The truth*

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Staring up at the bare ceiling above me I let the tears freely trickle down my cheeck. I'd messed up again, but this time I might have lost my best friend for good because of it. I pulled the blanket further up around me as an attempt of comfort but I felt empty. Me and Jess had never got into such a big argument before, we've been like sisters and I might have just destroyed it all because I was greedy.

The room looked bare without her. I didn't want to stay much longer but I was stuck for way of getting home. Jess was meant to give me a ride home when we were due to leave tomorrow. However she stormed out nearly an hour ago now and I don't think she's coming back.
I replayed the argument in my head, I'd never seen her so mad before.

'Why are you crying? for Gods sake Danni, you got the opportunity that most fans would die for. You knew there would be fans around. It's It's the same as yesterday. You only pity yourself! What about me? What about what I want?!' She screeched as me from the other side of the room.

'This is about me! I lost my one chance with Grayson! Don't you get it? He is the one good thing I had in my life! It's tearing me apart!'

Jess stopped what she was doing and gave me the evils, disappointment in her eyes.

'I didn't mean it like that Jess! You're so important to me. We're sisters... look I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.'

She momentarily stopped packing, a tee dangling from her hand.
'You don't fucking get it?! Do you not know how much Ethan means to me, he's my world! But no.' She angrily huffed 'You only care about yourself. I left for you! Your a selfish bitch. I'm SO done with you!" Jess paused, she began packing again before muttering "Get your own ride home, I'm done with your bullshit Danni.'

I stared at her, mouth wide open, Jess's words sank in. I really was Being a selfish bitch. I was so consumed by my feelings I'd totally forgotten about hers. How did I not realise how important this was for her. I got off the bed and slowly walked over to her, I kept my head down waiting for her to finish packing.

'I'm sorry. I mean it, I'm really, really sorry. Your right I'm the most selfish person in the world. But please don't go. I need you. I was blind sighted by Grayson, I wasn't thinking, of course I know how much Ethan means to you.' I sounded desperate but I didn't care, I couldn't lose her, not like I've lost everyone else.

Jess picked up her pink case and stormed off, just as she reached the door she turned around and flipped me off with her perfectly manicured nails. She left slamming the door. Another person gone and now I have no one.

I looked over to my phone on the nightstand, it was alive with notifications. I flicked into Instagram, the comments on my personal were filled with hate and death threats from numerous fan accounts. Some even from people I classed as my friends on my anonymous fan account. My dms consisted of the same shit. Not wanting to read any more of the horrific acts of hate I switched to my Dolan account. I skimmed through the comments, none out of the ordinary. I released a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding. No one had worked out it was me on here. However I did notice numerous post about me on my newsfeed, some were sweet. Some said the way me and Gray met was cute and they're gland for him but the post were normally filled with hate, blaming it on me saying I forced myself onto him ect.

Fed up of seeing the comments I realised I'd already lost them, they hate me. Why not get it over and done with now instead of waiting for people to figure it out themselves. Scrolling through my camera I clicked on a semi decent picture of me laughing at the person behind the camera, It's a photo of a Polaroid, I'm standing in a park, a thin layer of snow gracing the ground and evergreen trees behind me. I remember this moment, it was coming up to Christmas and I'd saved up so me and Jess could go shopping. We'd just finished up for the day and went for a walk round the park,
It is one of my happiest memories.

Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted the last few days! Fist of all thank you so much for 100k, you all mean so much to me. ❤️

Now a quick rant. So we have all seen the images of the girl kissing Grayson. I've seen a lot of the rumours in my newsfeed and group dms about what's happened. Neither the girl or Grayson have mentioned what happened at the twins meet and greet in London up to this point. Until you'll know the truth you need to think about the hate your leaving. This is a girl in the same position as you all, a fan. She just got her dream. You don't know what this girl has gone through. She could be on the edge of oblivion and you could tip her over the edge. We're meant to be a fandom full of love and support one another but I'm sad to say that hasn't been shown in the last 24 hours  and it deeply saddens me. You never know what's she's going through, so I'm going to tell you.

Her name is Danni Oliver , she's 16 tomorrow. Her dads dead and her mums in a mental facility. Danni lives with her sister who works full time. She's home schooled because she got bullied so much because of a mistake that she will forever regret. I know this because this girl is me.
I'm Danni Louise Oliver.
Now what happened yesterday shouldn't of happened. Me being me thought there was a connection between me and Grayson, so I kissed him. He didn't agree, and pushed me away. I deserved it. Due to my selfish actions I lost my best friend. And now I've lost you guys. This pains me so much to the point my stomach is churning and I feel as if my world has come to an end. I can't do this. I apologise for the issues I've caused in the fandom. In my 16 years of life I've experienced stuff no one should. I wasn't meant for this world, I'm not strong enough. The twins were my life line but now they're gone. I love you with all my heart. I will either be deactivating the account or my co-owner will take over. I'll be writing a  good bye post. But until then I wish you all a wonderful day/night xxx Danni

I pressed post before powering off my phone and measly chucking my phone onto Jess's bed. I threw the covers over my head and cried to myself until it hurt no more.

I scrolled through Instagram, it mainly consisted Off pictures of me kissing Danni, I was getting tired of all the hate, I was about to log off when the next post caus the my eye. I stopped scrolling on a picture of Danni, but this picture wasn't one from the meet and greet it was one of her laughing. She has a big goofy grin, it was a picture of a Polaroid. Her hair was in loose curls and she was messing around with scarf. I recognised the account, they were one of our biggest fan accounts, I often like their edits. Wondering where they got the photo I read the caption hoping it was a positive post.

My heart sank, dropping my phone on the bed I got up and ran into the bathroom. Ethan was midway through dying his strip of hair, he had gone green this time. I told him he should stick with read but he didn't listen.

''Hurry up, we are filming and posting this video today.'
'Dude it's Monday? What's the rush?'
'It's Danni. I'm gunna set up the camera and lights.'

This chapter is pretty rubbish ngl 😂

-Grace Xo

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