And.. We Need To Get Rid of Him

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Alrighty! The update schedule may be a little choppy? As I'm finding myself being more and more busy throughout the week. For now - I'll try to update during the weekday, but with school and all - they might be pushed to weekends only :/


It was a quiet night. One full of nothing but Elizabeth's muffled footsteps as she paced through her small Nassau home, vigorously cleaning everything and refusing to cry. She refused to even think of her - Mary Read. The thing was, it wasn't as much her being a woman - it was that she lied and that Mary had expected to continue some sort of relationship. And it boggled Elizabeth. Sure, it might've been private but.. in the end, Elizabeth felt played. Used. Defeated. Finally she set aside her broom and her thoughts alike, climbed into bed, and slept.

It wasn't until a good ways into the early morning that Elizabeth realized that they still had a body to deal with. One still tucked away in the Nassau prison. One that didn't deserve a burial, but needed one anyway.

She dressed quickly and simply, growing fond of the pants that she had bought somewhere in Kingston. They were light, airy, and very durable. The girl got a head start, scouring the area for Edward - someone to help her dispose their somewhat unfortunate friend.

The blonde pirate was hunched over a table at the tavern, a cup still grasped in between pale and tired hands. Elizabeth kicked at his foot, slowly easing the old cup from his sleeping grasp.

"Oi!" Edward exclaimed, his entire frame shooting upward as he spun his head around quickly and curiously. Frazzled hair stuck to his face as he wiped spit from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Calm down!" Elizabeth noted, shaking her head softly before placing both of her hands square on her hips. "It's just me, Edward. Nothin' to get anxious 'bout."

His facial features softened as he laid his gaze on Elizabeth and grinned.

"Ah, lass," Edward nodded, reaching forward to retrieve the cup she had just moved for him. Quickly, he downed last nights ale and met Elizabeth's eyes again. "How does Mary fair?"

Of course, it's the first thing he asks.

Elizabeth cringed and replied with nothing but a short shake of her head. And instead of waiting around for more of his daft questions she jumped right to her own buisness.

"I need your help," she stated quickly. Confidently.

"Hmph?" Edward replied.

"It's Nathaniel," she continued. "His body.. We need to-"

"To get rid of it," Edward finished for her.

She nodded quickly before fidgeting with her hands and shuffling along the dirtied tavern floor.

"Figured as much," he shrugged, tossing the cup aside. It clattered to the ground.

Elizabeth sighed and Anne emerged from behind the bar, strolling towards the table with a bit of agitation in her step. Away, another victim of last nights drinking stirred with a groan and Anne sighed again. Poor girl, Elizabeth decided as Anne plucked the metal cup from the ground. And then she turned, without acknowledging the two of them.

With a light hand, she tapped him sharply.

"Manners," she scolded, attempting to shoot an apologetic look Anne's way. The red head wasn't paying much mind, though.

"You're not me mother," Edward said tiredly, pushing himself up from his stupor before brushing two pale hands over his coats. "Now," he began. "Don't we have a body to take care of?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2015 ⏰

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