Chapter 12-The meeting

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(A/N) just wanted to say that you guys are absolutely amazing! I came home from school today and saw that my story had over 250 views, which honestly gave me mixed feelings because page 250 is when.....ugh I can't even say it....😭😭😭, but at the same time I felt like jumping up and down and screaming and I was just so happy! I had no idea that anyone was even going to read this so the fact that it's gotten this many views, for me, is just amazing. And not only that but the number keeps growing and I can't believe it! Thank you all so much, I love all of you guys and I hope you keep reading! So, without further ado, here is the next chapter, released a little early, just cuz you guys are amazing. K, see ya later guys!

"Hey, Greenie!" I heard a voice call out behind me. I turned around to see Minho jogging over to me. I wiped the sweat off of my face and set down the trowel I had been using to plant carrots.
"Hey, wanna race?" He said, excitement twinkling in his eyes. I opened my mouth to agree when Newt shouted out from the other side of the garden.
"Again Minho? That's the fourth time today! Besides, she's not supposed to be running for a bit, remember?" He said, leaning over on his shovel. I laughed and called over to him.
"Don't worry, Newt. I'll win the race and be back gardening again before you even know I'm gone!" Newt smiled, shook his head and went back to planting. Minho was still looking at me, that twinkle in his eye that he gets from competition.
"Alright, shank, lets run!" I said before sprinting off in the opposite direction. Minho called after me that I got a head start but I was too busy running to call back to him. My feet hit the dirt and I ran so fast, the wind whipping my hair around behind me. Minho caught up to me and we ran, side by side around the glade. I felt so free, and I couldn't help but let a big, goofy smile spread across my face. We passed the medjack hut, the homestead, and the deadheads. We passed a shocked looking Alby and Minho gave him a high five as we ran by. When we passed Frypan, we turned and started to run the last way back. We only had to run around the last side of the glade, and I was determined to beat Minho. I put all my energy into one last sprint and ran faster than I had before. I didn't see him next to me anymore, but I kept running, I had to beat him. My feet hit the dirt in front of the gardens and a few seconds later Minho stopped next to me. I smiled and punched him in the shoulder.
"Beat ya, shank." He opened his mouth to say something when Newt limped over.
"Hey, she finally got ya, Minho. Someone finally can shut you up and stop your bragging, huh?" He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I smiled up at him and Minho looked between the two of us.
"Wait...are you guys...together, or something?" He said, pointing at the two of us. We both nodded and he threw his hands in the air.
"Since when?!" He asked. Newt shrugged.
'"Since last night." Newt said, picking a blade of grass out of my hair. Minho turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, so thats where you shanks were." He smirked and shot Newt a look. We both blushed slightly.
"Oh, um...yeah." I mumbled. Minho laughed quietly to himself.
"Well Newt, I'm glad you two are-" he was cut off by Alby shouting throughout the glade.
"KEEPER MEETING. REPORT TO THE COUNCIL ROOM PLEASE." Newt sighed and looked down at me.
"That's probably about your job, so we've gotta go, I'll see ya later, Greenie." He kissed the top of my head and walked away. Minho watched him until he was out of earshot and turned back to me.
"Hey, look. I'm not saying you should eavesdrop, but if you find a way around to the back of the council room, there's a tall tree that you can stand under. You can hear everything anyone says in the meeting from our there." He nudges me in the side, winks and walks away. I look over my shoulder at him and watch him walk away, and then I get back to work, a smile smile spreading across my lips. The second nobody is watching I'm heading over, but I have to act normal for now. I looked around to see Zart and the other track-hoes busy as usual. I shouted over to him.
"Hey, Zart! I've got a bit of a stomachache, I'm going to go get a drink." He puts his hand over his eyes to block his vision from the sun and nods.
", Kay. Feel better, I guess." I nodded and walked away, trying my best to seem sick. The second he went back to work though I sprinted into the woods and headed towards the council room. Luckily it sat at the edge of the woods, so I can easily walk through the shadows of the trees without being seen. The wood of the building comes into view and I smile to myself. Minho was right, behind the building is a tall tree, and I hurry over and sit down under it, wanting to seem quiet, but wanting to be there when the meeting started.
"Okay, so a couple of you know what this is about!" Alby started shouting. There were a few murmurs of agreement.
"This meeting is about the Greenie. So, as some of you know, she did great at all jobs, and she did better than we expected in some. I decided that she wont be a builder purely because of the events that happened yesterday, but we need to pick what job she gets."
