Chapter 29-Newt wakes up

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I was walking down to the kitchen when I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I spun around to see Gally.
"Hey Emmy, whatcha doing?" He asked, starting to walk beside me.
"I'm just going to get some breakfast for Minho," I explain and start walking.
"Oh. Cool. How's Newt doing?" Gally asked, clearing his throat. We both started walking towards the kitchen, the usual swarm of boys heading towards the door.
"I think he's doing okay. We're not sure exactly how bad Tyler hurt his ribs, since we can't tell if he's pain or not, but he doesn't have any internal bleeding, and it seems like their wasn't too much traumatic damage to the head, so he should be fine. Plus, he doesn't have any internal hemorrhages like we thought he would, so-" I was cut off by Gally putting a hand over my mouth.
"Okay, slow down, there. I'm not a medjack, can you explain the klunk that just came out of your mouth?" He said. I glanced down at the ground.
"Oh, uh, sorry. I didn't mean to ramble. Basically, he doesn't have any internal bleeding, or a concussion as far as we know." I explained again. Gally looked back at me blankly.
"So...that's good, right?" He asked. I rolled my eyes and sighed, but couldn't help the small smile that crept onto my face.
"Yes, it's good, shuckface. It means he should wake up soon, since there wasn't any serious damage." I said, poking his chest lightly.
"Good that. You really belong as a medjack though, Em. I have no idea what half of what you just said was." He said, and we both started laughing.
"I wouldn't expect you to understand what I just said. Clint and Jeff barely do, so." I said, looking down at the ground and putting my hands in my pockets while we walked.
"Wait, really?" Gally asked, pushing the door to the kitchen open and following me inside.
"Yeah. The boys know how to check for basic injuries and stuff, but everything I say goes in one ear, and out the other." I motioned to my head, and Gally chuckled. He led me towards the counter that Frypan was standing behind.
"Hey Gally, Em. Whatcha laughing about?" He asked, scooping some eggs and potatoes onto a plate. I glanced up at Gally and shrugged.
"Oh, ya know, how stupid this shank is." I teased, poking him in the arm. Gally rolled his eyes.
"Shut up, shank." He tousled my hair a bit and we started laughing again.
"Wow, I can't believe you can laugh right now Em. I mean, with Newt and all." He glanced up at me, before shifting his gaze back to our plates.
"Actually, I'm in a good mood today. Newt's doing surprisingly well, so I'm not super worried about him. I mean, I feel awful, don't get me wrong, but I know he's tough, he'll be fine." I said, biting my lip. Frypan nodded.
"Well, when he wakes up, come back down here, and I'll give you some soup or something for him." He said, looking down at me as he pressed two plates into my hand, and one in Gally's. I nodded and turned to walk back when I stopped.
"Wait, how did you know I was gonna-"
"Ask for a plate for Minho? He didn't come down to breakfast this morning, and I know you. You wouldn't let him go without eating." He paused and started to plate up another glader's breakfast.
"I can tell that kind of thing. You're not the only observant one around here." Frypan said, smiling and giving me a small wink. I smiled and shook my head.
"Yeah, I guess you do know me. Thanks Fry," I called over my shoulder as we turned to head out. Gally turned and went to sit down at the tables, while I walked back to the medjack hut.

