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You know what I want for my birthday? I want a red bandana, please. Someone- make it happen. Now. XD. Btw, I'm in this writing competition for FanFiction! Basically I have to write a fanfiction based off a title I was given. Sooo, the title given to me was 'Poisonous Love'. 


BTW, this is kind of based off an ENTIRE mission in AC4- Unmanned to be exact. Watch for spoilers.


Elizabeth kicked at the ground, overturning rocks and pebbles as she waited for the return of Edward Kenway and James Kidd. She was terribly bored and had no idea what to do- at all. Even though she had only known the two for just a day they were quite an entertaining pair. So there she sat, on a wooden bench outside one of Kingston's General Stores as the sun slowly began it's climb up the sky. 

She surveyed the area cautiously, looking for anyone who might want to start some unnecessary trouble. Though no one she saw peaked her interests enough. Elizabeth continued to kick her feet around, a small cloud of dust rising up as a group of soldiers passed her once again. Sending her an unwavering glance as they studied her outfit.

Not every girl has to wear a dress.

She sent a glare their way before directing her eyes back down at the ground.

Meanwhile, over on the other side of Kingston, Kidd sat waiting expectantly on top of the windmill. He tapped his foot idly, waiting for Edward Kenway to make his appearance. Only moments later he heard the disgruntled groans of Captain Kenway and the sound of shoes on stone, hands on wood as he slowly proceeded up the rather tall building. 

'Took ye long enough!' Kidd called before Edward even had a chance to peak his head up from over the side of the slanted roof. 

'I had to check on our damsel in distress,' Kenway called from out of sight, somewhere from over the side of the windmill. 

'Hah, how is she anyhow?'

'Just fine,' a shout back. 'Finally looks like a pirate!'

'Good,' James said simply.

'Wouldn't-' Edward gasped for air, finally flopping himself onto the roof of the windmill. 'Wouldn't you prefer meeting in a pub?' he raised an eyebrow as he stood himself up slowly, sauntering his way over to take a seat next to James Kidd.

'I came to Kingston with ya to chase a target,' James began, looking over at Edward. 'Gettin' pissed ain't a priority.'

'We could work together on this. you know!' Edward flashed a toothy grin. 'It's Laurens Prins you're after, and I want his prisoner.'

'We're after the Sage, as well, Edward.' James ran a careful hand over his brown locks. 'Be careful who you cross.'

'May the best man win.'

'There's guards patrolling that property from end to end,' James pointed forward, directing his finger at a plantation just meters away from the base of the windmill. 'Looks to me like they use bells to signal trouble. See there? We'll want to disable those before pushing forward too far. With so many men we can't rely on stealth alone.'

Edward begged to differ, but the last thing he wanted to do was risk losing the Sage and pissing off James. Again. Kidd pulled his blade from his coat pocket, turning it over in the palm of his hands as he continued to speak.

'So... I'll do what I can to distract and draw their attention, giving you a chance to cut 'em down.' On the word 'cut' James had taken the blade firmly in his hand, slicing down his thumb as the accented word had slipped from his mouth. Swiftly, he brought his bloodied thumb over his plump lips- turning them a crimson red. He pulled them into a tight line before securing his blade in it's holster again. While Edward was looking off to the side, pondering Kidd's idea, James slid his hands up to his bandana, untying it quickly before stuffing it in his back pocket. With nimble fingers he released his brown locks from there ponytail, allowing the thick strands to fall down to his shoulders. Kenway continued to look away and James unbuttoned parts off his beige shirt, allowing the eccentric tattoo on his chest to show. 

Giving his hair one last ruffle, he, or should I say she smirked once again, sending it towards Edward.

The daft man had finally decided to look back James way, his icy blue eyes opening wide in shock.

'Your name's not James, is it?' His face a perfect portrayal of how he felt at that moment.

'Not most days.' the girl chuckled slightly, standing up before casting one last glance at Edward. 'C'mon.'

Edward started to follow- before struck by more questions.

'Damn man, how is it you're a woman!?' James then dove off the windmill in perfect formation- landing perfectly in the hay bale below. Edward copied her movement without a second glance.

Elizabeth continued to sit on the bench, growing terribly bored as she kicked the rocks with her foot. They would tumble forward, landing just feet away in the dusty path before another pair of feet would knock it again- sending it on yet another journey. Growing frustrated she stood, her pants feeling rather comfortable on her legs.

She began to travel a tad more freely, decided that she make the best of her time in Kingston- maybe check out the town a bit. Then when she was so blithering bored that she couldn't even handle herself she'd head back to the Jackdaw. 

Buying some sort of time she turned down a more secluded path, admiring the buildings that were quite an upgrade from the filthy ones in Nassau. Various vines were sprawled along the sides of them, snaking up the walls and creeping onto the ceiling. Elizabeth had never seen anything so beautiful, except for maybe James Kidd's eyes...

She shook her head again, wondering why every one of the arguments she had with herself led to Kidd's eyes.

The distant sounds of footprints sounded behind her but she payed no mind, it was probably a resident on Kingston on his way back to his house. They grew closer and she had expected them to move right past her- but they had stopped. Elizabeth turned slowly, eager and a bit frightened to see where they had gone. 

He was right behind her.

She looked up at the man who stood behind her slowly, ever so slowly.

And all of a sudden she felt like puking- again.


Before she had even the slightest chance to move his deadly grip was on her, and this time, James Kidd wasn't there to knock on the door.


So many cliffhangers. *sigh* >:)

So... I revealed that James is a woman, welp, it had to happen sometime.

So James is Mary, Edward is trying to find the Sage and Prins WITH Mary... So who's gonna save Elizabeth? Hmmm... Life's Questions, huh?

I'm just gonna add that during the 'Unmanned' mission- Mary didn't do crap for me. She just camped in her bush like she owned the whole world... Yeah, 'distract them' my ass.

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