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Jack's POV:

I unlocked the door and I see Elsa sleeping on the ground I pick her up and carry her to our room. I Laid her down and kissed her head I went downstairs to go make dinner I decided to make her favorite food because I felt bad for what I did I didn't mean to hurt her or make her sad I just got worried and scared after dinner was done I hear Elsa. I go upstairs and I look at her and kissed her head she looks at me weird.

J: Well good evening my Snowflake 

E: J-Jack?

J: Baby, I'm sorry for getting mad at you I didn't mean too I was just scared I was gonna lose you when I found you in that bathroom I was scared I was really scared baby I didn't mean to yell at you I'm sorry * Holds her hand *

E: You mean that? * Tears streaming down face *

J: * Wipes her tears * Of course I do baby

E: I Love You * Voice Cracks *

J: I Love You Too * Kisses her lips *

E: * Kisses him back *

Me and Elsa walked downstairs we started eating dinner and kept  and laughing. When we were ready for bed I started to play with her little baby bump I kissed her bump and talked to it and of course played I kissed her tummy goodnight and I kissed Elsa goodnight and we all fell asleep.

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