The Ugly Town Of Nassau

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I'm going to deem this story successful- it's gotten more reads in two days then my other stories! More votes too^-^ I'm glad you guys like it. I don't exactly have an editor, so if you see that I'm missing a word or I was being weird and morphed two awkward sentences or spelled something wrong, let me know!

Tonight I shall be embarking on an 'Let's-Play-Assassins-Creed-4-Again-So-I-Can-See-James-Again' mission! :)

I have so much ideas for this I don't know how I'll be able to contain them!


'I am thoroughly curious,' James began as he and Elizabeth traveled down one of Nassau's dirty pathways. He cast a look over to the brown haired woman. 'What's a lass like ye self doing in pirate country?'

Elizabeth shrugged, somewhat avoiding the topic. She had her reasons and wasn't exactly eager to tell this pirate everything. Kidd continued to stare at her, scarred eyebrow raised expectantly.

'You seem like a woman who can take care of herself,' James continued, taking his eyes off Elizabeth and then staring straight ahead, arms crossed over his chest. 'You managed to snatch my pistol without me casting a second glance... You one of em Assassins? Here to eliminate ye next target?'

Elizabeth suppressed a small laugh, though James Kidd's expression remained serious. He was being totally serious.

'Maybe, maybe not,' Elizabeth started, starting to aggravate James with her answers. 'Why would I tell you that anyway? We've only just meant, James,' she teased, her British accent a hint playful.

'A simple yes or no would do,' Kidd grumbled, dropping his hands to his side.

'And tonight you'll get neither.'

Almost too quickly, James grabbed Elizabeth's two arms and shoved her up against the closest vine covered building, her back up against developing moss. James was growing menacingly close to her face. His beaded hairs brushing against her shoulder.

'Look,' he hissed, his accent growing thick as he became angrier. His hot breath on her neck. 'If you're here to hurt one of me friends then there's gonna be a problem. I suggest that ye take my questions seriously, lass.'

Despite her best efforts Elizabeth grew continually frightened, afraid that this pirate would kill her if she chose not to reply. She swallowed, sweat beading on her forehead. Kidd waited expectantly, another eyebrow raised as he made no move to move away from the girl. Elizabeth let out a small yelp as James adjusted himself. It took James back a bit, surprised to see that Elizabeth looked afraid. 

'So?' James stepped away, removing his hands from Elizabeth's pale arms. He wasn't aiming to frighten her. 'Yes or no?'

Elizabeth regained her composure, brushing off her dress with shaky arms before deciding to look back up at Kidd, staring straight into his unwavering brown eyes. He had his hands placed on his hips, staring at her expectantly. Elizabeth shook her head silently, her greasy brown hair sticking to the sweat and blood that had accumulated on her face. She must've look absolutely hideous, she hadn't thought that her day would go as it had gone. Being dragged into the middle of two pirate's arguments and then tailed by another drunk one on her way back home... Yeah, not on the days agenda.

'So it's not my friends you're after, aye?' James concluded, wiping a hand over his brow.

'No, I'm not here to kill anyone,' Elizabeth replied simply.

'Then why are ye here?' James asked again, eager to know what such a innocent lass like Elizabeth was doing in such an ugly place like Nassau. People like her just didn't come here with no purpose, it wasn't exactly number one on the tourist list, many people avoided this pirate perverted town.

Elizabeth pursed her lips carefully, staring at the young man standing in front of her.

'As I said before, it's a different story for a different day,' she addressed somewhat agitated.

With that she turned to leave the small alley James had cornered her in, hiking up her awfully dirtied and dusty skirts as she did, the dry tall grass brushing her shins.

'Elizabeth,' Kidd sighed, his accent pronounced.

She felt her heart flutter subtly, cursing herself because of it.Slowly, she turned around, dropping the bundle of her skirts clumped in her hand. Elizabeth found herself staring at James once again.

'What's occuring over here?' an unexpected and unannounced voice boomed from behind Elizabeth, a heavy hand placed on her shoulder once again. She jumped at the quick touch of the masculine hand, then tried to hide her fear once again. She could almost see Kidd's mental sigh.

Elizabeth dared to turn around, unsure of who the owner of that hand was. 

'Nothing, Edward.' James accent heavy again as he stared at Edward Kenway.

Elizabeth brushed Edward's hand off her shoulder, not comfortable with being touched by him- or anyone to be exact.

'And who's thi-' Edward began, curious of the woman he had spotted James with. He quickly shut his mouth when he recognized the lady. 'Ahh,' Edward smiled warmly. 'The lass from earlier. Eliza, was it?'

'Elizabeth,' she corrected quickly, before Kidd had a chance to do it himself.

'Elizabeth! Yes, right, well, I do hope that this lad here had a chance to apologize for dragging you into a bush earlier and ruining all your fruits...' Edward moved towards James now, patting the boys back heartily. ' Though I suppose I should apologize for instigating it.'

James cast a quick glance at Edward, obvious annoyance shown clear.

'Alright,' Edward grinned. 'I get it- I'll just be on my way then.' The blonde gave a farewell nod and took several strides forward before pausing to look back. 'Oh I almost forgot why I even wanted to talk to you. I came here to tell you I'm sailing to Kingston come noon tomorrow, I'm sure ye will be quick to follow?'

James parted his lips for a moment before before gathering his words.Adjusting his red bandana with his hands.

'Not exactly quick, Kenway. But I'll make it there... Eventually.' James gave Edward a hard stare as a sense of annoyance flashed on Edward's face.

'Eventually?' Edward said slowly. 'Jaysus, Kidd, I don't have all year!'

'Calm your knickers, Edward. I'll be there in two months at the most.' Kidd's accent drawled on as he crossed his arms over his chest carefully.

'Ye better,' Edward warned. 'Or I'm coming to find you.'

'Hah! I'd like to see you try, Kenway.'

Edward gave Kidd one last look before turning to departing to the left. Elizabeth looked back at James, her eyebrow raised. Kingston? Why were they headed for Kingston?


Sorry for the kinda delay... :/ My sister decided to be a buttface and delete half of my progress- the worst part was, I forgot to save:P Anyhow, look for an update sometime tomorrow! Plus, I've finally got to say 'Jaysus' in this Chapter! Yesh!

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