Chapter 16-WICKED

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I woke up sitting on a white bed, with tubes sticking out of my arms. I looked around the room. There were no windows, and the walls were stark-white. There were machines showing my heart rate and other vital signs, and a glass pane replaced where the fourth wall should be. I tried to stand up but there was a belt holding my midsection in place. I looked down at my body, I wasnt wearing my clothes from the glade anymore. I was wearing a white silk blouse and white jeans. Even my sneakers were gone and replaced with white converse shoes. I pulled the tubes out of my arms and smoothed down my shirt. Then, I unbuckled the belt that was strapped around my stomach and swung my legs over the side of the bed. I set my feet on the ground and stood up, bracing myself for some hint of pain in my stomach or leg, but there wasnt any. I lifted up my shirt to check for a mark from the nail, but my skin was smooth and flat, no mark to be seen. I dropped my shirt down and ran a finger over my forearm, where I should have had a cut, but there was no mark. Was I dreaming? I couldn't have been, it was so real. I felt pain, and I...I kissed Newt. I ran in the maze, and became friends with the boys...there's no way it was all a dream, right? I walked over towards the glass wall and slowly reached up to open the door. I twisted the handle and it clicked, swinging the door open slowly. I looked out into a hall, and I was greeted by a long corridor of rooms, similar to mine. I walked over to the nearest window and cupped my hands, looking through the glass. A girl was lying in the bed, just like I had been moments before. She had beautiful curly red hair that came down almost to her waist and freckles across her nose. I closed the door and walked across the hallway. There were rooms on both sides of the hallway, and I walked across to the one opposite of the red haired girl. I peered through the glass and saw a familiar boy laying on the bed. I opened the door and rushed into the room.
"Josh?" I whispered before walking over to the bed next to him. He was wearing a clean white t-shirt and very light grey jeans. I put a hand over my mouth and gasped.
"We're not dead, are we?" I muttered under my breath.
"No, Emmy. You're not dead. The complete opposite, in fact." I jumped a bit when I heard a voice behind me and turned to see an older woman in a white suit. She had her hair pulled into a tight bun and it seemed to pull her face back with it. She motioned me out of the room with josh and I followed her out, a bit hesitantly. She pressed a button on the door and the glass turned opaque, and I couldnt see josh anymore. I turned to face her and she walked in a circle around me. She nodded and put her hands behind her back, and she looked me up and down as she went.
"Still one of the best subjects we have," She said quietly, almost as if she was talking to herself. She stopped in front of me and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Now, I understand you must be a bit confused. There is a lot I must explain to you. Follow me please." She turned on her heel and started to walk away. I took one last look down the hallway, wondering who else was in the rooms. I promised myself I would check later and walked the opposite way, following the woman. She led me down through the hallway, and all I saw were empty rooms. I knew there were people the other way, but there was nobody in these rooms. I opened my mouth to ask her why there was nobody in there when she slid a card through a machine next to a door, there was a click, and the door slid open. She walked through and I followed, glancing back at the rooms that may have contained my friends as I walked through. The door clicked shut and I turned back around to the woman, but saw a group of people that looked my age staring at me. I looked at each of them and a few of them smiled. The woman ushered me past them and I followed, but I wanted to talk to some of them. A few looked kind of familiar to me. She led me to a small room that had a table in the middle. She sat on one side and motioned for me to sit on the other. I sat down. The bleak walls made me shiver a bit and I looked back at the woman. She had a stack of papers set on the table in front of her and she started to shuffle through them, looking up at me every few moments. She mumbled under her breath but I couldnt hear what she said. She looked up at me.
"So, how is Newton doing?" She said, setting the papers down on the table. I looked behind me, not sure who she was talking about exactly. Maybe she was asking someone else? I looked around but was greeted only by another clean, white wall. I turned back to face her.
"Um...Newton?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. The woman nodded and began to shuffle through the papers again.
"Yes, Newton. Or, as he prefers to be called, Newt." She looked up at me and I nodded.
"Oh, he's um," I cleared my throat. "He's doing pretty good." I looked around the room, wanting to escape this conversation.
"Good, good. And how is Minho?" She asked, not looking at me. I nodded again and shrugged.
"He seems to be doing good." I paused and looked up at her. "Why are you asking me all these questions? Where am I?" I asked. She organized the papers and set them down in front of her.
"How is Albert doing?" She asked, ignoring my question. I shot her a glare and leaned back in my chair.
"Alby? He's fine. Now where am I?" I asked, folding my arms over my chest. She shuffled through her papers again and began to ask a question.
