Chapter 10-Builders are idiots

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I woke up the next morning to go check on Josh before I had to head over to the builders. He was still sleeping so I unwrapped his bandage and replaced it with a fresh one. I checked his temperature and it had gone down quite a bit so I went back  to the glade, and looked for the builders. I saw Gally heading out of the homestead and jogged over to him.
"Oh, hey greenie," He said, folding his arms over his chest. "You ready to be a builder?" He asked. I shrugged.
"Sure. I might have to act a bit dumber than normal, but whatever." I said teasingly, punching him on the shoulder. He scoffed and shook his head.
"Well, actually, you got me there. Us builders are nothing compared to the runners and medjacks. Even the track-hoes need to know more than us. We just hit things with hammers and hope it fixes something." I laughed and he smiled.
"Come on greenie, lets go get your stuff." He said, putting a hand on my back and guiding me through the mass of builders beginning to do their job. I had to duck under a beam of wood at one point when a clueless boy with a bad case of acne was walking with it on his shoulders. He turned around suddenly and I yelped, ducking down underneath so I didn't get bashed in the nose. Gally turned to the boy.
"Hey, Caleb, watch where you're going with that thing!" Caleb apologized and walked away, being more careful with the wood than before. Gally led me over to a small building that wasn't quite finished yet. branches and wood beams were stuck out of the ground to form the walls of but the roof wasn't completely formed yet. Gally put a hammer, some nails, and a water bottle in my hand.
"Here ya go, shank. You'll be helping us with the roof since you're smaller and lighter. It would normally be Josh, but, ya know. " I nodded. He led me over to the side of the...building...thing.
"here. When I tell you to, you climb up here and hammer the roof together. we'll pass up the wood and stuff but you have to put it on. Ill be underneath holding the wood up so you nail it together." I nodded.
"That doesnt sound too bad." I said. Gally smiled and nodded.
"Not for a smart young lady like you," He said, winking and nudging me in the side. I smiled and shook my head. The boys around me started to work, and I climbed up onto the beginnings of the roof. There were some basic support beams spread across it, so when Gally told me to, the boys started to pass up the wood to me, and I would quickly nail it in place. I was up there for a few hours and every few minutes I had to stop and wipe the sweat off of my brow. I got quite a bit of the roof done and Gally called up to me.
"Hey, greenie. I need to take a klunk. Ill be right back, okay? Be careful up there." And then he was gone. The second his hands were off of the wood it seemed to sink down an inch or so. How strong is this guy? Was he just holding the roof up with his bare hands or am I imagining it? I took one more nail out of pocket and started to nail it on. I sighed and switched out the nail for a different one. The builders obviously didnt care what size of a nail they used so I had a handful of different lengths, but all of them worked. That one was too small and was already kind of bent, so I couldn't use it. I tried to hammer in a different nail but something didnt seem right. The roof started to creak. I stopped, and listened. There was a slight cracking sound and I called out to one of the boys on the ground.
"Hey, um. how strong is this roof?" He shrugged and walked away. 'Wow, some help you were,' I thought to myself.
"Hey! You! I'm going to try and come down, can you give me a hand, I just heard something crack." I called out to another boy. He raised an eyebrow and walked over to me, inspecting the roof a bit. His eyes landed on the support beam and his eyes widened a bit. That must be what's cracking.
"Okay greenie, just slowly come over to the side," The boy said calmly. I nodded and started to slowly inch my way over to the edge so I could jump down when another cracking sound started. There was a creak and I stopped. The boy looked worried for me and I started to panic. What if I fell, and the nails in the roof stabbed me? Or what if I fell and broke my neck? What if I got off the roof but then Gally went underneath and got hurt? I started to panic, and I heard someone come into the shack.
"Greenie, you okay up there?" The voice asked. Crud, its Gally. I turned around to look down at him.
