Chapter 14-The maze

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"Greenie, are you okay?" Minho asked as I sat down in the chair next to him and Newt grabbed my hand under the table. The two boys looked at me, both of them eating the pork and green beans on the table in front of them. I nodded and straightened my hair, pulling it back into a ponytail while I talked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit tired," I lied, trying to hide the anticipation of running that had plagued my mind. I kept putting my hair back into the ponytail, until the hair tie snapped in half.
"Shuck," I said, letting my hair back down and tossing the hair band onto the ground.
"So, what happened today?" I asked, taking a bite of the food myself. Minho wiped his face with the back of his hand and shrugged.
"I dont know about everyone else, but I was pretty bored running in the maze. I cant believe you cant run for a week greenie, it was really fun running with you. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, but my stomach was doing somersaults again.
"well, I mean, I feel completely fine. I could probably go running tomorrow." I said, trying to appear casual. Minho smiled and took another bite of food, nodding, but Newt shook his head.
"Not happening greenie, Medjacks said a week. We take runner's injuries pretty seriously." I waved my hand through the air, acting confused.
"But Josh can go back to being a builder in two days, and he got hurt more than I did." I sighed and took another bite of my dinner.
"Yeah, he can, because he didnt get stabbed in the stomach, and he's not going to be running all day. he hits things with a hammer and thats about it." Newt said, gently squeezing my hand under the table. I nodded and kept eating, suddenly not in the mood to talk anymore. After I finished I stood up, brought my plate to the kitchen, and walked back to my room, leaving Newt and Minho at the table, both of them looking back at me confused.

I headed back to the homestead and slammed my door shut, but I didnt stay in my room. I just wanted them to think I was in my room, but I was going for a run. Not in the maze, but just around the glade. I was hoping the boys would go back to their rooms and I would get to slip out and run around the glade all night long. I walked over to the deadheads and climbed a tree, waiting for everyone to go into their rooms, so I could run as much as I wanted. I counted the boys coming out of the kitchen. I knew there was 31 of them, so I started to wait until all 31 were back in their rooms, about to fall asleep. 1, 2, 3, There's Winston. 5,6,7,8, there's Jeff and Clint, helping Josh, who was walking better now. 12, 13, 14, Minho and Newt walked back. I watched them for a bit before returning to counting. 17, 18, 19, 20, Gally came out with Alby, 23, 24, 25, 26. There's Zart and Nick, 29, 30. I waited a bit, knowing Frypan always took a bit longer since he cleaned up. The second he came out through the door I started to climb down from the tree. I waited behind a bush until Frypan was in the homestead. Then, I counted out 3 minutes, making sure everyone was in the homestead for good. Then, I came out from behind the bush and started to run.

At first, I just jogged around, passing the homestead and then the gardens. I ran around a few more times, and it was nice to be able to, but it wasnt enough. I started to pick up my pace, enjoying the wind whipping my hair behind me. I ran around the glade, counting the laps by the amount of times I passed the homestead. 5, 10, 15, 20. i ran faster, pushing myself to my limit, wanting to get stronger for the maze tomorrow and just enjoying the freedom I always felt when I ran. 36, 37, 38 laps. I kept running faster, not daring to stop, and not wanting to. I wish I could do this all day, and hopefully after tomorrow they'll still let me. If they find out that I snuck out, I may never run again, but I couldnt go a week. I zone out, still sprinting around and around the open fields of the glade. I looked up towards the homestead, and almost face planted to the ground when I saw someone outside, watching me run. I slowed to a jog and ran towards the figure. As I got closer I realized it was Gally. He looked confused, but also impressed.
"Um....Hi, Gally," I said panting, He had his arms crossed over his chest and he nodded at me.
"hey greenie. What are you doing running. Didn't the medjacks tell you not to?" He looked tired, like he had fallen asleep and then woke up again. I shrugged and looked up at him, still panting.
"Well, yeah, Jeff and Clint did, but technically I'm a medjack now and I say I'm fine." He smiled and nodded.
"Well, You look good out there. You definitely deserve to be a runner. How long have you been out here?" He said, raising an eyebrow. I shrugged and gestured to the watch he had on his wrist.
"What time is it?" I said, putting my hands on my waist and panting slightly. He checked the time and looked down at me again, yawning.
"It's..."he yawned again.."1 in the morning. What time did you wake up to go running?" I shook my head.
"I didnt. I never went to bed." He raised his eyebrows and shot me a look.
"Seriously? Well let's go then, you must be tired. I shrugged and looked at him.
"Well give me a sec to cool down. My heart's beating too fast to sleep right now." i said, taking a big breath of air. He nodded and sat down in the grass, patting the ground next to him for me to sit down. I sat down next to him and asked him something that was on my mind.
"Gally, why are you awake?" I asked, wiping the sweat off of my forehead. He shrugged, set his elbows on his knees and seemed to think for a bit.
"Oh, you know. I went to go to the bathroom, but I saw you running, figured I'd watch for a bit." He looked down at the ground and started playing with the grass. He wouldnt look at me and seemed to tense his shoulders up, as if he was afraid of saying something. I shook my head, his acting was terrible. He was lying. I turned to look out at the glade and sighed.
"Gally, what really happened?" He sighed too and shrugged, still not looking at me. He stayed silent for a while, pulling blades of grass out of the ground.
"I had a nightmare." he said, turning to look at me. I didn't say anything. I just gave him a faint smile, and said quietly.
"I'm sorry Gally. Do you want to talk about it?" He looked down at the ground again and shook his head. I nodded and we sat looking up at the sky for a while. neither of us said anything for a while, until he cleared his throat.
"So,'s your stomach?" He asked. I shrugged and slowly lifted up my shirt to check the bandage. There was a splotch of bright red blood against the dark, dried red stain from earlier. I groaned.
"Ugh, it's bleeding again. Not too bad, but I need to go change the bandage. I'm gonna head back. You should get to bed too." Gally nodded but didnt move. He looked out at the glade again.
"Gally?" I asked. He turned to look at me.
"Look, greenie, I'm sorry for how you got hurt. I should have been there, or even gone up on the roof myself. I'm really sorry. I'm such a shucking slinthead." He shook his head and put his head in his hands. My mouth dropped open. Where did that outburst come from?
"Gally, what are you talking about? It's not your fault at all! I should have told someone as soon as I heard a crack. I didnt, and it's my fault." He sighed and took his hands away from his face.
"So, youre not mad?" He asked quietly. I scoffed and dismissed the thought with a wave of my hand.
"No way, if anything I'd be mad at that shank, Caleb." Gally laughed a bit and I smiled. He sighed and stood up, offering me a hand.
"Okay, well you should go take care of your stomach. I'll walk you back to your room." He said. I nodded and smiled again, following him to the homestead. We walked down the hallway, and Newt's door was open. I couldnt help but quickly glance in to see him asleep on his bed, his hair all messed up. He looked so young and cute. I blushed and kept walking after Gally.
We got to my room and he said goodnight, then he walked back to his room.  I went into my room, still smiling and blushing at the though of Newt. I rewrapped the bandage around my stomach and laid down, falling asleep almost instantly.

