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Elsa's POV:

Well Hello There I'm Elsa Arendelle I'm 18 years old my sister Anna is 16 years old. Anna is the most loved one in the family my parents hate me so I just shrug it off I cut a lot because it just takes away my pain nobody cares. I tried to kill myself once but failed I got smacked and beaten up my my mom and dad.

I'm getting ready for school I'm wearing blue jeans a long sleeve blue shirt and a hoodie I put my hair in a braid. I grab my backpack and said goodbye and walked to school oh I don't eat either it'd been 2 years since I last eaten it shouldn't matter though. 

My sister Anna is the popular girl at school she's loved by many she gets angry if she doesn't get what she wants. I open my locker and grab my math books I head to math class and sit in the back. Jack Frost the popular guy came in laughing he must've cracked a joke like always. When class started I kind of spaced out the bell rang and I walked out. 

When I was walking to my locker I bumped into jack and dropped my books. I go down and pick up my books he starts helping me and looks at me.

J: Have I seen you before?

E: No, and you never have 

J: Well, I'm Jack what's your name?

E: I Know Who You Are I Was In Middle School With You And My Name Is Elsa

J: Middle School?!? But I never saw you

E: Because Im a loner I sit in the back all the time I'm just a depressed lonely girl * Holds My Books *

J: Hmm, well Snowflake I'll be your friend * Gives Her his number * I'll text you every morning and night even after school

E: Why?

J: Because nobody should be lonely * Smiles *

E: I shouldn't get used to this * looks down *

J: why? You are anyways

E: if I get used to it I get left in a week its what you going to do anyways

J: Hey * Tries Not To Yell * I care about everyone I care for you so you are gonna get used to it because I will not leave you I promise 

E: * Looks at Jack * Okay Fine Nice Meeting you

J: See you After School Snowflake

I can't believe Jack Frost talked to me I shake my head I can't let him in my life I can't. I don't want to risk getting hurt again but I will no matter what I bang my head on the locker I'm so stupid. I walk to history class and sit in the back I look out the window its raining how nice I guess being lonely isn't so bad.

The Lonely Life - Jelsa StoryWhere stories live. Discover now