"How is Galil-"
"Where am I?" I interrupted her. She sighed.
"Are they close to solving the ma-"
"" I interrupted her again. I glared at her and felt my jaw tense up. She let out an exasperated sigh and dropped the paper onto the desk again.
"I would recommend you stop interrupting me. You have no idea who I am, do you?" The woman asked, getting up out of her chair and leaning over the table, her palms pressed against the metal surface. I glared at her but my heart skipped a beat. She sighed and sat back down in her chair.
"Look, Emmy, you're important to us. You weren't supposed to enter the maze, but you were too bright not to play a big role in the maze trials. The truth is, the boys in group A were not living up to their full potential. They were surviving, yes, but they didnt know everything. You were an observant child. You knew everyone's name, you knew when they were lying. You could figure out someone's weak spot and what to do to take advantage of it in a minute flat. We put you in one class about plants and you had memorized the book before lunch. We put you through a test maze and you memorized it almost immediately. You had a gift, and the boys in group A needed that." She paused, letting me process the information. My mind was reeling at 100 miles per minute. The woman takes a deep breath and looks down at me again.
"You were sent into the maze because we wanted you to spread your ideas with the boys. The second we were happy with their progress we were planning on removing you from the maze trials. We decided to talk to you about it before we put that part of the plan into action. Do you understand me?" The woman looked down at me but I couldnt think straight. I wasnt supposed to be in the maze? What about the boys? Why would they do that, and why was I the only girl? The woman started talking again.
"Look, the thing is, when we remove you from the maze trials, we will be wiping the other subjects memory. Or, at least, you from it." Her words hit me like a punch to the chest.
"Wait....what?" I said quietly, looking up at the woman.
"You heard me correctly. When you are removed from the maze trials, they will forget you. It will be like you never existed." The woman said. I felt like the air got knocked out of my lungs.
"What do you mean they'll forget me. First you wipe my memories, send me up in the box, I wake up having no idea where I am, surrounded by boys, I finally start to fit in, and you shucking tell me that they'll forget me!" I stood up, my fists tightening into fists at my sides. The woman nodded.
"Yes." I kicked the table.
"How shucking dare you! I've made friends in the maze! You don't just get to do that!" I screamed, walking over and kicking the wall, leaving an indent in its perfect, white, plaster. The woman gritted her teeth and looked at me. I turned back to look at her, running a hand through my hair.
"You mean to tell me that you're erasing me from my friends memory soon, and theres nothing I can do?" I turned to her, my hands back in fists at my sides. She sighed.
"How many times do I have to go over this. Yes, they will forget you. That is, until they die." She said it so calmly. Like it didn't matter what happened to my friends. I practically shrieked.
"What!? Until they die?!" The woman nodded.
"Oh, yes, don't you remember yet?" She asked. I wanted to punch her in her perfectly symmetrical teeth. I shook my head and she sighed, standing up from the table.
"Okay, follow me, we have some explaining to do." The woman led me to the door and opened it, but not before I kicked another hole in the wall.
"Can you....please....stop that." The woman muttered through her gritted teeth. I rolled my eyes.
"What can I say, the walls look better this way." I kicked the wall again and followed her out through the door. She led me back, past the group of teens that smiled at me as I walked by. A few waved but I gritted my teeth and kept walking, wanting to get back to my friends as soon as possible. The woman led me out to the door we walked through earlier, and slid her card through the machine again. We walked back out to the hallway I woke up in, but she walked right past my room. I looked through the glass as we walked, and saw a few familiar faces laying in the chairs. I saw Gally, and Jeff. We walked a bit farther and I saw Alby and Frypan. We kept walking. I ran over to a window and pressed my hands to the glass.
"Minho," I whispered. The bulky Asian boy tied down to the bed in a white polo shirt and pants. His hair was stuck up in his usual style, but every hair was perfectly in place. The woman grabbed my elbow and pulled me along, but I didnt take my eyes off of his room until it was out of sight. I turned to look at her, digging my heels into the ground so she wouldnt make me move any more.
"Why are they here? We were all in the maze, why am I here?!" I asked her. She grabbed my arm and kept walking.
"NO!" I yelled. I ripped my arm from her grasp and looked her dead in the eyes.
"Give me answers, now." The woman shook her head.
"You are a piece of work, you know that? I'm trying to show you, so listen carefully. You aren't actually in the maze. Your mind is, but your body is here. You don't really think we made an entire maze, just to watch your brains, do you? It's all in your head. Why would we kill you all off if you're the cure?!" She set her mouth in a grim line.
