Hogwarts AU

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In this fanfic, Sasuke is a merman that lives in the lake, while Sakura is a 4th year in Ravenclaw. This is based off of a comic I saw on Tumblr that I will post below. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long while, but a lot of things have happened, and I'm trying to cope. 1k+ words. Enjoy!

"Sasuke," whispered Sakura, quietly so she wouldn't get caught by Filch. "Sasuke? Are you there?"

After a short moment of waiting impatiently, a lean young man surfaced. Well, a half-man. Sasuke was a merman that lived in the lake. "Mortal, I told you not to visit me too often. It's dangerous, for both of us." Rolling his eyes, he flipped his tail so he splashed her.

Sakura ignored his grave comment and beamed, her facial features illuminated from the tip of her wand. "Sorry, Sasuke. I didn't have a flexible schedule tonight. The only reason I'm here is because my house is celebrating for winning the Quidditch game earlier today."

"Quidditch," Sasuke repeated.

"Yeah, it's really cool! We all fly on broomsticks and pass a ball, or a Quaffle, through the goalposts, but there's one person that guards it. Um...there're the Beaters, they hit the Bludgers back and forth to knock off players, and then there's the Seeker, who finds the Snitch and ends the game. I'm a Chaser. That means I try to score the Quaffle." Seeing his blank stare, Sakura stopped. "Sorry, I'm boring you, aren't I?"


Pulling out her notes, Sakura looked up expectantly. "Do all mermen act like that? Can you tell me more about the marine life?"

Sasuke sighed. They had been meeting for over half a year now. Although she was annoying, it was Sasuke's first time talking to a stranger from the Land. And not to mention, the light in the girl's eyes were childish and naive. Why do I even come here, again? He thought to himself briefly before nodding. "As long as you keep your end of the deal."

Sakura clapped her hands excitedly and sat down on the dock criss-crossed. "Okay, but you have to tell me about what it's like first."

Sasuke sighed again and began to explain, not missing how her eyes lit up even more. Somehow, it made his stomach churn a little, like he was nervous. Watching the girl's green eyes reminded him of the waters he'd been in on a sunny day. After he finished, he said," Okay, it's your turn."

Sakura nodded happily with her new information and pulled something out of her cloak. "This is called a kazoo. It doesn't really count as a musical instrument, but you seem to be grumpy all the time. So...I brought something that might make you happier!" She beamed again and took a deep breath before blowing into it. Instead of making a beautiful noise, Sasuke cringed when he heard it.

The small smile he had before disappeared again, and Sakura laughed lightly. "Sasuke, I'm just kidding! You can keep this though," Sakura placed it gently into his hands. They're really soft, Sasuke thought.

Slowly, the pinkette pulled out a tube-looking thing. "This is a flute. I can actually play this instrument. Do you want to hear?"

Sasuke nodded, for he hadn't heard music since Sakura came along. The music, in short, was beautiful. It was breath taking. But most of all, the passion Sakura channeled into her music was the best part. Afterwards, they agreed to meet up in three nights, "same time", the girl said.

When Sakura ran away quietly, Sasuke couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed before splashing back down into the murky depths.

It had been three nights, and on the fourth day, Sasuke worried about the pink haired girl. The thing is, he couldn't resurface because there seemed to be an event happening above water.

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