Vane's Grand Escape

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Jack Rackham had grasped Nathaniel's lifeless ankles, dragging his bloodied body to the far corner of the dark prison, the dim light of the oil lantern giving him some idea of where he was pulling the man too. Charles Vane stood, his whole frame rested against the door, arms crossed over his chest as he watched the gray haired pirate move the man.

Dry blood was splattered on Vane's coat as well as on his face. Though not as much blood was on him rather than Nathaniel. It was as if a huge rose had blossomed right on his chest, the crimson liquid spread along his shirt. Nathaniel's body left a trail of blood as Jack dragged him along, there was no way they two of them would be able to clean up the mess before James and Elizabeth wandered about.

Jack had finally dropped the man in the far corner, quickly sweeping more cloths over his body. Those too eventually becoming stained red with blood.

'That's enough, Rackham,' Vane ordered, holding up his hand to motion the pirate to a stop.

'But what about-' Jack stared down at the long blood streak that stained the ground.

'Ain't nothin' we can do,' Vane spoke. 'We're out of time.'

'Then I guess we're taking ship?' Jack questioned, throwing the rest of the cloths over Nathaniel's body.

'We are,' Vane varified. 'Now let's go before James and his lass come pay a visit.'

The two exited the prison, the sun already making it's way slowly into the sky. They shut the door behind them quickly, locking the door before escaping down the path to the docks.


The ever so familiar Jackdaw was pulling up against the Nassau dock, both James and Elizabeth waiting eagerly on the wooden deck. James had a single arm looped around Elizabeth's waist as they both waited for their blonde friend to descend from the helm of his wooden ship.

'James! Elizabeth!' Edward exlaimed as he climbed from the side of his wooden ship. He landed on the deck with a hearty thud. 'My has it been a while! How are the lot of ye?'

'Edward!' James laughed, patting the man's back as he got closer. 'I hope yer sober this time around!' Jame's brown eyes stared at Edward's own blue ones, an unspoken warning passing between the two men.

'Very,' Edward finally breathed, placing his hands on his hips as he cast a smile at Elizabeth. 'I haven't taken a swig of rum in a long while.'

'For what it's worth, Elizabeth spoke. 'I'm sorry about Mary.'

'Who-' Edward stuttered for a moment before catching on- with a helpful look from James as well. 'Ah! Mary, yes... Well, life moves on.'

Elizabeth nodded before grasping Edward's hand in a handshake.

'Well I'm glad ye made it back safe, Edward.'

'I'm glad I made it back too,' Edward smiled. 'I missed the company.'

'Perhaps next time we'll take ship with ye,' James suggested.

'I'm afraid not, lad. I've got to take off again in a few weeks- and it's not an adventure for the two of you.'

'If this is about that damned Observatory-'

'Now James,' Edward hissed, warning the lad to stop speaking of it. 'I don't need ye coddling me.'

James just nodded silently.

'So how's Nathaniel?' Edward directed his attention toward the brown haired gal.

'Still in prison,' Elizabeth sighed. 'Still deciding his punishment.'

Edward just offered a solemn look, not daring to question the girl about her method of making decisions.

At the other end of Nassau's wooden dock stood both Charles Vane and Jack Rackham, the two of them keeping a careful eye on Edward, James, and Elizabeth alike. They stood partially behind a wooden crate of rum, most likely being sold in Nassau for use in the tavern.

Charles Vane ship was stationed along side the dock, it certainly lacked in artillery, especially when compared to the Jackdaw. Though it roughly the same size as Edward's treasured ship.

'How are we gonna get passed 'em?' Jack questioned, his rough voice rather loud and ebullient.

'Jaysus, Rackham,' Vane scolded quickly, contemplating shoving his hand over the man's filthy mouth. 'Quiet down- they'll hear ye!'

Jack just scowled at the man again before slinking against the crates.

'Do you think the harbor master would mind if I just took a few swigs of rum from these crates?' Rackham dared to ask, his eyes focused on the several crates situated upon the dock.

'Shut up, Jack,' Vane just hissed.

'Is that a-'

'For Christ's Sake, man! Shut. Up.' Vane glared at Jack, a deadly look embedded in his brown eyes.

'Vane?' Edward called out after hearing the pirates rather loud and distinct voice from the other end of the deck.

'Godamn,' Vane cursed, drawing his lips into a thin and perturbed line as he focused his line of sight on Rackham.

'Don't blame me,' Jack held his arms up in a surrendering fashion. 'You're the one who was hollering.'

Vane just threw another glare Jack's way before gripping his arm and dragging them both along the deck. Blood still splattered on both of their clothes.

'Your clothes...' Edward raised an eyebrow as the two grew near. 'Please don't tell me you killed someone... again.' The sigh evident in her voice.

'Hah,' Vane laughed, covering for an obvious nervous Jack Rackham, who stood next to him. 'I'm not crazy, Edward.'

Elizabeth and James had approached the two, coming up behind Edward and staring over at the two blood stained men.

'Then how'd that happen?' James questioned, tilting his head as he stared at the crimson drops of blood that were littered about their clothing.

'This?' Charles Vane cast his eyes down to bloodied cloth. 'Yer boy, Nathaniel, got a bit too courageous during feeding time.' Vane looked up and back towards Elizabeth. 'Had to put the boy in his place.' 

'He's okay, though?' Elizabeth asked. 

'Fit as a fiddle,' Jack commented, a certain edge toned to his voice as he spoke.

'Why aren't ye two keepin' an eye on him, then?' Kidd spoke, his eyebrow raised as he stared at the two men.

'We've been watchin' that lil shit for a week, Kidd!' Vane argued. 'He's not even our criminal. Ye can't expect us to be watchin' him 24/7.'

James parted his lips to speak, though Elizabeth silenced him.

'James,' she warned. 'They're right. We should take over for a bit and discuss punishment.' Elizabeth grazed her pale hand against Kidd's arm, and he just gave her a simple nod.

'Fine.' James seemed pissed, though Elizabeth tried her best to calm the pirate. 

'We fed him already,' Vane instructed. 'He's probably in the cell crying or something.'

Vane fished through his pocket before retrieving the key and tossing it to the brown haired girl.

'Jack and I will be at the tavern if ye need anything.'


Vane and Jack are in BIG trouble.

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