"Gally, get out of here." I said. He raised an eyebrow at me. I opened my mouth to explain when another crack sounded beneath my feet. his eyes followed the sound and his eyebrows shot up. He took a step forward to help when the roof collapsed, and I came tumbling down with it. My body hit the ground with a thud and I groaned. I was getting poked and prodded in all directions by pieces of wood and the rocks on the ground.
I coughed, the dirt and dust making me choke. I opened my eyes, expecting to see the sky or the walls of the building, but instead I see branches and wood beams. I'm surrounded. The roof collapsed on me, but I'm in a small pocket. I hear Gally call out for me. I cant move my body, as the wood is covering it, but my head is fine. I look around, trying to see a way out, but all I see are branches and dangerously placed nails around my head. I panic, imagining the walls shrinking and closing in on me until the nails stab me. I start to hyperventilate, and my eyes start to play tricks on me, making the area I'm in seem to shrink. I blink my eyes trying to clear the idea from my head but it gets worse and the room only seems to shrink more. I struggle to free my arms from the mess around me but the wood and nails dig into my arms and I cry out.
"Help! Someone help me!" I hear muffled boys voices and I keep struggling. I cant breathe, I'm going to die. I'm going to die in here. I'm going to be crushed. I cant breathe, and I struggle to suck in big breaths of oxygen.
"Help! Gally! Someone help, I'm being crushed!" I scream and try to free my arms again, but the nails dig deeper into my arms. One nail dug deep into my side, And I scream in pain. I start to hyperventilate more and my vision starts to grow black around the edges. I'm about to call out another time when the wood above my head is moved to the side and I can see the sky again. Gally's face appears above me and a look of relief crosses his face.
"Gally! Get me out of here, I'm getting crushed!" He nods and keeps taking the branches off of me, one at a time. By now other boys have joined in and I can finally move my arms. Tears start to roll down my cheeks and the second I can move my legs I jump up and throw my arms around Gally, quietly sobbing into his shirt. He looks down at me, surprised a bit and he stumbles backwards before awkwardly wrapping his arms around me.
"Hey, greenie, you okay? What happened?" he asked, looking at me with concern on his face. I sniffed and buried my head deeper into his shirt. He patted my back, and I heard the other builders murmuring to themselves. I still didn't look at them.
"Okay, okay, everything's fine. I've got you. We're gonna go find Alby and then take you to the medjacks, okay?" He said, still patting my back. I nodded into his shirt and he led me out into the open glade. I slowly lift my head up, but don't step away from Gally just yet. He leads me over to the homestead and Alby comes out, followed by Newt. They were both laughing, but the second they see me and Gally the smiles vanish and concern crosses their faces.
"Greenie? What happened?" Alby asked, running over. I buried my face in Gally's shirt again and he shook his head looking down at me. Newt ran over too, and he started to look at my arms.
"Emmy, how did you hurt yourself? Did someone do this to you?" He rubbed his finger over one of my cuts and I shook my head, burying it further in Gally's shirt.
"Hey, Greenie, you go with Newt to the medjacks, okay?" Gally said quietly. He slowly starts to untangle my arms from around him and I finally let go. My eyes widen at the blood smears on his shirt.
"Oh, Gally. Sorry about your shirt," I sniffle. Gally looks down at his stomach and shrugs.
"Hey, its fine." He said. "Now go get those arms of yours cleaned up." He said, giving me a small smile and heading over to Alby. Newt put a hand on my back.
"Come on Emmy, lets go see what Jeff and Clint can do for ya." He said, his eyebrows furrowed with concern.  We walked over to the medjack hut, and Newt wrapped an arm around my waist. I leaned into him, and put my arm around his torso. I sniffed and wiped my eyes again. I cant believe I started crying. Newt opens the door to the medjack hut and we walk inside. Jeff and Clint were looking at Josh, who was propped up on the bed looking at his leg. They both turned to me and raised an eyebrow.
"hey guys, can you give Emmy a hand. Sorry Josh but she could use some help." Jeff kept looking at josh, but Clint came over and told me to sit down. Newt sat right next to me, his arm still wrapped around my waist. They brought over a bottle of peroxide, I think. Clint dabbed it on a cloth and asked me to hold out my arm. I did, and he looked at it for a second.
