The Confrontation

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A/N Obviously inspired by my undying love for James Kidd/Mary Read. I won't give to much away, as the title kind of explains it... A little. Seeing as this is about James Kidd/Mary Reid and is NOT canon (Yesh, no deathssss) the story may be altered a bit, but needless to say - There WILL be spoilers.

Also, like every other AC4 FanFic I won't be necessarily rushing this relationship... So, just hold on there.


Elizabeth picked at the fabric of her dress absently, making feeble attempts to pass time and distract herself from the exhausting heat of a Nassau summer. A light breeze flew through the streets, relieving the citizens of their near-heat strokes for just a moment. Stray locks of her brown hair brushed against her hot, pale skin, tickling the sides of her face as she sat on the wooden porch of one of the towns many General Stores. Her hand moved from the dull fabric of her dress and too her simple shoes. She ran her finger along the worn surface, eventually meeting the skin of her ankle. In front of her, many of the towns residents socialized in the shade of the tall palm trees, or were hidden in the shade of the many buildings. Besides her sat her woven basket, filled to brim with goods she had managed to grab from the market. Keeping one arm protectively wrapped around the basket of goods she scanned the streets, waiting for her friend to show up so they could split the purchase.

Elizabeth lived alone, so she didn't mind the wait, though the heat was killing her, baring down on her even though she was seated strategically in the shade. Idly, she tapped her foot against the wooden step. She had been waiting for nearly an hour and the sun was rising well above their heads, the hottest time of the day just minutes -if not seconds- away.

Growing tired Elizabeth wrapped and arm around the basket, pulling it up so she would be able to support it with her right hip. She pulled herself upward with the help of the stair railing. Scanning the crowds one more time for her friend, she straightened herself out. Seeing nothing of her friend, she turned on her heel quickly, making her way to the shadier part of the path that led her back to her house.

Perhaps her friend hadn't felt like venturing to the small shop in such heat and made a detour to Elizabeth's small home, which was situated just under the shade of a tall, leafy, tree.

Another tall palm tree loomed over her as she traveled down the dry path, her woven basket secured in her arms. The basket full of the dust covered produce weighted her down slightly, manipulating her gait. She turned left, traveling down a smaller ally way that was a shortcut to her house, the only con being that it was free from trees and the most needed shade. She grew sweaty under the suns hot rays and made a point to go a bit faster, her stride kicking up dry dust behind her.

Just feet away screams arose in the street, filling the air with the shrill sound, Elizabeth stopped momentarily, turning back to look in the direction she came. Dust clouded that portion of the main path now, as if there had been a big commotion. Growing nervous she continued her way, quickening her pace unknowingly, bit by bit.

The basket bounced up and down in her arms besides her as she walked. The fruits shifting in their spots.

The mayhem behind her grew, the cloud growing wider. The smooth sound of metal swords being unsheathed and the shouts of soldiers and citizens alike growing louder. Becoming legitimately afraid she moved even faster down the slightly overgrown path, her small, ordinary, home getting closer and closer. She adjusted the basket, rebalancing it on her hip as she brushed past overgrown bushes. The various noises behind her softened as she walked, and sparing one last glance over her shoulder- she saw nothing but the dispersing dust cloud. Letting out a sigh of relief she slowed her steps, slowing back down into her normal pace.

Just as a familiar quiet surrounded her it was broken. The sound of pounding footsteps behind her brought Elizabeth to a rough stop, she turned around quickly ready to confront anyone who was following her. She was stronger that she seemed at first glance. Instead of being met with the face of a thief, the man looked startled- dark brown eyes staring into her own meadow green ones. They are still for only a moment, staring at each other.

A single shout behind them sounded.


The man in front of her moved quickly. Elizabeth not even being able to register. The cloud of dust left the pursuer still hidden.

Elizabeth only had a second to pick out the red bandana on the man in front of her before he grabbed her by the arm forcefully- dislodging the heavy basket in her arms. It fell the ground with a thud, the produce inside tumbling out.

'Sto-' a rough hand was clamped over her mouth before she could muster out the word.

'Shhhh,' he whispered harshly in her ear. 'I ain't gonna lay a finger on ya, just don't make a sound.'

He pulled her backwards and into the shrub, leaving her overturned basket laying in the middle of the secluded trail. They kneeled in the bushes, his hand still secured over her mouth. He smelled of dried sweat, stale ocean water, and metal. Greasy brown hair flowed from the top of his bandana, beads hung from his locks of hair in a typical pirate fashion.


This man, the one who was hiding with her in this bush, was a pirate.

Elizabeth didn't have time to panic, his hand was still secured over her mouth, two swords hanging from his belt and a pistol holstered on his chest, he could surely kill her now if she didn't remain as she was.

