Chapter 49: The End

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It's been an hour since I left my spot in the wall. The pressure building up in my chest is unbearable. The stress of the running, and the worry in my mind makes it feel like I'm running with a cement block strapped to my back. The constant shrieks of the grievers nearby don't help either. I've already encountered one once, but i lost it. It's not too hard nowadays. I'm faster than they are. At least, I normally am.
I think I have about half an hour of running until I'm safe in the glade.

But nothing Is that easy is it.

Because as soon as I turned the next corner, there was yet another shucking griever.

"Oh come on." I muttered to myself before turning the other way. The griever shrieked and ran after me.


Shuck everything.

And then things just got worse.

Clumsy old me just tripped. Not a full on trip, but enough to slow me down and to make me lose my balance.

And I dropped my dagger. The one from Newt.

I stopped, turning back around to face the griever. Stupid, I know.

I spotted the dagger, which was sitting in the middle of the corridor in front of the griever, of course. I sighed and took a running start. The griever shrieked again and I ducked under one of its legs, grabbing the dagger and running between another pair of its robot claws, one of which caught my side, tearing through the fabric, and my skin. I yelped unintentionally and grabbed my side, but kept running.

On the bright side, now the griever isn't blocking my way to the glade. I guess.

I kept running, one hand glued to my side, and the other one clutching the dagger.

And then I heard the doors start to open.

I couldn't even hide the smile that crept onto my face. Yes, I'm not completely uninjured, but I'm pretty much back to the glade. Just a few more turns and I'll be there.

Back to Newt.

The griever started to catch up, so I just started running faster. I could hear the metal legs hitting the concrete.

And then the sounds stopped. Dead silence. I figured I lost the machine thing and kept jogging along, without the same sense of urgency as before. Grievers aren't stupid enough to trick me so what's the point of worrying about it.

And then I turned the corner and saw the doors to the glade, with a few of the boys looking through into the maze. Alby was trying to clear the crowd away. Gally looked really mad. Newt looked about to cry, and Minho was talking to him about something.

"Hey! Why do you look so sad?" I shouted, waiting for them to react as my voice echoed down the long hallway. I started to smile as I neared the glade. Newt's eyes shot up from the spot they had been focused on in the grass.

"Emmy?" He said, and all of the other boys ran closer to the door, with Newt and Minho front and center.

"Come on! Hurry up!" All of the boys started screaming. They kept shouting, louder and louder, until I couldn't even figure out what they were saying. They all seemed impatient, beckoning me forward with their outstretched hands. I couldn't tell what they were saying.

"What?" I said, more to myself. I put my hand over my ears and was able to make out Minho's voice over everyone else's.

"EMMY. THERES A GRIEVER!" He screamed. I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach as I turned around. The griever was right behind me, making its way down the corridor. I turned and sprinted to the glade as fast as I could.

"COME ON! RUN FASTER!" I heard someone scream. I was so close to the open doors. If I make it to the glade, WICKED said I'll be safe. I tried to ignore the thumping of the griever behind me and focused on my running. And then I was a few feet away from the glade, and everyone in it.

Until I felt a sharp pain in my ribs.

"No!" I heard a familiar voice, which I immediately recognized as Newt.

And then I looked down.

And saw the griever leg sticking out through my stomach. Red blood quickly started seeping through my shirt. The next thing I know I was falling, and I was grabbed by Newt and Minho and yanked into the grass.

I saw the griever scurry away, but by that point I was starting to space out.

"Emmy?! Emmy, look at me." Newt said, and that's when it finally registered in my brain that I was laying in the grass, my head on his lap.

"It's okay. It's okay, we can fix this." He said, tears welling up in his eyes.

I'm dying.

"We can fix this, okay? We have medicine...yo-you'll be fine."

"It won't work." I said quietly. He wasn't fooling me.

"No, won't-I mean..." he paused looking around.

"WHERE ARE THE BLOODY MEDJACKS" he shouted, his voice cracking. Minho shook his head.

"It doesn't matter." He mumbled. Newt started crying, one of his tears landing on my cheek.

I grabbed his hand, trying to get his attention.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." Newt choked out between sobs.

And then my vision faded out to black.

Life In The Glade//TMR Newt FanficWhere stories live. Discover now