"Now, shut up, and follow me." The woman said. Grabbing my arm again. My mind was whirling around. She led me over to a room, and I looked over to see a familiar boy with tousled blonde hair. My heart stopped.
"Newt," I whispered, putting my hand up to cover my mouth. He had tubes sticking out of him, and his eyes were closed. He looked just like everyone else, the standard white clothes, his body buckled to the bed. My eyes started to water. What were they doing to us? I had seen everyone else in the same condition, but the medical tubes looked painful with him. His eyebrows were creased and his eyes moved around under his eyelids. He was thinking, or seeing something in his brain. I just wanted him to sit up, to smile, to tell me things were okay. But he didn't move. He sat on the tables, limp, just like everyone else. The only sign that we was alive was the screen showing his heart rate, the steady moving of his eyes, and the rise and fall of his chest. The woman came up behind me.
"He's fine, Emmy. He's in the maze, remember. In fact, we know exactly what's happening right now. Would you care to see?" She asked, taking my arm and dragging me down the hallway. There was a room at the end but of the hall and the lady swiped her card in the machine before pushing me into the room and walking in behind me. She walked up beside me and pointed to the big tv screens mounted to the walls.
"This is what is happening, right now, in your friends minds." The woman said, gesturing to a screen mounted on the wall to my right. I stepped towards it and the woman walked to the middle of the room, where a table covered in computers sat. She clicked a few buttons and the image changed, to a place I knew well. It showed the inside of the medjacks hut. My body was laying on a bed, bleeding. Clint, Jeff, Minho, Gally and Newt stood above me, and they were busy doing something. Minho and Clint were wrapping up my forearm, Gally was holding my shin, and Jeff was attempting to sew up the massive slice above my knee. Newt was standing next to him, his hands putting pressure on my thigh to help control the bleeding. His eyes were pink and puffy and he kept looking up at my face. Minho, Newt and the others all had creases in their foreheads as they worked, trying to stop the blood coming out of my body. After a minute they finished sewing up my wounds and they all took a step back. There was blood everywhere, especially on their hands. Minho and Gally were apparently a bit squeamish. They looked at their hands and turned a shade of green before turning away to wipe off the blood. Newt just stood next to the bed, looking at his hands. They were red. He slumped down into a chair and looked at the ground. After a while he turned to the medjacks.
"Will she be alright?" He asked. His voice was deep and scratchy, like he was shouting, but I was glad to hear it. Just hearing his voice for a second comforted me. The two medjacks looked at each other and shook their head.
"I don't know, man. She's I'm bad shape. We'll have to wait it out and see." Newt turned a shade paler than before, if that was possible, and leaned forward, putting his head in his bloodstained hands. The image flashed away and was gone. I was still standing in the room, with the woman behind me.
"Now do you believe me," she said quietly, setting her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and felt a tear escape down my cheek. I crossed my arms over my chest and tried not to cry but the tears came. I started sobbing. I wanted my friends.
"Why am I here." I sobbed. "What do you want from me?" My hair fell in my face, sticking to my face from the tears.
"I want you to do what I ask of you." She whispered in my ear. I shuddered but nodded, hugging my arm closer to my chest.
"What do you want me to do," I sobbed. The woman scoffed and whispered in my ear quietly.
"I want you to die. Teach them what we need them to know and then die. We'll record the brain signals and then make them forget it ever happened. We need Teresa to be the first girl after all." She pulled away and more tears fell from my cheeks.
"Can...can I got back to my friends now," I said between sobs. The woman shook her head.
", not yet. You need to learn more before we send you back. You've already made mistakes we can't afford right now." She grabbed my arm again and started to drag me back down the hallway. We passed Newts room and his heart rate was higher. His eyes were moving around quicker now and his eyebrows were furrowed more than I had ever seen. I screamed and tried to throw myself at the glass blocking me from him, but the woman held onto my arm. She shouted down the hallway and a young boy walked down the hallway with a syringe. He looked sorry for me, but then he jabbed the needle into my arm and I blacked out.

(A/N) okay, wow. That was intense to write. So, basically, the reason I'm doing this is I want Emmy to be a character that could actually be in the maze runner series. Well, not like, in James dashners book, but I like the idea of her fitting in with the plot, not changing the story like some fanfics do. But annnyyywwayyys. There are still two spots open for a custom character. I was planning on introducing them in the next chapter so if you would like to create a character that would be a part of this story, message me and give me a description of them! Okay, well, yeah. Here's this chapter a bit early cuz I was too excited to wait!

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