"Min, I brought you breakfast." I called in a sing-songy voice, pushing the door to the hut open.
"Mmph." He mumbled, still sitting next to the bed. He was leaned back in his chair, but he had his arm propped up on the side, and was resting his chin on his palm. Newt was still asleep, but this time Minho seemed completely awake. He was looking up at the British boy, and turned to look at me when I walked in.
"Oh. Hey Emmy. Thanks." He smiled a bit, his arm falling to his side. As he stood up and walked over to me, taking the food from my hands. I pulled over a chair and we both sat down with our plates, not saying much. I watched the rise and fall of Newt's chest while I ate some of my scrambled eggs. Minho finished his food before I was even half done, and set the plate on the floor next to him. The fork fell off and landed in the dirt, but he leaned back and sat in his chair, taking the same position he had been in before.
"So, you think he'll be alright?" He said finally. I stopped eating my breakfast and turned to look at him.
"What?" I asked. He gestured to Newt slightly.
"You know, you think he'll be alright?" He asked again. I nodded, setting my fork onto my plate.
"Oh, uh, yeah, I do. I think he'll be fine. Why do you ask?" I glanced at Minho, who was rubbing the toe of his boot in the dirt.
"Well, it's just..." He stopped and raked a hand through his hair, before sighing. "I've seen him go through something like this before, I just want to make sure he'll make it through this too." Minho said quietly.
"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked, setting my plate down and leaning towards him. "What do you mean he's been through something like this before?" I studied his face, searching for any clue as to what he was talking about.
"I-uh...shuck. I shouldn't have said anything." He mumbled, rubbing his face with his hands. I felt my eyebrows scrunch up.
"You tell me right now. What happened to Newt?" I ordered. He turned to look at me, and I thought I saw his eyes moisten with tears. He shook his hand and glanced back down at the ground.
"Minho, please." I said, a bit softer. His glance traveled back up to me, slowly.
"Fine....a while ago, Newt-" He was cut off by a groan. Both of us turned to see Newt, who was moving around a bit on the mattress. Minho and I jumped to our feet, and hurried over to Newt. His eyes darted around under his eyelids and he shifted around a bit. I glanced up at Minho, who had a look of relief on his face, and I felt the same way. I looked back down at Newt, who's eyelids slowly opened. I sat down on the bed next to his side, and Minho sat next to his legs.
"Hey," I said quietly. Newt's eyes slowly focused on me and I smiled.
"Hey," He said. His voice was so weak and scratchy it made my heart hurt.
"Hey man, how are you doing?" Minho asked, patting his knee. Newt closed his eyes again and shifted so his hand was laying on his chest.
"Everything bloody hurts." He mumbled. Me and Minho both smiled a bit, and so did Newt.
"Ya scared the klunk outta me, man." Minho said. Newt chuckled a bit, even though it was hoarse.
"Come on, man. You know me. You of all people should know that ya can't get rid of me this easily." He muttered. I smiled and grabbed Newt's hand, rubbing small circles on his wrist with my thumb.
"Em, ya got any meds I can take? My head's killing me." Newt asked. I nodded and stood up, a bit hesitantly, but if it helped Newt feel better, I would find something for him. I walked over to the shelf of pills, and started searching for some medicine. No, not Hyoscyamine...not hydroxyzine. Definitely not Theophylline, phenylephrine, scopolamine...aha! Finally, I found the bottle of Ibuprofen. I grabbed a few and brought them back to Newt. I nudged Minho in the shoulder.
"Hey, I need your help, okay?" I asked. He nodded and followed me over next to Newt.
"Okay, Newt, we're gonna sit you up, okay?" I asked. He nodded and I motioned to Minho, who walked around the bed to the other side. He slipped his arm around Newt's shoulders and turned to look at me. I nodded and the two of us sat him up, Newt crying out a bit. We finally got him sitting up, and Minho let him lean on his shoulder.
"Bloody hell that hurt." He whimpered, an arm automatically moving to cover his chest. He took a deep breath and looked up at me, his brown eyes making my heart leap, but also feel like it's been trampled on by Gally and all the other gladers. I handed him the pill and the bottle, which he took quickly. Minho let him lay back down, which also seemed to hurt him quite a bit. When he was laying down, he looked over at me.
"Em, can you lay with me? I'm so tired." He mumbled. I nodded. I knew exactly what that was like, and how ironic the situation was. Minho smiled a bit, then slowly turned to leave. I curled up next to Newt on the bed, but I made sure to stay away from his torso. The last thing he needed was me to accidentally hurt him more than he already was. Newt drifted back off to sleep, me laying next to him. I started to play with his hair. I mean, even now, it's so soft, how could I not? I twirled it around my finger, glad that Newt was okay, but what Minho had said earlier still ran through my thoughts. I pushed it to the side and focused on Newt being okay. I listened to his rhythmic breathing, and soon we were both asleep.

(A/N) So, what'd you guys do for April fools day? My brothers hate the maze runner, so I pulled a whole bunch of maze runner pranks on them. I cut out a TON of pictures of the cast's face, and stuck them on every picture of our family I could find. Then, I wrote all the quotes I could think of in dry erase marker on all of the mirrors. I died our milk green, and labeled it "WICKED CERTIFIED GRIEVER VENOM" and put it in the fridge, and I changed all of their lock screens to a picture of Newt, with the caption
"Happy April fools day! I hope you're Newt mad!" Anyways, it wasn't really a great prank, but their faces were priceless. Whatever, have a great day my little griever hedgehogs!

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