I woke up the next morning and immediately grabbed the note from under my pillow. I changed into my running gear and grabbed my backpack that I had hid under my bed because I didn't want anyone stealing the chocolate i had gotten from frypan. I  took the square of chocolate out and set it next to my bed. I strapped the backpack to my shoulders and looked out the window, making sure the runners hadn't left yet. The doors weren't open yet, but Minho was standing near the doors with Newt. I hurriedly ran out of my room, but grabbed the spare bandages I had on my way out, in case my side started bleeding again. I had to make sure I got into the maze with Minho. My heart was pounding, and I jogged across the glade towards the door. I slowed to a stop in front of Minho and Newt.
They were turned away from me, talking to each other. I tapped Them on the shoulders.
"Hey, Minho, Newt, I'm running today." I said. They both turned to look at me, surprised that I was there.
"Wait, what? Emmy, the medjacks said you couldnt run for a week." Minho said, crossing his arms over his chest. Newt nodded and looked me up and down.
"Emmy, did the medjacks really say you could run? We dont want you getting hurt." I nodded and took the note out of my pocket. I unfolded it, smoothed it out and handed it to the boys. Newt took it and showed it to Minho.
"Did Clint write this?" Minho asked, taking it from Newt and reading it carefully. I nodded and said.
"Medjack's orders." and Newt shrugged.
"Well, it looks like his writing." They both looked at each other and nodded.
"Okay, I guess youre with me today Greenie. Ben was gonna run but I can have him go with Mark. Alright, well, quick, run over and get some food and water from frypan." Minho said, pointing to the kitchen. I nodded and ran off, internally screaming. They bought it, they believed the note! I'm going into the maze again! I smiled to myself, and walked into the kitchen to get my stuff. I stuffed a water bottle, a sandwich, and an apple into my bag. Then I ran back out to the doors, not wanting Minho to leave. I jogged over to Newt and Minho. They both smiled at me.
"Okay, be careful out there, okay greenie?" Newt said. I nodded and he kissed the top of my head before walking away. I turned to Minho who made a face.
"You guys are gross, ya know that?" He scrunched up his nose and I laughed. The loud boom sounded signaling the doors opening and I punched him in the shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah. Shut up and lets run Minho." I said, he smiled and we both ran off into the maze.

{Meanwhile in the glade}

Newt had watched the two run off into the maze, a smile smile on his face. It was nice to see his best friend and his girlfriend get along. He walked over to the gardens to start his job. He grabbed a shovel and started to dig up weeds when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Clint looking up at him.
"Hey, Newt. I know we kind of set up a rotation for Emmy, and I'm pretty sure she's a track-hope today, but we could use the extra help." Clint ran a hand through his hair and Newt raised an eyebrow.
"Wait, what? Didn't you know she was running today? You wrote a note for her and everything." Newt said, putting down his shovel and wiping his hands off on his shirt. Clint looked surprised.
"What? I never wrote her a note. She's still not supposed to run. Her stomach isn't healed, how'd she get in the maze?"
"What? You didnt write the note? She told us you gave it to her!" He tugged at his hair, his mind spinning as he looked out at the maze. Gally came walking up.
"Hey, Newt, we need to talk about your girlfriend. She was running around all night." Newt spun around.
"Yeah, said she had to run around a bit, something about how she needed to get out." Newts stomach dropped even further. Something clicked in Newt's brain and he pressed his hands to his forehead.
"She's out in the bloody maze, Gally! She gave us a fake note and now she's out there running! She's not healed. You dont think she tricked us, do you?" Newt asked, running a hand through his hair again.
Gally walked over next to them and they both turned to the maze.
"Shuck, greenie, please be okay." Gally said, balling his hands into fists at his side. Newt's eyebrows were furrowed and he nodded.
"You better come out of that bloody maze safe, Emmy."

(A/N) okay, so I need some advice. I have two ways the story can go from here. Emmy can get hurt in the maze, or she can come back safely. If she gets hurt then it's probably the end of her running, but if she doesnt get hurt then she will continue to run. So, It's time for something new I'm starting. You guys can decide how this goes. Comment, or message me how you want the story to go, and whichever is more popular will be added into the story! Also, in a little bit I'm going to add some characters, and two of them are available for you guys to customize. All you have to do is message me about what you want them to be like, their name, etc. It can be based off of you, or someone completely made up. Thanks for reading guys, I love ya!

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