A Drunk Jack Rackham

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Minor Spoilers Below

I just finished AC4 and I cried. I loved how it showed all of Edward's friends at the end while Anne was singing Parting Glass... He really did love them :'( Seeing James/Mary really made me sad... I loved her so... Why do you think I'm writing this? Anyway, please enjoy!


The small band in front of the tavern played loudly, the singers voice projecting itself out and across the land, flying through the air like a pirates shanty. Normally this wouldn't be the place Elizabeth would choose to dwell in, but after returning home to a fuming friend and humid house she felt the need to be with other people. Around other people, other than the ones who hated her, however.

Mostly men lurked about, grasping onto sticky cups with unstable hands. Their swayed walk a telltale sign of too much rum in their system. Elizabeth wasn't necessarily here for the drinks, though she could down a cup like nobodies business, rather she was here for the music. She found herself drawn to the music and songs. They were seldom found elsewhere in Nassau, it was a plain and simple unspoken rule. You wanted to hear music? Head down to the towns tavern.

So there she sat, a bit more cleaned up from earlier. The sun was falling below the mountains now, the sky becoming a dark royal blue, few stars emitting the darkening sky. Oil lanterns hung from wooden posts, illuminating the tavern and the people seated about. She twirled her brown hair in between her nimble fingers, focusing on the small groups newest song.

She must've looked awkward, sitting in a tavern with no drink in front of her... But she ignored the several eyes focused on her. Sometimes she was able to go undetected by the many drunks- and sometimes not. Tonight was one of those nights.

'Heyyyyy pretty ladyyy.' An unbalanced hand pressed down hard on her shoulder, ruffling the sleeve of her dress. The voice belonging to the hand was heavily slurred, spraying spit on the back of Elizabeth's neck.

She swatted the hand away, causing the man to almost tumble over. 'Hands off,' she directed harshly towards the gray haired man, wiping dirty spit off her neck.

'Oh, c'mon,' he latched onto her again, this time grabbing her arm and tugging on her forcefully, aiming to get her off her bench.

Elizabeth shoved him harder this time, pulling his hand off her arm. He fell this time, unable to recover from the forceful push. His shirt was unbuttoned fiercely, showing most of his belly. He landed on the taverns wooden floor with a thud, staring up at her- his eyes reflecting his anger.

'A.. A feisty one, aren't ya?' he smirked, struggling to get back to his feet again.


Elizabeth thoroughly despised that word. She waved her hand dismissively, rolling her green eyes as she turned. It was time for her to leave the tavern, her night ruined. She hiked up her dusty skirts as she retreated down the uneven steps, leaving behind the drunk man.

The sun had fully descended behind the coast line, a blanket of black covering the streets. The roads remained dusty and dry however, she kicked up dust as she traveled. Several people moved past her, most likely to the tavern and soon enough she was alone. An unsettling quiet surrounding her. Elizabeth thought she was going delusional, she constantly thought someone was behind her- waiting for their time to strike. Quickening her pace she looked around cautiously, then hiked up her skirts even more.

'Hello,' a familiar, drunk, voice slurred, not caring to whisper. Elizabeth swung around, just feet away stood the same gray haired drunk she had shoved earlier. 'Now... You...' he hiccuped, holding up a swaying finger. 'Are gonna come with me...' he fumbled momentarily in his belt, unsheathing a small and dangerous blade, closing the distance between her and him quickly. 'Or you're a dead woman.' The stench of rum hung high as he breathed on her face, holding the knife up proudly, the moonlight reflecting off it.

Elizabeth let out a shaky breath.

'Let er go, Jack.' Kidd sauntered out from behind one of Nassau's filthy buildings. His hand placed comfortably on the pommel of his sword.

Jack turned on his heel, blade still shoved in Elizabeth's face. 'James Kidd,' he spat, sending a deadly glare his way. 'What makes ye think that a young lad such as yourself could tell ole Calico Jack what to do?' He stumbled forward a bit, whipping the blade past her face. The sharp tip just slashing her cheek, sending a small trickle of crimson blood down her face. She flinched.

'Just saving you from making a mistake, Cap'n. Don' you think Anne will be missing you?' Kidd walked closer, looking as careless as ever.

Jack raised an eyebrow, staring hard at James Kidd. 'She don't fancy me anyhow, why prevent me from having a little fun?' He stumbled forward, knife falling from his hand and falling to the dusty ground with a thud.

'Doesn't fancy you, aye?' Kidd crossed his arms over his chest. 'Doesn't surprise me. The way you get drunk like you do- I wouldn't either.' His head shook disapprovingly, his beaded locks of hair brushing against his cheeks.

'Don't ye tell me what to do,' Jack paused for a moment, releasing a hearty burp. 'Kidd,' he finished, stumbling forward, tripping over his own feet.

James Kidd proceeded closer, eventually grasping Rackham by the arm and supporting him.

'Let's get you home ye ole drunk.' Kidd shot a look at Elizabeth, a quick motion to follow. 

Wiping the thin line of blood off her cheek quickly, she hiked up her skirts once again, heading down the dusty road close behind Kidd. In front of her their pace was uneven, Jack relying heavily on James to walk in a simple straight line. Kidd's jacket became ruffled and disorganized under the heavy mans drunken waddle. Elizabeth quickened her pace, grabbing the drunk captain's other arm, equalizing the amount of work. James cast a soft smile as he looked over at Elizabeth, glad the weight had been somewhat been removed from him.

The three stumbled back to the tavern together, searching for Anne Bonny, Jack Rackham's little lady.

'Anne?' James called out as he placed on hand on the taverns rough, wooden, stair railing.

She appeared quickly, her red hair glistening under the dim moonlight. She shook her head disapprovingly before making her way down the stairs to retrieve the drunk man.

'I don't know what I'm going to do with him,' her Irish accent light as she grabbed his arm from Elizabeth, scanning the girl quickly.

'Keep him away from the bar, simple as that.' James gave her a nod as he situated an almost unconscious Jack next to Anne.

'Easier said than done,' she sighed before turning away. 'Goodnight to ya, James.' Anne gave a curt nod before dragging Jack back inside to the taverns small interior.

Elizabeth stared uncomfortably as James Kidd as they stood alone, her hands placed on her hips.

'So we meet again, lass,' James broke the silence, staring at Elizabeth as the words left his mouth.

'Aye,' Elizabeth responded quickly, scanning over his body, looking for any visible weapons. 'That's what it looks like, yes.'

'So you live in Nassau then?' 

'Only because I have no where else to go.'

'And why is that?' James raised an eyebrow.

'That's a different story for a different day.'

'Seems fair.'


That's all for tonights update:( Sorry, but I'm really tired... This convo will continue next chapter! ^-^

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