Chapter 13

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You sat down on a cushioned chair as Captain went to get the dinners of you three. Captain still hasn't eaten as well, so he was delighted to join you and Tintin just simply eating.

You hungrily ate, savoring each spoonful of food as you listened to captain narrating how he had come to be a seaman in the first place.

You turned over to Tintin, who flashed you an apologetic look for having you listen to Captain's stories- mostly on card games and being drunk. You gave him a lopsided grin, that he returned as well.

After eating, Nestor cleaned up, and you helped him carry the plates to the kitchen, and he insisted on washing. Tintin found Snowy wandering through the hallways, so Tintin decided to turn in for the day to let the dog get some rest. Captain returned to his quarters, probably to drink whiskey again. Thanking the butler, you walked upstairs to your room. As you entered the living space, you didn't feel the slightest hint of sleepiness.

It must've been because you slept during the late afternoon. You lied down on the bed, and you didn't bother changing clothes. Not that you were lazy, but you felt that there was still something to be done that you couldn't change clothes yet.

Tintin and Captain told you where their rooms were over dinner, so if you needed anything you could just go to one of them. Tintin's room was down the corridor, and to the right. But Captain's was far across in the mansion, making Tintin the better option.

You couldn't sleep. You tossed and turned for what seemed like about two hours or more, but your mind seemed wide awake. You retrieved your handgun from the shelf in the bathroom, thinking if having your weapon near you, considering it could make you feel safe and fall asleep.

It was to no avail.

Although you knew the reason of your restlessness anyway. First, there was doubt. Saving your parents, dragging Mr. Notus to jail, finding the treasure – it all seems to far-fetched. Second, you felt as if you had the weight of the world on your shoulders. You weren't sure if your father chose correctly to entrust with you his research. What if you failed him? And your mother – could she even approve of your state at all? Yes, she helped in the research but she was more of a refined, elegant woman. But under the circumstances they might be in, you could only bet that she had changed.

You stared at the painted ceiling.

It was not that bright, supposing the number of lighted candles in your room, and the moon reflecting as much light. You decided to kill boredom by talking to someone. Tintin, perhaps. But you couldn't. He could be already asleep, for all you know.

You shrugged. It could be best if you checked anyway. You crept out of your room, frequently turning your head from side to side, looking for any sign of someone incoming.

So far, so good. There was no one in sight.

You wandered down the hallway, constantly staring at some paintings on the wall. They looked so realistic that you wondered if it was just a window. Once you reached the end of the corridor, you discreetly swiveled to the right, and continued walking. You saw Tintin's door, which was the first in the hallway.

You cleared your throat, and gently knocked on the door. You heard a little shuffling inside, as well as a bark. You finger combed your hair a bit, you had to look presentable anyway. It was opened up sooner or later, by Tintin in his pajamas. He rubbed his eyes groggily, but once he saw you, he straightened up.

"(y/n)?" he asked. "Why are you still awake at the hour?"

You heaved a sigh and replied, "Can I talk to you?"

He shifted to give way into his room, saying, "Of course, is it important?"

"I'm not sure," you replied. "I just need to get this off my shoulders."

You entered the room warily, and sat in a chair. You saw Snowy nudge his head against your shin, and you petted its head as it curled up at your feet.

"So, what is it?"

"I'm having doubts, about this mission and all."

Tintin looked astounded. He concluded that from the way you dove into adventures, that having doubts were very rare to you. Maybe he was wrong. "Doubts? Why?"

"I'm scared I'll let my parents down." You looked crestfallen.

"Don't be, I mean – look how far you've gone! Tomorrow we will be sailing for New Zealand, and any person would have given up with that problem of yours right then and there, but you didn't. I'd say that is an accomplishment enough, because you never gave up on your parents. And I am very sure that once we get to New Zealand, your problems will be solved eventually."

"How do you know?"

Tintin gave an apologetic shrug. "I don't, I just know it."

You cracked a smile, being lifted by Tintin's words. "We can do this," you said. "Hopefully."

Tintin shook his head, correcting you. "We will do this, and 'hopefully' is good enough."

You asked why he was helping you in the first place. You saw Tintin smile. Maybe he was reliving the memory of meeting you in the flea market. "At that moment when I met you at the market place, I knew there was more to you. I guess I was right."

You rolled your eyes playfully. "You always are."

He chuckled. "I am forever grateful to Snowy." The dog's ears perked up. When you were about to ask why again, he answered, "If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have met you."

Your cheeks reddened at the comment. "Me too."

"And," Tintin added. "I made a promise to you at your apartment, right?"

You nodded. 

"I intend to keep it."

After a few more exchanges of encouraging words, you decided to head back to your room. "Thanks for the pep talk Tintin."

"Anytime," he responded, walking you to the door. You stood outside, giving Tintin one of your sincere smiles. 

Before you knew it, you hugged Tintin around the neck and dashed back to your room. And as you drifted off to sleep, you dreamed of a copper haired reporter and his snow white dog, and how they suddenly became two of the most important people in your life. 

Hello starlings! I have to admit, this chapter had a lot of dialogue. Thanks for reading and voting! NEBULA AWAY!

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