"Emmy, how did you manage to get...." he paused and started to count the bloody scratches on my arm, "11 scratches." I shrugged my shoulders and he shot me a look that said he didn't believe me. He didnt question me though, and he slowly took the rag and started to dab it on my wounds. It stung so bad that my eyes started to water again and I buried my face in Newts shoulder. I tried not to make any noise, but I let out a whimper and Newt wrapped an arm around my shoulder, rubbing his hand up and down my arm.  Clint shook his head and looked at me.
"Shuck, greenie. I'm sorry if this is hurting you, but we need to clean it." I shook my head and sat up straight, wiping the tears off of my face.
"No, Clint you're doing fine. I know we have to do this, it doesn't hurt that much, I just had a panic attack kind of thing." I sniffed. Newt wrapped an arm around me tighter. I hadn't realized how much it hurt before. I was too busy panicking about being trapped to focus on the pain, and now it hurt quite a bit.
"Emmy, what did happen? You were with Gally and the builders and the next thing I know he brings you over to the homestead and you're bleeding. What happened?" Newt said quietly. I looked down at the floor and Clint continued to dab the peroxide on my cuts.
"Well, I was working on the roof, since they needed help, and one of the beams cracked. I fell through it, but luckily Gally didn't get hurt." Clint chuckled.
"Luckily? Gally could have used a wood beam to the face. It could have made him a nicer guy. Shuck, it may have even made his face better to look at." The two boys laughed quietly, and i gave a small smile. Clint took a cream off the shelf and started to put it on all of my cuts. It helped the pain a bit but they still hurt. Clint looked up at me.
"Too bad we don't have any of your aloe, huh?" He said smiling. I gave him a small smile.  He grabbed the role of gauze and started to wrap up my arms. when he was done I stood up. I had bandages wrapped from my elbows to my wrists. My shirt was blood stained and I felt like I needed to change. Newt still had an arm wrapped around me, and Clint looked me up and down.
"greenie are you sure your arms are the only thing that got hurt? You've got a lot of blood on you. More than there should be from the cuts on your arms, actually." He said. Newt unwrapped his arm from around me and stepped next to Clint, looking at me too.
"He's right Emmy, are you sure that thats it? Should we check for more cuts or something?" I shrugged and tried to take a step forward but pain shot through my side. I grimaced and the two boys looked at me.
"Greenie? You okay?" Clint said, and the two boys looked concerned at me. I nodded, but the pain didnt go away. I tried to say something but the pain got worse and and I groaned, grabbing my side. Newt rushed over and helped me sit down on the end of one of the beds. Clint came over and carefully lifted my blood stained shirt.
"What the shuck, greenie," he said. Newt and I looked down at my side, and there was a nail almost fully stuck into my side. I groan and fall back onto the bed. Newt and Clint lean over me.
"We've gotta get that out," Clint said, looking at Newt, who nods. I close my eyes. If they take that out its going to hurt like heck and I dont want them to touch it, but I know I cant leave the nail in my side.
"Newt, if she's had this nail in her side she's going to need a tetanus shot from wicked, but I don't know if they would send us one," Newt furrowed his eyebrows and started chewing on the inside of his lip. He nodded slowly.
"Well we still need to take care if it now," Clint said and Newt continued nodding. He raked a hand through his hair and turned to me.
"Emmy, can Clint pull it out," Newt said, his eyebrows furrowed again. He was looking down at me. I nodded, and he leaned over, grabbing my shoulders. I grit my teeth and look at Clint.
