Hokage-sama's Attention

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This story was requested by fantastixgirl . I hope you guys (and girls) will keep requesting, because it really makes me happier writing these stories. 1k+ words long, enjoy!

This'll be the day I get Hokage-sama's attention! Sarada thought as she pushed up her glasses further into the bridge if her nose. She had tried so many ways to get his attention, but all had failed.

Of course, she had only just started in the Academy yet, so there wasn't much she could do. The only thing that could possibly do was to study for the years to come, and achieve the top grades in school, when it came around.

The Hokage had become a father figure in her life, since her father was gone. She's heard many stories about him from her mother, Sakura Uchiha. He was never home, though, and the only time she had met him...well, she can't remember. There were pictures, plenty of them, in fact.

But it never satisfied her burning curiosity.

The reason Sarada looked so upward at the Hokage was because she wanted to become the next Hokage. She was inspired by her mother's sensei, the renowned Tsunade Senju. Tsunade was beautiful, incredibly strong, and she was the first woman to become Hokage! Sarada also looked up to her mother. Sakura Uchiha was famous for her path in medical treatment and skills. She had also inherited the superhuman strength.

Whenever she asked Sakura about her future, all she said was, "As long as you trust and believe in yourself, you can do anything! You just need to work a little harder, that's all." Then she would get her forehead poked, something Sarada still didn't understand. She had the sneaking suspicion it had something to do with her father, Sasuke Uchiha, previously known as the sole survivor from the Uchiha Massacre.

It was hard for Sarada to prove herself. She was surrounded by the constant fame of her family and friends, and that pushed her to the limit all the time.

"Sara-chan! Go wash up, dinner will be ready in a few!" Sakura called out. They had just gotten home after Sakura picked her up from Hinata and Naruto's. Even with the large Uchiha fortune, her mother insisted on working, despite Sasuke's disapproval. Actually, her parents had many disagreements, but they put almost all of them behind them because they loved each other. Sarada thought in the bathtub about her parents' relationship, drifting around in the strawberry scented bubbles.

At one point she had questioned their love. Especially now, when Sarada was done with her shower unexpectedly fast. She quietly snuck downstairs because she heard hushed cries. "Ma—" Sarada quieted herself, watching her mother cry. Just how many times had she cried like this? Her fists tightened, and she clenched her jaw.

"Oh, Sasuke-kun, I wish you were here..." Her mother was looking at the picture book, especially focusing on the one Sarada had seen many times. The picture of the legendary Team 7 after the Fourth Great Ninja War, when Naruto had just been made Hokage. (See picture above.) "I-I don't think—" Sakura's voice broke. "I don't think I can do this much longer..."

Sarada softened up. Her mother certainly was missing her terrible father. He'd left her all alone to take care of their child. Slowly, Sarada tip-toed up the stairs and ran down quickly saying, "Mama, I'm done!"

Sakura swiftly put the picture book away and wiped away her tears. "Hey, Sara-chan! What do you feel like for dinner? You get to choose tonight!" Her mother attempted to speak cheerfully, but her voice shook.

"Mama, are you okay? I miss Papa too," Sarada said softly.

"Oh, Sarada," Sakura cried out and and took her daughter in her arms. "I miss your father very much. I think he'll come back soon. This time, I know he will..."

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