Chapter 48: The last day

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The next morning was the hardest thing I'd ever done. I didn't fall asleep at all last night, so finding willpower to stand up was a miracle in itself. Al I really wanted to do was lay in bed all day and cry.

But I had to say goodbye. They didn't tell me when or how I would be dying today. I could slip on a patch of mud, get hit in the head by a falling tree branch, killed by a griever, who really knows. All i knew is that I didn't want to have anything I'd regret later. I wanted to settle any arguments, and make sure I left with a clear conscience. At least, as clear as I can make it.

I'm supposed to go running.

I can say goodbye to everyone and sneak away when the moment is right. No pain, no blood, no regrets for everyone else. I wish I could just not go, but I know if I don't WICKED will find a way to kill me anyways. So, I was dressed in running boots and shorts in a few minutes after I woke up. Having to resist the urge to wrap myself up in a cocoon of blankets and ignore the world now was difficult, but I managed. I threw open the door and marched down to breakfast.

"Hey Em. Toast and orange juice this morning?" Fry said, putting a plate on the counter in front of me.
"Yeah, sure. Sounds great."  I said, scooping it up and walking over to my usual table. Minho and Newt were there, Minho's plate covered in food which he was already shoveling into his mouth. I set my plate down in between them, and sat down onto the bench.

"Hey love." Newt said, his mouth full of food as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I started to nibble on the toast, but I wasn't hungry.
"Ready for another day of running?" Minho asked. I nodded and he smiled, which showed the toast in his mouth.
"Cool. We;re gonna split up today, cover more ground. Ben is sick today, can't go running so I'll be taking his shift." Minho said quickly, before chugging his orange juice.
"Yeah. Okay. I can do our route by ourself." I said, nodding. Minho smiled and pointed at me.
"That's why you're my favorite. No complaining at all from you." He said, standing up with his plate and walking it over to Frypan.
"Did you sleep okay Emmy? You look exhausted." Newt said, brushing some hair behind my ear.
"Yeah. Yeah I got some. It just wasn't enough." I said, drinking some more orange juice.
"Well do you want to go back to bed?" He said, tossing his napkin onto his empty plate. I yawned and shook my head.
"No, I'm good. Just a little tired is all." I said. He nodded and we both stood up, tossing our empty plates onto the counter before following Minho out into the glade.
Gally was marching out of the homestead and towards the kitchen.
"Hey Gally, can you do me a favor?" I asked, calling over to him. Gally stopped in his tracks and looked over towards me.
"Yeah, whats up?" He shouted back. I looked at Newt and then back at him.
"I have a feeling I'm gonna be late to the bonfire. Save me a fight?" I said. Gally nodded and smiled.
"You got it." He said, before turning and walking off. Newt looked down at me with a really confused look.
"What do you mean you'll be late? You're always back in time for the bonfire. We do it after dark." Newt said. I nodded slowly, my mind racing.
", yeah. I think I'm going to take a nap after I get back from running." I said. Newt paused, looking at me.
"Okay. Sounds like a good idea." He said, shrugging his shoulders. We kept walking towards the doors.
"You ready Em?" Minho said, stretching his legs.
"Yeah. Just give me a second." I said, waving him away. The second he was gone I pulled Newt into a long hug. That was when I realized that this might be the last time I ever saw him. I stayed there for a moment, trying to memorize little details about him, like the way he smelled and the sound of his heartbeat. I held him in a hug for too long, and probably held him too tight. It must have made him suspicious, but I honestly didn't care. WICKED wont let him remember this anyways, so I guess it doesn't really matter.
"Emmy, not that I don't love hugging you and all, but don't you need to go?" Newt said finally. I pulled away slowly, looking up at him.
" Yeah. I should really do that." I paused, taking one last look at his brown eyes and blonde hair. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat and blinked back the tears in my eyes. "Okay, I should go. I'll see you later, okay?" I said quietly, giving Newt one last quick kiss. It was over too soon though, and Minho grabbed my arm, dragging me into the maze before I could even finish saying goodbye. I would figure this out later, back in the wicked compound, but at that moment, Newt sat by the doors, watching me go. If I had waited for 10 more seconds I would have heard him mutter the sentence I had wanted to hear for months.

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