Sequel is up!

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Okay, so I just saw the death cure, and I hate to say it, but I had fallen out of love with the maze runner for a while there. There was such a break between movies, and it got to the point where I was just waiting for the new one, and I got interested in other things instead. But, I just saw the death cure. Bottom line, I'm in love again. Thomas Brodie-sangster was, for lack of a better term, bloody brilliant. His acting was amazing and, i fell in love with the series all over again. Newt will always hold a place in my heart, even though that sounds a little creepy. He deserves better than the books and movies give him. I feel bad that it waited so long, but you guys got this story to 10k and the number is still growing. So here it is, to anyone that is still reading this. I doubt anyone is, since its been forever since I ended the story. (Also, there was a problem with my wifi, so it uploaded without the last paragraph for some reason. I found out a month later and felt awful.) Anyways, here you go for everyone that is in love with Newt and the gladers once again. (Drumroll please)Life in paradise! Aka: part two of the story. Please go check it out, but understand that since it's after the books take place, I'll be coming up with my own storyline, so i wont be updating as frequently. Please check it out!

 Please check it out!

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