down at my outfit, some green camo pants and a baggy tee with what looked like a chocolate stain on it. I grabbed some dark blue, ripped jeans and a thick pink jumper from over the chair and casually threw them on.

'Bro Pass your phone'
Ethan chucked his phone in my direction, I picked up mine from the desk and took off my Apple Watch before walking over to the safe in the wardrobe and locking them in.
I grabbed my coat even though I've got a hoodie on because one thing I've learnt about the uk is that the weather has worse mood swings than a girl on her period.

I walked over to the door, Ethan trailing behind. We're about to go live, have some fun and relax like normal 17 year olds.

E grabbed my shoulder 'wait, just gunna grab the 4OU boards'
I nodded and waited outside the room for Ethan, he came jogging out with a board in each arm. I grinned. Today's going to be fun and nothing or no one is going to ruin it.

Lol I know this is a boring chapter but there is a reason for it. (Sorry it's quite short)  ❤️  hope you're enjoying the story, make sure to add it to your library 💋

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