Unrequited Love pt. 3

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This will probably be the last of the Unrequited Love series for now. It's really, really short. Part 3 is dedicated to Saku-chan715 and the rest of my readers. 200+ words. Enjoy!!

Sakura gulped when she saw Sasuke's car already parked, which meant he would be waiting for her. Too bad he doesn't really care about me. He's only acting this way because he's possessive.

She opened the door. Immediately Sakura was greeted at the door by her husband. "Sakura," Sasuke said. "By no—"

"Sasuke." Sakura was not in the mood. "Can we wait a little bit. I have a migraine."

Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed. She has migraines? "Okay," He grunted, internally dying by how stupid he sounded.

"I'm just going to lie on the couch for a bit..." Sakura didn't care at this point that Sasuke was watching, and so she crawled on the couch and almost immediately fell asleep.

Sasuke looked down at his wife that know has light purple hair. "I guess," He murmured. "I guess we could start over." He decided, I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware.

He got up, dusted off imaginary dust, and picked up his little wife and placed her in their bed. Pulling a chair up to the bed, Sasuke sat down and held onto Sakura's soft but calloused hands. I will be better for you.

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