"I'm sorry," he said before slowly pulling the nail out of my skin. I scream and instinctively try to throw myself off the bed. It hurts so bad. Clint and Newt look like they're in pain too, and Clint continues to take the nail out of my side. I try not to cry out again but another small whimper escapes, and a tear slides down my cheek. I focus on looking at Josh, who is looking out the window. If he can handle the pain he went through yesterday, I can handle this. I focus on looking out the window just like he does, and eventually I can tell that the nail is gone. I stop squirming and lay on the bed. I hear a ping sound as Clint drops the nail onto the bed. I breathe a sigh of relief and the boys seem to relax a bit. Clint wipes his hair off of his forehead, and Clint just shakes his head and gets a towel to wipe my blood off of his hands. There isn't nearly as much as there was with josh. He sighs and turns around to get something. I dont move, just look up at Newt, and he smiles down at me. I give him a small smile back. he looks down at my stomach and frowns.
"Um, Clint? She's bleeding kinda bad," He said, the look of concern returning. Clint turns around and looks at me.
"Oh, klunk, okay. Ill go get some bandages." He said, turning around and walking out of the room. I closed my eyes and laid there on the mattress for a minute. I can feel the blood from my side dripping off of my skin and onto the mattress. After a little bit Minho comes walking into the room.
"Greenie? What the heck did you do?" He said, walking over and plopping down next to Newt. I looked at him and shrugged. He raised an eyebrow.
"Come on, I bet Newt wants to know why you were crying into Gally's shirt as much as I do." i sat up a bit, propping myself up on my elbows, even though it made my stomach bleed more.
"you were in the maze! How did you find out about that?" i asked. He scoffed.
"Um, maybe from this guy named Alby? He was there, remember." I rolled my eyes at him and he scooted his chair forward, closer to me.
"So, spill." He said, leaning over and placing his elbows on the bed next to my arm. "I mean, spill anything but more blood. Are you sure you're okay right now?" I rolled my eyes at him.
"I'm fine, Minho. Do you really need me to explain?" I asked. He nodded, and I sighed.
"I was helping the builders, okay? Like i was told to by Alby. I was on the roof, helping them nail it together, when I heard something crack. Gally had gone to use the bathroom and the other boys were on a break. i asked them to help me get down, and they tried. Gally came back from his break, he started to walk under the roof, so I called out to him. I told him to move, and he did. Then the roof collapsed, with me on top of it. Basically I panicked, because, you know, I'm claustrophobic. I was in a small little pocket where I could basically only move my head, and I panicked. Bad. I couldn't breathe and I almost blacked out and I was just terrified. I guess I just needed some help from Gally. I didn't even realize  I was hurt until I got back here." I said. tilting my head to the side. "You happy now, shuckface?" I told Minho. He looked at me and ran a hand through his hair.
"It sounds like the builders should have made a better roof before they put you on top of it." He said, "Those builders are shucking idiots." He said, and I smiled.
"Bloody, shucking idiots." Newt said, and I nodded. A small voice interrupted from the other side of the room.
"Um, hello? Hi, my name's josh, nice to meet you. I'm a builder so..." We all laughed for a bit and then Clint came back in with the gauze. "Alright you two," he said, motioning to Newt and Minho, "Help her stand up so we wrap that stomach of hers." Clint ordered and they stood up,  each of them took one of my arms and helped me up off the bed. My side hurt quite a bit, but it was manageable. I stood up and Clint walked forward.
"Arms up," he said, and I lifted my arms away from my side so he could wrap it up. He quickly wiped it down with a cold washcloth so there wasnt as much blood and I flinched. He cleaned off the blood and started to wrap the bandage around me. When he was done I pulled my shirt back down to cover it up.
"Okay, all good," He says, and looks me up and down, "Okay, well greenie, your wounds weren't that bad. I mean pain wise it could have been bad, but damage wise, there's not much to worry about. Just take it easy for a bit okay? Dont do too many tasks that involve moving your stomach. No bending over in the gardens, no climbing trees, no running in the maze." He said. My mouth dropped open.
"What? No, I cant just sit around all day, I'll go insane!" I said. he shrugged.
"Look, its just for a few days. If you cant sit still and you have to run, run around the glade for a bit, but not through the maze. And jog, no sprinting for a while." I sigh and look at the ground.
"Fine," I say in a small voice. I thank Clint for helping me with the cuts, and I head back out to the glade.

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