Chapter 10

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  Captain entered the room with almost two identical men following. They had bowler hats and wooden canes. What fascinated you more was that the two men walked in sync. However, the only difference you noticed were their mustaches.

"Good morning," one of them said.

"To be precise: The morning is good," the other replied with a tip of his hat. You stifled a small laugh.

Tintin walked up to them, greeting, "Gentlemen. Thomson and Thompson, here is (y/n). The girl who was attacked some nights before."

The two strode up to you, holding some notepads and ballpens. "Mind if we ask you some questions, Miss (y/n)?"

"Not at all," came your respond. They started to walk towards the table to take a seat, but they tripped over their own canes, thus landing face first on the marble floor. You and Tintin helped them to their feet. "They are quite clumsy at times," Tintin remarked.

All of you sat at the table as the detectives started to bombard you with lots of questions. There came times when the questions made you nervously stutter, and you turn to Tintin for help. He always gave you a helpful smile, and sometimes mouthed the words, 'calm down'.

After a series of questions, the interview was over. "Don't worry, Miss (y/n), we will help you find Mr. Notus and Rancher, along with the other men who hurt you before."

You gave a sigh of relief. "Thanks," you said, as they left the estate with a tip of their hats.

You leaned against the doorframe as you watched the identical policemen stagger out the front garden of the estate. You hummed, pondering whether the peculiar men were even able to solve the case anyway.

You shook your head. I shouldn't judge them, you thought. If Tintin trusts these guys, then I should too. You never wanted to drag Tintin and his friends into your problems anyway. You figured it would be better to chase him alone. You didn't care about the treasure anyway. What you wanted to do was to defeat Mr. Notus, find your parents and possibly live your life in peace again.

You sighed. It wouldn't be easy. First, you needed to escape. But with you under Tintin's watch, it would be a challenge. But why would Tintin be watching you anyway? Oh right, after that Rancher incident, he did tend to ensure your safety more properly.

You lightly scoffed. He didn't need to keep you safe. You could handle yourself. You could take on a guy with your handgun! You had incredible aim, so you could actually protect yourself. But you knew Tintin didn't think so. You heaved a small sigh.

You felt nostalgic about being with your parents again. Was it even possible? You let your eyelids droop. The cool breeze made you sleepy. You suddenly realized you haven't bathed yet. It was an hour before lunch. You decided to take a bath, so you trudged up the stairs. You caught sight of Captain Haddock sitting in a Victorian chair with a newspaper in his hands.

"Captain," you said.

The sailor looked up from his paper. "Aye?"

"You haven't seen Tintin around, have you?" you asked, going one step above the stairs.

Captain shrugged. "He muttered about going somewhere. Check the library, (y/n). The lad loves to read. Snowy's probably with him."

You nodded. "Thanks." But you weren't going anyway. You just wanted to avoid Tintin a bit. Not that you didn't like him, but whenever you guys were left alone, it just gets awkward.

You scurried up the stairs. You closed the door behind you. Brushing some hair from your face, you hurriedly take a fluffy white bathrobe and went inside the bathroom. You were surprised to see a tub and shower, but was there really anything to not expect in a mansion?

You took off your clothes and handgun, placing them on an empty wooden shelf, and slipped inside the water filled bathtub. You winced a bit as the soapy water met the scar on your arm, but you relaxed as the pain subsided after a while. You slid down a bit more into the tub, until the bubbly water was at your neck.

After a relaxing bath, you rinsed off the remaining soap left on your skin and slipped on the bathrobe and tied it. You felt a bit better, now that you were fresh from a bath. A good one at that. You stepped out of the bathroom, your hair a bit damp and you were still dripping wet. The bathrobe was just below your knee, so you didn't really feel uncomfortable wearing it.

You were digging for suitable clothes in your box on the floor, until you hear scratching on your door. "Who could it be...?" your voice trailed off as you opened the door. The white terrier was by your feet, looking up at you excitedly. "Hey Snowy," you said while you knelt, petting him. "What brings you here?" The dog yipped and scurried inside your room. It sniffed around, and crawled underneath your bed.

You gave a laugh as you turned to look at him. Standing up, you closed the door. You were barely even able to take a step back to your box until someone knocked once again. You didn't even think about who it could be.

Sighing, you opened the door. A slightly surprising sight greeted you. It was Tintin, looking a bit flustered. He had one of his arms on the doorframe, as he was panting with his head down. He said, looking up, "(Y/n), sorry to disturb, but by any chance have you seen Snowy-" You noticed Tintin blush a bright red. He was still holding your gaze.

You were beginning to wonder what caused the reporter to cut his sentence short, but then you realized that you were only wearing a bathrobe. You felt extremely embarrassed, feeling your ears turn pink.

"Uh... Snowy? Yeah, he's here," you awkwardly said. You shifted to let Tintin inside, and he shuffled in nervously. Once his back was turned to you, you tightened your bathrobe, fearing it might get loose.

"I see that you've taken a shower," he commented.

You nodded. "I've got nothing else to do."

Tintin crouched to peer under the bed. He groaned. "Where did that dog go?" As he stood, he ran a hand through his copper hair, to which you find very cute.

"He was under the bed a minute ago." You said.

Then you heard shuffling from across the room. You walked over to the noise, oblivious to what you may bump into. Then you yelped, tripping over the box by your feet. You closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the impact on the floor. But it astonished you that the impact never came at all.

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