Blood Bandannas and Bodies.

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Elizabeth dared to walk into the prison building, befuddlement riddled her mind, yet she was able to force some sort of opinion into her brain, though it was plenty unwanted. Edward laid a hesitant hand on her arm, holding the brunette haired woman back from entering the room. James was long gone from the scene, most likely at Nassau's dock by now.

Both of them knew that something horrible had happened in there, and both were afraid to venture in any further.

Elizabeth pulled away from Edward, throwing herself against the stone wall and forcing herself not to think nor look about the prison, if Kidd had reacted that badly than it was almost evident that she would too. Edward placed himself besides her, slamming the rotten wooden door shut so neither would even have an inkling to peer inside. Not until James returned, at least.

'What do you think he saw?' Edward finally mustered, folding his arms against his chest as he directed his gaze over in Elizabeth's direction.

'Nathaniel's dead,' she whispered, her meadow green eyes flicking towards the blonde haired pirate who stood besides her.

'You don't know-'

'I do know,' Elizabeth cut the man off sharply. 'And frankly, he deserved it.'

'How could you-'

'We all knew it would come to this, Edward. I took to long,' she replied indifferently.

'You were so worked up, though.' Kenway's eyebrows furrowed as he focused in on the pale skinned girl, the look on her face presenting one of distaste.

'I should've been the one to do it,' Elizabeth muttered, her face morphed from distaste to a one of disappointment.

'Don't talk like that, lass.'

'It was my problem,' Elizabeth pushed. 'Because of my incompetence I pushed two men to commit murder.'

'It's not like they haven't done it before-'

'But this one could've been prevented. It was my fault.'


Elizabeth pushed off from the stone wall, her brown hair blown back as she propelled forward, kicking up dust behind her as she walked away. Edward contemplated chasing her down, but in the end let her go. The girl becoming a mere speck in the distance as he stood beside the wooden door to the prison, idly whistling the tune to 'Leave Her, Jonny' to himself as he focused on the blue sky that blew white clouds overhead. Tapping his black booted shoe on the dirtied ground he awaited James Kidd's return.

Though as the sun dove below the horizon and the bright moon took it's place among the now darkening sky and it's glistening stars, Edward, now entertaining himself with the playful tune of 'Way Me Susiana' finally realized that the girl/pretended lad wasn't going to be returning anytime soon.

Kenway pushed himself from the stone wall, the echo of 'Roller Bowler' now escaping his lips as he strolled down Nassau's dirtied streets.


Kidd sat criss cross on the wooden dock of Nassau, eagerly awaiting the return of Charles Vane and Jack Rackham as he drove his sharp blade over the same block of metal he had used just days earlier when having that rather deep conversation with Elizabeth. Now, without the lass here to distract him nor be annoyed by the sharp and distinct sound of metal on metal he could let his imagination run free as he thought of all of the things he would do to Vane and Rackham upon their return.

With one tanned hand he snatched the bandanna from his head, his long brown locks falling to curtain his face.

Sometimes it was better to be Mary Read.

Sometimes she wanted to.

With one final tug her hair was free from it's boyish ponytail, and she continued on with the sharpening under the moonlight.


Elizabeth stumbled up the steep hill to Allen's shabby little rotten shack. She had been searching for James all day, though neglected to check the docks, and was finally done with searching for a man who would rather not be found.

With a swift knock she stepped back from the door, drumming her pale fingers against her dirtied pants as she waited for the older mans response.

All she recieved was a slurred, 'Go away!'

'It's Elizabeth!' she inched closer to the wooden shack, the familiar scent of rum surrounding her as she placed a hand on the 

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