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I knew I wasn't going to make it, I new before they left. I didn't want them to be here when I pass, it would be too painful for me. I could slowly feel my body closing down. I wasn't even sure if I would make it through the night.

I had previously moved to a room with Danni, my final request. Titling my head to look at her, her blue eyes were now a dark grey, they lost the spark in them.

'Grayson, I didn't want to wake up. Everything hurts.' Tears we're slowly trickling down her check, her body shaking. I could see the pain evident on her face.

Slowly I pulled back the covers. Taking all the effort I had I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, wincing in pain.

'Gray what are you doing?'

Ignoring Danni, I grabbed the camera off the side and slowly made my way over to the love of my life. With the help of Danni I got into her bed. The warmth from her body helped to soothe me. I wanted to be with her when I died.

'I'm not strong enough Gray.' Her voice was low and choked from the tears.

'Neither am I' leaning over my lips met with hers, one of my hands cupping her face. Groaning in pain I pulled away.

'I want to call Jess first'

Dialling jesses number we both sat their hesitantly awaiting to say our goodbyes. After Several rings it cut to answer phone. Danni not wanting to give up phoned again but this time when it reached answer phone she left a message.

'Hi Jess, I wanted to say I'm sorry. I love you, you have been my world. I wouldn't have made it this far without you. When my dad died in the... the car accident you were there. You never left me when those lies spread. You hugged me when I needed it most. Wipped the tears and held me till I cried my last tear. I love you. I always have an I always will. I can be with my dad now, I'll be happy. Me, Gray and dad can start again. I never got to say goodbye to Dad but I want the chance to say it to you. Bye Jess,until we meet again.' Towards the end of the message she was barely comprehensible.

Once Danni was done I flipped on the camera.

'Hello everyone, if you're seeing this I've... gone. None of you know but was born with liver problems. In 2015 my liver failed and I needed a transplant but luckily it worked. I have had to take medication to help but recently I stopped taking it and my body rejected the liver. I'm once again on the transplant list but I can feel my body closing down on me. I'm ok, honesty I don't want the transplant... I want to be with the girl I love and pain free. This world has been too kind to me by giving me you but I just can't cope. I love you all. I'm sorry to those of you I've hurt. I want all of you to promise me one thing. Look after Ethan, make sure he carries on doing what he loves. You lot are my world,
I'll forever be grateful for what you've given me. Here's my forever goodbye'

Both me and Danni were in tears. I was struggling to breath. I stared admiringly at the girl that stole my heart.



'I love you. You're my Juliet... will you do me the Honour and be my girlfriend'

'I love you too. You're my Romeo, you're my rock, you're my saviour and you're my last breath. The answer is yes. Yes and a thousand times more'  She faintly smiled, snuggling in my arms. Her eyes fluttered shut for the last time.

Leaning over I pecked her on the lips before taking in every detail of her. A chocked son leaving my lips. She's was taking her final breaths. Danni was dying in my arms. The pain in my heart was more than I'd ever felt before, I whipped away the tears that began to blur my vision and took in her soft honey coloured hair that fell softly round her face, the freckles that danced upon her dainty noes. Her plump lips that were now a pale pink. The way her lashes brush against her checks. She is perfect. Danni's heart monitor behind me began slowing down. The beeps were getting further and further apart. I new she was at peace and soon I will be to. As her monitor turned into one long beep I closed my eyes for the last time. Thanking God for giving me my family, Ethan, my fans and my ray of sunshine... Danni.

~My Only~ (G.D & E.D)Where stories live. Discover now