Back Again

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Guess who's back, back, back, back again-gain-gain, Nathaniel's back, back, back, tell yo' friends-friends-friends.

I apologize for mistakes, haven't edited it thoroughly yet.


James feet hit the wooden Nassau deck with a hollow thud, the platform shaking beneath his feet. Without wasting anytime he projected himself forward, his boots striking down on the deck hard with every step he took. Keeping a watchful eye on Nathaniel he reached for his concealed blade, getting ready to take an actual swing to this guy- and honestly, he really wanted to. The unhealthy course of anger flowing throughout his body was prompting him too. After what Nathaniel had done to Elizabeth, all the pain he had caused her... He deserved to die. He really did.

Nathaniel stood just feet away, a massive wad of fabric tied over his wound that had been inflicted only days before. He stumbled forward, followed by what looked like hired privateers. Of course, the sick man couldn't do any of the work by himself. In fact, he looked like a pirate himself, and everyone knew that you couldn't just waltz into Nassau accompanied with that much men without running into Ed Thatch and his crew.

It was a known fact.

James continued further into the town, by now Edward had jumped from his ship- chasing after Kidd. The lad knew very well that he couldn't take on all of those men, but anger makes you do stupid things. He ran head-on at Nathaniel, stopping the wounded man right in his tracks. Nathaniel looked him over with hazel eyes, seeming to appraise the lad silently.

'Who are you?' Nathaniel hissed, crossing his arms over his rather large features. If James hadn't known any better he could've been mistaken for one of those privateer brutes.

'You might not recognize me. But I know very well who you are- Nathaniel.' Kidd glared at him, keeping a steady hand on his blade that was fastened to his belt.

Edward's footsteps could be heard behind James, stopping when he caught sight of who was standing in front of them. Immediately his hand flew to his blade, the blonde pirate staring hard at Nassau's visitor.

'What are ye doing here, lads?' Edward spoke up, his welsh accent remaining calm as he inched ahead of James.

Nathaniel stared at the pair of them, preparing himself to signal his men to attack. 

'Aren't you two the ones protecting my lass?' Nathaniel snarled, his hand now moving toward his own blade.

'She's not yours,' James hissed, his accent flaring as he fought to move past Edward, who was purposely standing in front of him.

'Well aren't you a little spitfire,' Nathaniel cooed, speaking to James as if he were a mere boy. While James was still confined to his teen years, he was aged way beyond his years. 'You think a young lad like yerself could defeat me?'

Nathaniel spit in his face, which didn't deter James at all- In fact it just seemed to add fuel to the fire growing in Kidd's eyes. Edward continued to hold the lad back, trying to go about this as peacefully as he could.

'You do not want to talk about age with this lad,' Edward warned cautiously, knowing very well that James Kidd didn't like to talk about his young age. 

'What's happening over here, boys?' Jack Rackham slurred, a bottle of rum held in his hand as he sauntered towards the group of men in his familiar fashion. Edward and James alike almost didn't realize that he had made an appearance.

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