Chapter 28-Minho and Newt

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"Em? Do you want to go back to your room? I can watch him for a  bit." A soft voice asked. I sat up, slowly, looking up to Minho. His hand was rested on my shoulder, and he kept glancing over at Newt. Crud, I guess I fell asleep. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, leaning back in my chair. My neck ached, probably from where Tyler had strangled me.

"Hm, Min? How long was I asleep?" I yawned again, my eyes feeling heavy. Minho rubbed the back of his neck.

"I don't know, an hour? Two? Why don't you go back to your room. I'll watch him." He patted my shoulder and I frowned.

"But you have to run tomorrow, don't you?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nah, Newt's one of my closest friends. I'm staying here tomorrow." He said he'd, glancing to look at the British boy sprawled on the bed. That makes sense, actually. He looked almost as worried as I was. I nodded, and he helped me stand up.

"I just-" I stopped to yawn. "I don't want to go too far if something happens to him. Do you think the medjacks will mind if I sleep on the extra bed tonight?" I said quietly. Minho shook his head.

"I don't think they'll mind at all. Go sleep, you need it. If anything happens, I'll wake you up, okay?" He said. I nodded and gave him a small smile.

"Thanks Min. Wake me up if you get tired." I yawned, and laid down on the extra bed. The mattress creaked a bit and I rolled my eyes, but tucked my hands into sweater pockets and curled up. My hair was still damp from earlier and it was cold, making me shiver. Minho sat down in the chair next to Newt, folding his hands under his chin.

"You got it Em." He said. I curled up on my side and fell asleep.

{Minho's POV}

Shuck, I can't believe this is happening. Not only did Tyler hurt Newt, but he hurt Emmy too. Not just physically either, she's blaming herself for what happened to Newt. I swear, when I get my hands on Tyler, he'll wish he never came to the glade. He'll wish he had ran off into the maze tonight. Death by griever might be nicer than death by me and Gally at this point. I mean, who the shuck does greenie think he is? Showing up in the glade, hurting my best friend, and the girl I like. The girl who already has feelings for Newt, but I can't stop thinking about? I mean, I know it'll probably never happen, and I'm really happy for Newt and her, but it kinda hurts. I'm sure I'll get over it eventually, but right now, I want to kill Tyler. He hurt both of them, and now I'm going to hurt him. Newt could have a concussion, and Clint said he may have multiple cracked ribs. That doesn't even count all the emotional damage Tyler's done to them. I mean, he tied them to a shucking tree! He almost killed her, and made him watch, then beat him up and made her watch. I wouldn't be surprised if they kill the greenie before I even get to touch him. Maybe I'll keep him alive, let them bash his front teeth in, and then I'll crack some of his ribs. Is that too violent? Nah.......well, maybe. Maybe we'll just tie him to maze wall and give the grievers an all-you-can-eat green bean buffet. Whatever, as long as Tyler gets what he deserves, and Newt wakes up, I'll be fine. I haven't heard anything about Caleb though, and I can only imagine the kind of guilt he's feeling. He ran off in the opposite direction as Tyler, so he's probably stuck in some tree somewhere, crying his lungs out. Oh well, shank deserves what he got. He should have known better than to mess with us. I leaned forward, letting my head rest on the mattress. Whatever happens, I'll protect both of them, until I die.

{Emmy's POV}

When I woke up the next morning, the sunlight was just starting to peek it's way through the windows into the dark, gloomy room. Someone out a blanket over me while I slept, and i immediately had my suspicions that it was the sarcastic, muscular runner I had talked to last night. I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed, my back stiff. Whatever Tyler did to me when he tried to drown me really messed me up. My entire body ached, and I could feel the bruise where he slammed me into the metal bucket. Whatever I'm feeling though, Newts going to feel a lot worse. I glanced around the room, my eyes settling on Newt and Minho. Minho was asleep at the side of Newt's bed, his head resting on his arms, his head turned just slightly to me so I could see his face, and his hair was a bit messed up. I smiled, knowing he always tried to make sure his hair was perfect, and now I got to see it all tousled. I sat down on the bed next to Newt's legs, and shook Minho's shoulder just a bit. He stirred in his sleep and groaned.

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