Close Calls and a 'Drunk' Edward Kenway

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James and Elizabeth's heads were mere inches away, both of them breathless as they looked at each other. The two seemed lost in each others eyes, a smile spread across Elizabeth's face as she looked to the ground. Her meadow green eyes scanning the soft sand beneath her feet, a light Nassau breeze tugging at her brown hair, both paired with a faint shade of pink upon pale cheeks.

It seemed like something out of a storybook, and Elizabeth liked it. James outstretched his hand, lightly outlining her cheekbone while staring at her with brown eyes. Words and thoughts seemed to be pulling at his lips- begging to be said. Yet, Kidd remained quiet, taking in the sensations and feelings from that very moment in time. He wished it could be like this forever.

It wouldn't though, not with him really being a her. The whole idea was evident on Edward's face as he stood at the littered paths entrance, his hands set on his hips, blonde hair brushing across his stern features. He looked none to pleased, and James couldn't blame him. Kidd was basically tugging on this girls heart, Elizabeth would be broken if he left her too.

Edward's face only grew more stern as time passed. Elizabeth stood in front of Kidd, a ridiculously cute smile plastered on her face as she looked to the ground. Kidd remained quiet, much to Kenway's dismay- Thoughts raced through James' mind. He couldn't tell her- Edward knew it far before Kidd knew it, himself.

James had no time to stop Edward. The angry blonde pirate raced down from his place in the distance. Kidd didn't understand why Edward wouldn't let him figure this out for himself. He would tell her on his terms- yet, like always Edward didn't have a particular knack for patience.

'What. The. Hell!' Edward yelled, his hands balled into fists.

James pushed Elizabeth away gently before turning his full attention to a very annoyed Edward Kenway.

'Did you not hear what I said! Or did that thick head of yours not register it?!' Kenway shook his head, growing closer to James Kidd.

'Edward-' Kidd tried to say.

'Jaysus, lad! Or should I say lass?' Edward hissed.


'What? A man can't call his friend by her real name! What-'

'Don't say-'

'Don't say what?! You're real name? Mary.' Edward stared at Kidd, then adverted his gaze to the young girl besides him. Utter confusion evident upon her face.

'What's going on?' Elizabeth stuttered, twiddling her thumbs as she looked between the two men in front of her.

'Nothing,' Kidd tried to pass it off. 'Just Edward in a drunk rage-'

'Drunk rage?!' Edward laughed before grabbing James' arm roughly. 'Do you love this man, Elizabeth?'

The brown haired girl stood silently, her brow furrowed as she observed both Edward and James.

'Hmm?' Kenway pressed.

Elizabeth made eye contact with James, her meadow green eyes searching his brown ones.

She slowly nodded.

'Well isn't that just dandy!' Edward grinned. 'This will only be more painful for you!'

'Edward!' James struggled. 'Don't even-'

'Hey, lad. Don't forget that this is all your doing! Ye went sticking your head into the wrong places, my friend.'

'James?' Elizabeth called softly. 'What is he going on about?'

'Oh, just a small thing he failed to mention to you!' Edward's voice boomed, answering for the lad. 'You wanna tell her, lad?' Kenway looked towards James.

James was speechless.

'Guess I'll do it then- Your lover here- James Kidd. He's a she. Her name's Mary Read.'

'You're- you're lying,' Elizabeth stuttered, staring at both James and Edward. 'James would never do something so foolish, right?'

Elizabeth searched James' eyes. Edward seemed delusional, the blonde had to be lying. 

'Ye want proof?' Edward grinned. 'All right then.'

Before Edward even had a chance to grasp James' bandanna the boy ducked his head, realing his foot back to deliver a mighty kick to Edward's stomach. The blonde gasped, clutching his stomach as he fell to the sand. 

Elizabeth stood speechless behind the two, grasping her hands together as she watched the scene unfold. 

'Don' worry,' James covered quickly. 'He gets delusional when he's drunk.' James shot a deadly look down at Edward, and thankfully Edward got the hint.

Or maybe he didn't.

'I'm no-' James stopped Edward's sentence before it even had time to become one with another hard knee to the stomach.

'He gets very confused after one to many pints of ale,' James hissed before turning to face the brown haired girl. 'Right, Edward?'


James grasped his blade, bringing it behind his back inconspicuously so that Elizabeth wouldn't see.

'Aye,' Edward groaned, sounding slightly defeated. 'Did I say that James was a lass? Ahh- way to many drinks indeed.'

'Perhaps ye should go home and take a rest,' Elizabeth suggested, seemingly unfazed to the whole situation. 

'Right! Yes...' Edward mumbled. 'I've been busting for a rest, lately...'

He maneuvered himself upward with the assistance of James Kidd, the two exchanged quick looks- Edward's being one of aggravation and James's being one of a deadly nature. Then, Edward was off without a second glance. Their conversation was far from being over- it wasn't going to be over until Edward walked away with some minor cuts and bruises.

James watched Kenway saunter away before turning to stare at Elizabeth, she stood a far ways off- staring at him with simple eyes as she waited for him to muster a word. She was still quite befuddled, she wasn't sure what to say.

'So...' Kidd mumbled, scratching the back of his neck nervously as he walked towards her slowly.

'Edward thinks you're a woman when he's drunk?' Elizabeth asked, her brow furrowed. 

'Yeah...' James covered, continuing to stare at her.

'Who's 'Mary Read'. The girl Edward was on about?' 

'Hmm?' James stuttered at the name of his own name coming from her lips.

'Mary Read? Who is she?' Elizabeth pushed.

'Oh!' James exclaimed. 'Mary... She's, uh, a former... lover of Edwards. The lass dumped his ass when she met the next best thing...' It pained James to even mutter that phrase from his mouth.

'Harsh,' Elizabeth breathed. 'Why are all woman so cruel? Except for me of course.' A smile spread across her lips- she seemingly forgetting all about Mary Read.

'I beg to differ,' Kidd scoffed, hoping that the lass really did forget about it. 'Remember just a few days ago, on the Jackdaw? Pretty cruel...'

'I made up for it, though!' Elizabeth crept forward, a smile spreading across her lips.

'I don't think you have, yet...' James smirked, grasping Elizabeth's waist and pulling her close to him.

As he pressed his lips against hers thoughts raced through his mind. All he could do now was enjoy the time he had with her. With his luck Edward certainly wasn't done with his tricks.


Hey- sorry for my lack in updates. One of my pets passed away and I was busy with HW. Next chapter I'll deal with that nuisance Nathaniel;)

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