Chapter 4

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When the two of you arrived at the café, you chose a table beside a window while Tintin went to order some food. It was surprisingly not that crowded, so available seats were not a problem. ("Surprise me," you had told him, when he asked you about what you'd like.) You sat down, and you felt the barrel of your weapon hidden underneath the coat.

What happens if you left the weapon at home? Would you be attacked? Are you safe, in general? Probably not. Paranoid, people may say. But you'd rather call it 'taking precautions'. You sighed, running your hands through your hair. Staying incognito for now, you thought. Yet you were determined to catch that criminal that gave you a death threat. You just needed a lead and people will never even know you were there.

But the main problem was financial. What happens if you were to travel halfway across the globe just to catch the culprit? What are you going to do, walk on foot to your destination? You didn't want to drag Tintin along, for you fear it will only cause harm to the fellow journalist. But now that you explained your situation to Tintin, chances he will tag along are skyrocketing.

You hummed, trying to find a solution to your predicament. Just then someone snapped his (or her) fingers in front of you. You snapped back to reality, turning to the person who made such a gesture. It was Tintin, holding a tray of sandwiches. Not quite the lunch you had expected, but hey. It was better than nothing.

"You seem deep in thought," he said. You really wanted to eat the food he set in front of you. "Y-yeah," you admitted, as he sat down in a chair opposite you.

Tintin noticed you eyeing the food, so he said, "What are you waiting for, (y/n)? Tuck in!" And you gladly did. You ate quickly, Tintin had to look up a few times and tell you to slow down or you'll choke. It wasn't like you heeded Tintin's advice. You finished eating long before Tintin did. You studied Tintin. He seemed like a genuinely nice person, and you were positive that he wasn't working for Mr. Notus.

"It's rude to stare, (y/n)," Tintin said, looking up from his sandwich. Snowy was sleeping soundly beside him.

Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry," you choked out.

The two of you chatted about interests, adventures, stuff like that. It never occured to the both of you that you both had so much in common.

Once Tintin was finished with his lunch, he asked, "Are you thinking about going after Mr. Notus?" What he said entirely shocked you. Since he asked, it was no use lying anymore.


"Have you got a lead?"

"No, but during some recon work, I left notes and quite a few research to where Mr. Notus might be. It's in the flat."

Tintin nodded. "Okay, shall we go then?"

"You're going to help me find the guy?"

Tintin grinned. "Yes."

But before the two of you left the café, the young journalist insisted that he pay the bill. And you, a little low on money, reluctantly agreed.

You and Tintin walked in silence back to the flat. You really weren't a social butterfly, getting along with everyone well or so, and striking up a conversation was as hard as opening a can of soda with wet hands.

Tintin spoke up. "How come you seem so determined on finding this person? Is he of any importance to you? A family member, perhaps?"

You shoved your hands into the pocket of your trench coat. It wouldn't hurt to tell him, though. Taking a deep breath, you started.

"This isn't just any crime lord, Tintin. He's the very person who kidnapped my parents."

The reporter froze. "I-I'm so sorry, if I had known I wouldn't -"

You waved him off. "It's alright, it was a long time ago anyway. You see, my parents were finding a family treasure. The story of its riches were passed down generation to generation. But my father had some rivals. Mr. Notus. Once he had come to learn about the treasure, he broke into our house one night with some of his henchmen. He demanded the treasure all to himself, but my parents stood firm. He didn't cause any damage, he just left with a warning to them. The next morning, I woke up all alone. They were gone. I was depressed, hardly eating for a week. I was an only child, no maid, and my relatives were halfway across the globe. I had no contact with them, so I faced the problem alone.

"One morning, I found out they were deemed legally dead by the court, so I had to come and sort out the situation. Once I got home, I found a letter by the door, which read: 'I warned your parents.' At that moment I knew it was Mr. Notus. The will of my parents were missing, so I had inherited nothing from them. I was sent to an orphanage, but I escaped. I tracked down criminals, but never in close contact, called the police, and once they came I escape, not wanting to make my presence known. Once, I stumbled upon an ammunition room, so I took the handgun.

"So, from that day onward, I devoted my life to fighting crime, despite my age. I had learned to fight on my own, and I wanted so badly to put Mr. Notus behind bars. Luckily, father thought ahead of the situation and gave me the highlights of his research, before they went missing. He told me if something happened to them, I would be the one to uncover the treasure. I have kept it with me ever since."

You paused. You had arrived at the flat. "Does that answer your question, Tintin?"

The reporter was silent, looking at you as if for the very first time.

"I'll take that as yes."

Hello starlings! Sorry for not updating for a while. But, at least I get to update! *throws confetti* So how's the chapter?( The chapter's a bit long, hehe) Thanks a lot for reading! :D

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