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I sat on my board at the top of the ramp, my feet dangling over the edge, The sun was setting and it was a rather breathtaking view. The sky encased with baby blues, pinks and faint oranges. It would have been a perfect ending to a perfect day if it wasn't for the fact that Gray had his tongue down a red heads throat. I felt like I was watching a porno but I won't be using my left hand while watching this .(😉) Grayson hands were firmly placed on her bum, her legs were tangled around his waist. Her hands desperately gripping at the roots of his hair. If it wasn't for the red hair I would think it was Danni, I thought back to the way Danni and Gray were at the meet and greet.

The sun was quickly setting and I don't know if I could sit here any longer watching them without throwing up the content of my lunch. I slid down the ramp and grabbed both mine and Gray's boards under my arm. I jogged over and rudely interrupted them. Clearing my throat I spoke,
"Mhmm me and Gray got to go, sorry Clarissa!'

They pulled back, the red head slowly removing herself from my brothers body. She looked enthralled, she was grinning ear to ear.
"Wow! That was.... AMAZING!' I'll text you later' she winked before giving him a peck on the cheek. Grabbing Grayson's forearm I quickly dragged him away not wanting to watch anymore of this disgusting display.

We were a while away from the hotel and neither of us knew what way to go. Normally I would have loved to explore London at night but what I need is good night sleep... Or a whack on the head. Anything to remove the images of Clarissa and Grayson groping at each other from my mind. Just the thought of it sent shivers down my spine.

"Dude, what is it with you and girls we Met the same day. For all you know that girl could be a fucking murderer. Thought you would have learnt with Danni'

His face froze over at the mention of Danni's name. He quickened his pace and stormed off ahead of me.

"Fuck Danni! Fuck Cara! fuck every other girl! I'm 17 I should be allowed to get with who the hell I want."

"DUDE! Her name was Fucking Clarissa. You were the one who had your tongue down her throat, the least you could do is learn her name.'

I caught up to Grayson who just shrugged me off. We walked in silence to a main road where we hailed a taxi. I gave the driver the hotel name as we got in the cab. The drive home was deadly silent, you could cut the tension with a knife. (or their jaw lines! Woops had to add in) The car hadn't even pulled to a halt before Grayson was out, there was no point in me trying catch up to him. I watched as he trudged off up the stairs. I seriously don't know what's up with him, he's the kind of guy to let things go but he's been acting seriously low recently. He even logged on my Instagram and started commenting on Danni's post. I like the girl, and her friend, Jess. Actually now that I think about it, I really liked Jess, I gotta text her when I get upstairs.

I opt for the lift rather than walk up 5 flights of stairs. As I wait for the lift door to close I see a womanly figure running towards me. It's most probably a fan that saw us get out the taxi. I whipped out my wallet to see how many pounds we have left, we're coming to an end of our time here but before I go I gotta buy me some of their candy, that shit is good.

A substantial weight collides into me, my wallet went crashing to the floor. I could hear the coins rolling around. Two hands grabbed my cheeks and before I knew it my mouth was in connection to someone else's. My eyes wide in shock, unable to make out who it is due to the closeness. I was unable to concentrate. My body not wanting to let go of who ever this was. My hands slid up their back entangling themselves into her silky hair.

My mouth parted slightly allowing her entrance. My tongue gliding through their mouth, hers exploring mine. Her hands gripping my hair.
I was currently pressed up against the lift wall, I moved forward till she was pushed up against the doors. Our mouths not separating, not even for a second. My hands slowly moved down her till they reached the small of her back. She moaned in my mouth as I grabbed her ass. We were in pure ecstasy. I could feel myself pressing up against her thigh, she began grinding against me sending my body on overdrive. I grew more desperate, my mouth furiously moving in sync with her. Our hands trailing each other's bodies, she began tugging up the back of my shirt, her nails digging into my bare skin. A loud moan encased my lips, but I didn't care I just wanted more of her. Her legs were now tight around my waist, trying to keep the proximity as close as possible. One of my hands was round her tiny waist, the other slowly trailing up the front of her top.

The next thing I know I'm straddled on top of the girl, us both desperately trying to fill our lungs with much needed air. I pulled back slightly to see Jess laying on the floor underneath me. My body still on override, I leant down to resume our make out session, my mouth desperate for more. Her hand shot up, hitting me square in the chest. I looked down at her confused, now I was paying attention I noticed the bags under her eyes, they were also red rimmed and puffy.

'The reason I came here... I tried to phone you but you never answered!' She began to tear up, her bottom lip quivering. Her eyes looked passed me focusing on the ceiling.

'Danni attempted suicide' her vice cracked before she burst into tears. I pulled her up from the ground and pulling her into a bear hug. Her head firmly resting on my chest. I was trying to process the information Jess just told me. Danni committing suicide?

Wait. Fuck is she still alive? Can I really ask her that? Oh fuck what am I gunna say to Gray, I don't know how he's going to react. I slowly pulled back, unable to make eye contact my eyes wandered around the empty hall.
'Is she.. Still...'
Jess cut me off with a small nod. I let out a big breath I didn't realise I was holding. Thank the Lord she's still alive. We stayed like that for a few more minutes, Jess in my arms, my head resting on hers. When we both eventually pulled away I grabbed her hand and began walking her over to our room. I stopped outside the door, not wanting to enter. Grayson could still be mad about me from earlier, telling him about Danni... I don't know what's going to happen. Grayson's anxiety has got the better of him lately, he hasn't been coping, I don't know if I can do this to him.
Jess squeezed my hand, I looked down at her and faintly smiled. I slid the key through machine, the door clicking. This was it. Today has been eventful to say the least. We're meant to leave tomorrow night. I just don't know what's going to happen. I don't know what will happen with Grayson, with Danni, between Danni and Grayson. What will happen between me and Grayson and Jess and Me. Everything's just a bit... Fucked.

This chapter was more... Heated. I know a lot was going on but I want to make it interesting. There was a little smut. I'm not sure if that's what you guys like or not so make sure to comment whether you want more ❤️ please vote!

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