Glass Prison

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Lies make the best chameleon skin.
They wrap around me, hold me captive
to keep me safe from all around me
that threatens to shatter me again;
here in the glass prison of my mind
I look out to the world beyond me.

It twists my mouth to cruel extent
and plunges needles through my eyes.
My lungs shred as a gentle laugh
tears through my smiling mouth
and I sit in my glass prison,
my fists pressing on the wall.

I grip the edge and I think
that maybe I can climb out.
But blood chokes down my throat
and drowns me completely.
I gasp for air but none comes
inside my suffocating glass walls.

Sledgehammers strike against the glass
and trembling I try to regain
what little balance I had before.
But again my walls shake
and my world slips away from me,
my head colliding with the glass walls.

The pulsating blows of pain stop
but all I can do is force my head
against the wall as it had done
so many times before when
my walls were fractured and I
remained shattered in my glass prison.

Cruel containment companion
you have kept me hidden well.
But now I still can't breathe,
and i can't find joy, for your
walls seem closer and thicker
here in my dreadful glass prison. (09/04/16)

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