He's Ten Times The Devil His Father Was

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Hello all my lovelies, I shall start rating my love for you by clams- Thanks Vane...

So basically I either share my clams with you or I don't, or maybe I just steal them. None of this is making sense- Like Vane after he took my clams.

Okay, enough about clams- On to the actual story.

Did I mention that I kind of actually hate clams?


Elizabeth remained silent for a while, staring out at the open ocean as the waves rolled on beneath the Jackdaw. She stood with her elbows resting on the brig's wooden frame, her dirtied green dress flapping in the wind- reflecting the days events.

First she had been dragged into a bush by the infamous James Kidd.

Tailed by a drunk Captain.

Confronted by her abusive ex.

And now she was on a pirate ship with a pissed off Kidd, Edward Kenway, and the Jackdaw's Quartermaster, Adewale- as well as the rest of the ships crew.

What a day.

Her absolutely disgusting hair was resting on her shoulders now, having escaped from it's bun on their escape to the ship. She longed to wash up, though she predicted that a ship like this was lacking a shower or something of the sort. Edward stood some ways behind her, turning the wheel in his hands as the sailed for Kingston- a place she would've never dreamed of going.

'Does he have a ship?' Edward's voice caught her by surprise, he hadn't bothered to glance back at Elizabeth, he just focused on the vast ocean that lay ahead.

Not that his failing to look back was noticed. Elizabeth didn't look at Edward either, her hands knotted together now as she leaned on the railing behind Edward.

'If he did, it wouldn't be him sailing it.'

'Really?' Edward raised an eyebrow, casting a momentary glance at the girl.

'He never fancied sailing,' Elizabeth spoke, her hair brushing her cheeks as it flowed in the way of the breeze.

'No? Not even a word about ever privateering?' Edward was genuniely shocked- he believed every man craved that sort of lifestyle.

'No,' Elizabeth laughed softly to herself. 'Does that surprise you?' She finally looked back at the blonde man captaining the ship, turning herself around to lean her back against the rough railing of the Jackdaw.

'Aye.' His response was simple.

'Hah, obviously coming from the man who lives it- not every man is into pirating, ye know.' She plucked at the skirt of her dress again, itching to just be rid of it.

'Ah, privateering,' Edward corrected, holding up one finger as her looked back at Elizabeth.

'Another lie you tell yourself, right?' Elizabeth pushed herself off the railing, approaching the empty space next to Edward Kenway. 'To convince yourself the you're doing the right thing with your life?'

'I suppose,' Edward grinned when Elizabeth came into view besides him. 'Not that I've ever regretted this choice in me life.'

'Hmm,' Elizabeth hummed. Placing two hands on the timber edge in front of her she looked out onto the ship, observing the bustling crew. She wouldn't lie to herself though, she was really looking for James Kidd. She saw his bright red bandana first, he was nestled amongst crates, a bottle of rum grasped in his hand as he stared out at the ocean. Kidd looked upset, was it her fault? She gave her head a subtle shake, she found herself doing it a lot nowadays. Why should she even care, it's not like she was obligated to share her life story with a pirate she had just met this morning- even if his eyes were incredibly flawless.

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