Top 10 Steven Spielberg Movies

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Hanji "Who's Steven Spielberg?"

Shinshinjane "A famous movie director."

Armin "Who knew the Ocean can be scary."

Jean "That creature thing just creeps the hell out of me.

Connie "Good then I'm not the only one."

Sasha "Talk about running away."

Eren "One man saved all of those people from a terrible executional fate, and it was completely true."

Levi "Now that is an adventure." 

Ewrin "That is both spine tingling suspense and amazing."

Mikasa "They seem like okay movies to me."

Hanji "They're more then just okay, they're outstandingly amazing! And the giant monster lizard, I want one! I want all of them!"

Shinshinjane "No you don't, trust me, you don't."

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