There was more mumbling and a few boys started talking amongst themselves.
"Okay, well, we could really use her in the medjack hut. Greenie handled it pretty well, and we could use some help." Another voice agreed and it must have been Clint and Jeff.
"Yeah, she was a huge help with Josh. She also is really good at controlling a situation. When she got hurt, she calmed herself down somehow, I dont know. Maybe she can help others that are injured using it. I say we make her a medjack." There was a slight pause and I could imagine Alby nodding.
"Okay, Winston, what do you say?" A few boys that had been mumbling stopped talking.
"Eh, slicers not for her, Alby." There was another pause and Alby called Zart's name.
"Well, I mean, Greenie knows her plants. Like, really, really well. She knows the names and uses of plants ive never even heard of. We could really use her help in the gardens. I think she'd make a great track-hoe." A few boys started to talk and the ripple of voices grew until everyone must have been talking.
"Everyone quiet!" Alby yelled again. The room silenced almost immediately.
"Fry, what do you say?" One of the boys started whispering, and I heard another boy shush him and then something that sounded like a slap to the back of the head. I could tell frypan started to talk.
"Look man, she's great. I would love her help, but I dont need any help currently. If anyone else needs her to help them instead, I'm fine with that." Another pause as Alby looked around.
'Okay, well we already decided she's not a builder, so....that leaves Minho." All talking in the room ceased. There was a creak as Minho stood up from his chair.
"Okay, well. I have no doubt in my mind she could be a runner. She's fast...really fast. She's also got great endurance. She ran with me all day and was no more winded then I was then we got back here. Not many greenies can even handle a day in the shucking maze. Not to mention that she is the first greenie to ever want to be in the maze. I say we make her a runner." His chair creaks again as he sits back down, and the whispers ran through the room, even louder than before.
"Okay, well we've got a bit of a problem then, don't we?" Alby sighed. "We have three different keepers who want the greenie, and frypan who could use the help a bit too. So, what do we do now?" A few boys started to talk to themselves and one boy shouted out.
"Make her a track-hoe!" The boys started to cause everyone to call out what they think.
"Medjacks are better!
"No way slinthead, builders are better!"
"Hey look, us medjacks need the greenie more than all of you shanks!"
"The runners need her even more, so just shut your shuck mouths!"
"Look, as much as I'd love to agree with you slinthead, we need her more."
"You just want her because you have a crussssshhhhh,"
"I do not! We need her to help us in the gardens!"
"Everyone just bloody shut up already!" A British voice shouted. I smiled at the sound of newts voice. The room quieted down almost immediately and Alby spoke again.
"What do you say, Newt. You usually have good ideas." Alby sighed. The room was dead silent for a moment, until Newt's voice echoed throughout the room again.
"Alright, what if she has a couple jobs. She can rotate throughout a few so that everybody gets help from the greenie."
The room was once again quiet, until someone that may have been Gally spoke up.
"That sounds pretty good to me, but we've never done that before, how will it work?" The room started to whisper again until Minho must have spoken up.
"Okay, how 'bout this. We just have her rotate through a schedule. The first day, she's a track-hoe. The next day, she's a medjack. The next day, she's a runner, and then a day for her to do whatever we need help with around the glade." The room processed what he had suggested and I heard a few murmurs of approval.
"Yeah, I think that sounds pretty good."
"Okay then. Thanks everyone, meeting adjourned." I heard boys talking and soon the wood door of the council room swung open. I jumped to my feet and ran around to the very back of the building, so nobody saw me on their way out. The last thing I needed right now was to get in trouble for eavesdropping. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and leaned around the corner, making sure everyone was gone. I let out a sigh of relief, just before an arm wrapped around my shoulder from behind me. I started to scream when a hand was clamped over my mouth, and a British voice called out from behind me.
"What are you doing out here, love?" I relaxed a bit and he took his hand off my mouth. I turned around and looked up at him.
"Why did you cover my mouth?" I asked, putting a hand on my hip. He smiled and looked down at me.
"Because I didn't want anyone to know you were here, so I can do this," he bent down just slightly and gave me a quick kiss, wrapping his hand around my waist and pulling me closer to him. When he pulled away he laughed a little bit.
