So... What Comes Next?

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Yes, they finally kissed... You have no idea how much I smiled when I wrote that! XD.


The sun rose bright in the sky that morning, only a few white clouds littering the blue sky as Elizabeth rose from her small bunk in the Jackdaw's crew quarters. She had originally planned to make her way back to her house- though James, being the protective and ornery fool he was, convinced her to stay. The slight buzz from the night before had been replaced with a light headache. All of the pain in her ankle had returned, the skin around the lump growing a darker purple each day. Elizabeth knew she needed to see the doctor, and soon.

She hesitated slightly to wake Kidd up, wondering if the daft man would remember anything from the night before- the kiss to be most exact. He had seemed sober enough to mean it and have knowledge of it... Though you could never know with a supposedly drunk pirate.

James Kidd laid on a nearby bunk, his arms and legs sprawled wide as he snored, possibly in a deep sleep. Elizabeth could barely stand, the burning and stinging sensation growing within her horrific looking ankle. She was reluctant to say- but she might possibly need more of James lovely assistance, and by assistance she meant James carrying her up the street to the doctors house- once again.

Seated on the edge of the bottom bunk, she leaned forward, intent on waking him. She was going to have to face him sooner or later.

'James?' Elizabeth called softly at first, trying to wake him up as gently as possible. He didn't budge.

'James?' she repeated, a smudge louder than before. Yet, the lad didn't move a single muscle.

Growing tired, she inched closer to him.

'C'mon, Kidd! Rise and shine!' As the words fell from her lips she gave him a tremendous shove, causing him to shoot up like a bat out of Hell.

At first his face displayed the expression of panic, which quickly shifted to annoyance- and then a one of playfulness as he set his chocolate brown colored eyes upon her.

'Eager for my attention so early, lass?' he smirked before standing up and cleaning himself up a bit. He directed his award-winning wink towards her once again.

So he did remember.

'What? Uh.. No! I mean-' Elizabeth couldn't help the shade of red that overcame her pale cheeks.

'Uh huh,' James grinned before moving away from his bed just to take a seat next to Elizabeth on hers. He propped a mighty elbow on her shoulder, staring over at her and into her meadow green eyes. 'So, love, why wake me so early if not for my charming good looks?'

Elizabeth just swallowed, inhaling a deep breath while trying to compose herself.

'Uhm,' she stuttered, daring to look over and into his eyes. 'I was wondering if perhaps we could visit the doctor, today?'

A quick flash of disappointment was shown on James Kidd's defined features when he realized the conversation wasn't about him, but he quickly hid it with a genuine look of concern.

'Aye- has your leg fared worse?' Kidd positioned himself to get a good look. He then cringed as he took in the sight of the discolored ligament. 'Nevermind, love, don't answer that.'

Elizabeth felt the soft flutter of her heartbeat every time he referred to her as 'love' but she attempted to ignore it- though she doubt she could much longer.

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