Chapter 22

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Upon arriving at the train station, everyone was, well, everywhere.

"There's an awful lot of people at the train station," said Captain Haddock. "And this isn't even the rush hour yet!"

You held your bags closer to you, in fear that it might get lost in the crowd. It wouldn't hurt to be a little precautious. "Come on," you said, urging the others. "Let's get on a train."

Boarding the train went rather smoother than expected, you thought. Most of you were surprised to have even found seats on the train, and as many stations whizzed past the windows you were staring out of, you knew that all of you were one step closer to getting to New Zealand.

You were seated between Tintin and Captain Haddock, and Snowy was on Tintin's lap, and Max hastily sat beside the old sea dog. You found the underground tube lines to be very interesting. After paying for the tickets, and seeing the train approach the station platform, you had been in awe of such a peculiar mode of transportation. It was peculiar, but it was efficient.

You turned to Tintin, who had still had the map open in his grasp. Observing him, he had a very focused expression on his face, as if figuring out how to get to the said airport. But you thought he needed rest. No matter how many times he had been on adventures, you knew first-handedly how energy draining they could get over time.

"Tintin," you began, tapping him lightly on the forearm. Tintin's gaze was torn away from the map, and his eyes met yours, expectant of a response.

"Yes, (y/n)?"

"I think you should rest. Snowy already is," you said, gesturing to the small terrier sleeping soundly on the journalist's lap. "You need it."

The journalist sighed, folding the map and tucking it into his pocket. "I suppose you're right," he agreed. "We've got a long way to go, anyways. Around an hour or so."

He then leaned back, his head against the window behind him.

Time seemed to fly by idly, and even though you wanted to rest as well, you couldn't sleep, with Rancher's attack from a few days ago heightening your paranoia. You couldn't let your guard down, not when you have people you need to keep safe. With Captain Haddock and Max's bickering beside you, you decided to just observe your surroundings.

The steam powered train chugged down the tracks, and the ride was rather bumpy, and people alighted or came flooding through the train doors each time the train slowed to a stop on a station.

You could hear Captain Haddock and Max's bickering from beside you, with it being about... You craned your head to the right to hear their banter. It was about whiskey? You sighed, expecting nothing more from Captain Haddock's demeanor.

The train came to an abrupt stop on another station. However, what you didn't expect was a sudden weight landing on your left shoulder. When you saw what caused the sensation, you blushed, seeing that Tintin's head leaned against your shoulder. The journalist was still sleeping, that you could assume, but you still weren't used to him being so close.

You could feel him breathing softly in his slumber, but you didn't know why everything felt so intimate with him. You became clearly aware of how your heart started to beat erratically, and how you became so giddy.

You didn't want to admit it at first, but over the short expanse of time of knowing him, you had already fallen for the young reporter. You could only hope that he felt the same.

Then, your eyes drifted to Tintin's quiff, just centimeters from your face. You thought that it looked adorable on the young journalist, and you wondered how soft it was. If only you could run your fingers through it.

Your eyes widened, shocked by such an intrusive thought. You shook your head slightly, as if it could shake the hypothetical into non-existence. But you couldn't.

With curiosity getting the better of you, your hand slowly lifted from your lap, fingers outstretched. It wouldn't hurt to try, would it? You were sure Tintin was asleep, Captain and Max dwelling deeply into their own conversation, and you didn't mind Snowy just observing your movements. But the other passengers, you thought. A second passed, and you shrugged. They could just mind their own business.

You moved your hand closer, and as gently as could, you ran your hand upwards through his quiff. It was incredibly soft, much to your delight. A small smile crept upon your lips, against your own volition. You couldn't help it, the giddiness you felt had you captive.

You were about to do it again, your fingertips skimming the top of his quiff, until-

"Whatcha doing, (y/n)?" Captain Haddock's voice rang from beside you.

You whipped your hand away from Tintin, feeling your cheeks burst into flames. "I-I wasn't doing anything," you stuttered, mentally cringing at how your voice quivered. "Really, I wasn't."

From your view, Captain didn't look too convinced. His eyebrows were raised, his eyes flickering from you to Tintin. Silent, he merely flashed a cheeky grin. Max had to lean forward, trying to get his view of you past Captain's stocky built. When he saw you and Tintin, he let out a short huff, returning to his normal position.

You noticed how unreadable his expression was, but you didn't think too much of it.

"You're sure?" Captain asked again. "You look pretty flustered."

You could only nod.

Captain seemed content with his short interrogation, and he turned his attention away from you. You sighed, relief flooding your systems. That was too close for comfort. You saw Snowy looking up at you, and you just pet Snowy on the head.

You had noticed that the people on the train had increased a lot, which resulted to some people having to stand. Scanning the number of people will up the train, you spotted the figure of man that sparked a moment of panic within you. He stood quite a distance away, his face obscured with the hat he wore. He stance was sideways, yet you couldn't get a good look at his face. But when he inched to the right a bit, due to many people trying to get past him, you saw his features.

You could almost feel your face drain of color.

Reluctantly, you shook Tintin awake. He was initially groggy, but upon seeing your distraught expression, he became much more attentive. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?"

You didn't know how much time you had to explain, so you quickly said, "We need to leave, now."

And there you have Chapter 22! I hope you guys liked the update, and thanks again for all the support you readers give.  See you guys in the next chapter!

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