The Wedding

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Jack's POV: 

Today is me and my Snowflake's wedding I'm getting ready I bet she will look Beautiful Its been 2 Months since  Jessica was born she is Daddy's girl already. Hiccup came to the wedding he got to meet Jessica again I came out and waited I decided to hold my little girl while we were waiting god I'm so nervous but when I was holding Jessica everything went away I smiled and kissed her head she's beautiful just like her mother but then I hear the music I put my little girl with my mom she smiled but then I saw Elsa I couldn't believe it she looks beautiful her dress is perfect when Elsa came I smiled then the wedding started.

P: Jack, Do you take this Women to love and to hold to sickness and to health till death do you part?

J: I Do 

P: Elsa, Do you take this man to love and to hold to sickness and to health till death do you part?

E: I Do * Smiles *

P: I now pronounce you Husband And Wife!! Mr. And Mrs. Frost!! You may now kiss the bride!!

J: * Kisses Elsa *

E: * Kisses Jack *

When that was all over we all danced and ate we all had a toast Elsa was happy and so was Jessica she kept smiling and clapping she has my smile. Kristoff came to the wedding he showed a video of when me and Elsa first met a song was on it was called A thousand years me and Elsa smiled. 

K: I like to say something, I met Elsa when we was 5 months with their little girl it was raining and Elsa was walking in the rain with a  light coat why would you do that bro I helped her I fed her she came over to warm up then brought her back and the when I met jack he looked like he tried to act tough but I'm like bro your not tough so  stop acting like it *  Chuckles * Elsa and Jack I hope you have a happy Marriage and A Happy future thank you

Me and Elsa laughed I hugged kristoff I started remembering when me and Elsa first met she was depressed and very skinny she would cut but now that's changed she's not depressed she doesn't cut she changed and I'm happy Elsa is happy and so is my daughter I can't wait to see what holds in  future Elsa is now my wife we are a happy family no matter what I will always cherish moments  with them I love my little family it will keep growing in the future but we don't know  what will happen. I'm Jackson Overland Frost I'm Married To Elsa Frost and I Have A 2 Month Old daughter Named Jessica Rose Frost this is my family.

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