And Then You Came Along And Ruined Everything

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Apparently I'm writing my expository essay on Charles Vane.
I don't know how it happened or when- but I'm ready!

Some kid at school- 'Do you have a Valentine?'
Me- 'Obviously. His name is James Kidd.'

He totally believed me;)

*Warning* Some Graphic Kind Of Violence Below


Elizabeth stood frozen, right there on the spot. It was as if she couldn't move. He was right there- standing in front of her. A menacing look plastered on his face as he stared down upon Elizabeth, a dark look in his hazel eyes. One that Elizabeth knew all too well.

'Where are your pirate friends, now?' he hissed, backing her up against the building. 'You know, sweetheart, you aren't so good at hiding.' He scanned his eyes up and down her body, taking in the presence of her outfit.

Elizabeth continued to back up further, until her hands met the rough vine covered house. She was trapped- with no where to go nor run too. A familiar feeling of panic and anxiety ran through her spine, freezing her actions as her eyes were frozen on him.

'You know you don't always have to be this goddamn scared all the time,' Nathaniel whispered, his face growing closer to hers. He grasped a strand of her brown hair and continued to stare at her. 'It hurts me to see you like this.'

Elizabeth finally found the strength to cringe. Who did he think he was?

'You bastard!' she exclaimed, lashing out at the man with her hand. Elizabeth's fingernails raked the mans face, causing him to stumble back. She quickly removed herself from the house. 'You wonder why I'm so scared all the time! It's you- I'm scared of you. You did this.' She backed away slowly, preparing her escape. 'I used to be strong, independent, comfortable- then you came along and ruined everything!'

Nathaniel's face was unwavering as he continued to keep his hazel eyes on Elizabeth. He didn't seem to be affected by her words. In fact he seemed to find some sort of sick accomplishment embedded in deep within them.

It only made Elizabeth more scared. Her earlier courage had drained quickly, leaving her system as she stared up into the proud eyes of Nathaniel. He was happy with what he had done- and that scared her more than anything in her life. She took slow steps backwards, the house no longer behind her. Only the wide, dirt, paths of Kingston. Elizabeth kept her eyes locked on the vicious looking man before her, his hands balled into dangerous fists as he took painstakingly short steps towards her, the anticipation of just getting his hands on her growing in his abdomen.

Nathaniel truly was a sick man.

'Elizabeth...' he cooed slowly, his eyes locked with hers. 'You're making this harder than it has to be.'

But that's the thing- Elizabeth had always been more trouble than she was worth.

'Good,' she spat, a smirk growing on her lips. Though she quickly regretted it when Nathaniel charged forward- aggressively.

The smile dropped from her expression quickly, like an apple falling from a tree. Her green eyes grew wide and before her mind had a chance to argue- she bolted. Elizabeth's feet pounded hard on the dusty road, Nathaniel on her heels as she brushed past random civilians. Silently she thanked God for having replaced her skirts with such durable clothing. She kicked up dust behind her, several rocks and pebbles hitting the ground behind her.

Her lungs began to scream at her and her muscles burned terribly, but she believed it was worth it. Behind her she couldn't spot Nathaniel at all. Nor was there any trace of him. Slowly her speed she let out heavy breathes, deciding it best be time to return to the Jackdaw under Adewale's watch. Elizabeth turned on her heel, cutting down a small road to the left instead of walking back the way she came. The girl even contemplated searching for James Kidd and Edward Kenway both but quickly decided against it when she realized that they were probably up in some restricted away dallying around.

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