A single pair of pounding foot steps came to an abrupt stop in front of the overturned fruit basket. Through the small slits in the bush Elizabeth can spot a single man, cloaked in black, blond hair pulled back into a small ponytail.

'I know yer here, Kidd!' he shouted, spinning on his heel, observing the area.

'Shite,' the man most likely addressed as Kidd murmured besides her.

The blonde haired man continued to circle the area, searching the various overgrown bushes.

'I don't wanna hurt ya, Kidd!' he shouted, strolling past the shrub, placing his hands on the loop of his belt.

'Like Hell,' Kidd scowled besides Elizabeth, his thick accent drawling out the end of the sentence. He was slowly loosening his grip on Elizabeth.

Before the girl could seize her chance to even attempt a mere escape his grip was reaffirmed.

'Don' you try anything now, lass, or he'll have both our heads.' his threats were empty, he knew that the blonde man wouldn't try anything- he just had to scare the poor girl into submission.

The blonde turned quickly, staring directly at their bush. He stalked towards it slowly, a cautious hand on his sword.

'You in there, Kidd?' He smiled slyly, staring deeper into the greenery of the shrub.

Elizabeth suddenly felt herself being pulled upward, the hand had left her mouth only to be placed on her arm. The two broke through the branches, the heat baring down upon them once again.

'Let it go, Kenway,' Kidd spoke quickly, staring down the blond man cloaked in black. His accent thick as the words escaped his lips.

Kenway eyed Elizabeth with sky blue eyes, studying her dull, green dress, and then moving up to look at her -now- sloppy brown hair. His eyes then flicked to Kidd accusingly.

'Who's this?' He asked, eyes baring down heavily on Kidd. 'Some new mate I don't know about?' He threw his hand up in the air dismissively.

'Oh, please, Edward.' Kidd rolled his plain brown eyes, adjusting his grip on the brown haired girl. 'Just a lass who discovered herself in the wrong place at the wrong time.'

Elizabeth was tempted to lash out, to speak so she bit down on her tongue as she eyed the men's weapons. But in the end she just couldn't help it.

'The wrong place at the wrong time?!' she ripped her arm away from Kidd and pointed an accusing finger at him. 'You're the pirate who grabbed me and forced me into a bush! You don't even belong here!' she brought a quick hand up to her forehead to rid the sweat that had beaded there. 'So please, Kidd,' Elizabeth hissed. 'Tell me how this turned out to be my fault.'

Both men looked bewildered, not expecting her, a woman, to lash out like such when accompanied by two men. Elizabeth took advantage of the shock the men were working through to break away, triumphantly retrieving her basket before brushing past Edward to leave. Kidd started after her, giving Edward a final look.

'Let er go,' Edward spoke plainly, grabbing Kidd's shoulder before he could get any closer to the escaping woman.

Kidd didn't hesitate, he didn't obey Edward and shrugged the mans hand off his shoulder. He then went after the girl again.

Elizabeth continued walking, ignoring the conversation behind her. She made her way down the path once again, leaving behind the two men.

'Wait, lass!' she heard the brown hair man, Kidd, call behind her.

Despite her earlier outburst she turned to face them anyway, her chin held high in the air.

'Yes?' she finally spoke, looking back at the two lads.

'What's you name?' The one called Kidd sauntered forward, placing dirtied hands on his belt loop. He moved closer and closer staring at her.

She swallowed.

'Elizabeth,' she breathed. Kidd progressed further, he was a few heads shorter than she was. Elizabeth stared down at him.

'Well, Elizabeth,' Kidd whispered retrieving his small blade from its holder. 'You don't breathe a word of our presence. We weren't here, neither were you. Aye?'

Elizabeth, using the courage left over from her exclamation, just smirked before turning away.

'Hey!' Kidd called again, forcefully grabbing at Elizabeth's skirt. 'Ya didn't answer me!'

'It seems that way, yes.' Elizabeth led on, not caring to turn and face him.

'Lass, it seems you've forgotten that I hold the blade.' Kidd threatened menacingly, holding up the silver sword for show.

'And it seems,' Elizabeth teased, pulling the pistol that had recently been holstered on Kidd's chest. 'That you can't keep track of your firearms.'

Kidd's eyes widened than quickly regained their purpose. The echoes of Edward Kenway's booming laugh was heard from yards away as he approached Kidd from behind.

'She's a feisty on indeed, lad,' Edward patted Kidd's back while suppressing a laugh. 'She'd be a mighty fine one for the Jackdaw.'

Kidd scowled, holding out his hand like a defeated child, one beat at their own game. Elizabeth sauntered towards him, placing the gun square in his hand. 'Don't worry now,' she added. 'You weren't here and neither was I.'

Kidd couldn't help but smile as Elizabeth turned and made her way down the overgrown path.

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