"What is that face for, Greenie?" His eyes sparkled as he chuckled again. I realized I was smiling like an idiot because of our kiss. I blushed and looked away. Why does he have to do this to me? Although, then again, he was absolutely adorable when he laughed. The way his eyes scrunched up just slightly and his smile spread across his face making him seem so much younger. When he laughed I got that warm fuzzy feeling and I couldn't help but stare, glad to see a break from the serious Newt that I see all day in the glade.
I was shaken out of my thoughts about Newt by him shaking his hair out of his face and clearing his throat.
"Oh, right. So, I'm guessing you heard what we decided about your job." He said. I nodded, and he smiled, shaking his head and looking at the ground.
"Well, you should be honored. Nobody gets multiple jobs around here, so appreciate it. It's basically all of us saying that you're special and amazing." I blushed and shook my head.
"Not really, its just you guys saying that you need some help because you boys are clueless, and clearly need a girl to help you out." I said, poking him in the arm. he laughed again, making my heart leap, and he leaned against the side of the council hall with me.
"Well, that may be true, but you are still amazing, to me." He said, pointing to himself. I blushed a deep shade of red and tried to act nonchalant. I laughed and looked up at him.
"If anyone here is amazing its you, Mr.Second in command. You basically keep this whole place going. I bet if you weren't second in command anymore this whole place would fall apart!" He smiled down at me but shook his head and shifted his gaze to the ground.
"You were smart enough to find me back here, weren't you?" I said, gesturing to the trees around me. He shook his head and looked at me.
"Actually, no. Minho told me you were here." I rolled my eyes.
"Of course he did." That's just like Minho. To rat me out to Newt, who sure, he's my boyfriend, but he's second in command! If alby found out i was here I could get in big trouble. Note to self, punch Minho extra hard tomorrow.
"alright, well, Alby sent me to find you for a reason. You're not going to be running for a few days, but youre starting your rotation tomorrow. You'll be a medjack tomorrow, we want you to help out with josh. He seems to take a liking to you." I smiled. Josh was nice, he reminded me of a younger brother. I can see us being friends and getting along really well. I mean, I'm friends with Gally, so, how hard can it be to be friends with him? But then I realized what Newt had said beforehand, about not running.
"Wait, why cant I run?" I said, crossing my arms over my chest. Newt scrunched up his face and looked confused. It was adorable, and I felt the butterfly's in my stomach again. He ran a hand through his hair.
"Okay, what do you mean? You want to go running, now? You got stabbed with a bloody nail yestersday!" I stuck out my bottom lip and pouted.
"I ran earlier with Minho," I tried my best to look sad and upset so maybe he'd change his mind. I ducked my head down but looked up at him, and it seemed to do the trick. His expression but his eyebrows stayed scrunched up.
"No, Emmy. I didn't even want you running with him earlier and you did it four times. The medjacks orders were that you don't run for a few days, okay?" He placed a hand on the side of my cheek and looked down at me. I nodded and tried to look as serious as possible, but in the back of my mind a plan was forming.
"Newt?" I asked. He kept looking at me, still concerned, but I could see the concern crease line on his forehead slowly starting to go away.
"Yes, Emmy?" He said quietly. I tried to act shy, and looked at the ground.
"Why do you care if I get hurt or not? I mean, I've only been here a week." I said, slowly lifting my eyes up to look at him. He cupped my face with his face and rubbed my cheek. He leaned in and kissed me, longer than the kiss earlier, but more softer. My heart started to beat faster and I kissed him back. It was really gentle, but it was amazing, and I was disappointed when it ended.
"Does that answer your question?" He said smiling slightly. I held his hand which was still cupped around my face and nodded, smiling back. Newt cleared his throat and slowly dropped his hands away from his face, but still kept our left hand intertwined. He sighed and looked down at me.
"We should probably head back, I mean, I was just supposed to find you. How did you manage to sneak away without anyone noticing, Greenie?" I shrugged, and the tiniest trace of a smile spread across my face.
"I said I was getting a glass of water," Newt raised one eyebrow and looked at me.
"A glass of water? Emmy you're more creative than that!" He said smiling. I giggled and nodded.
"Yeah, but we should still probably head back. I know Zart isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but even he should be able to figure out it doesn't take 20 minutes to get a glass of water," I giggled again and Newt laughed,
"Yeah," he chuckled. Of gosh why is he so cute when he laughs? I want to kiss him again, he looks so sweet and innocent and just...adorable. I love it. I tried not to blush too hard and we turned and walked back to the glade, both of us smiling like idiots.

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