Hot Night

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Elsa's POV:

Jack came and brought me to his house to stay the night he kept kissing me. I giggle and smile we kept looking at each other like no tomorrow.

We were in his bedroom just messing around till he kissed me hard and deeply. He looked at me with loving eyes he whispered in my ear I said yes.

He took my clothes off and kissed my body he saw the cuts but he kissed them. I gained a lot of weight the doctor said I don't have an eating disorder anymore jack was happy about that.

He took off his clothes I smirked he looked at his dick I looked at it and kissed it he shivered but smiled. He started to thrust in me I moan loudly.

Jack kept going in deeper and harder I kept moaning he gave me hickeys all over and kept kissing me. He said that this was his first time I told him it was my first too. We kept having it for hours.

When we were breathing heavily and sweating we stopped he found blood on his because of me. He kissed me saying it was okay I smiled he put the covers over me and hid our clothes.

He was still naked he locked the door and lied in bed with me I smirk he kissed me on the lips. He pulled me closer to him and cuddled me he told me to sleep I love him so much and I fell into total darkness.

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