A Single Gunshot

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Sorry for late updates... I just get caught up in a lot of things. I think I'm going to start a new 'The Wolf Among Us' fic as a secondary kind of thing. I probably won't update that one a lot if it ever makes it out of my brain..


The last few minutes had been quite a blur for Elizabeth, such a blur that brought on a sense of dizziness and confusion. 

James Kidd pounded heavily on Allen's shack wooden door, the whole shack shaking as he did. His shoulder was stinging quite horribly and he could feel the warm and sticky blood dribbling from his wound and onto his clothing.  As much uncomfortable as it was he ignored the odd feeling, Nathaniel needed to be taken care of now. His shoulder was a secondary objective.

'Hurry up!' James couldn't help the exclamation that was spat from his mouth, a combonation of pain, frustration, and anger made for one very unhappy privateer. 

His judgement was clouded by anger, seeing no other way to get Allen's attention- and possibly sensing that Elizabeth was in danger- he reeled his foot back to give the door a mighty kick, though he was stopped before he could complete the objective.

'Blimey! What sort of ideas have ye got in that hollow little head of yours!' Allen flung the door open suddenly, seeing James leg held in the air certainly seemed shady. 'You were going to kick open me door, weren't ye?!'

James just shrugged simply before spitting out his new words.

'Where's Elizabeth?' James crept closer slowly, peering into the small dirtied house.

'The lass is just fine,' Allen spoke. 'No need to worry about her- She's resting.'

'I need to talk to her,' the lads accent words rushed. 'Now.'

'I'm afraid I can't-'

'It's important.' The look conveyed in Kidd's brown eyes was one of determination, pleading, and a touch of anger- A look Allen didn't feel like arguing with.

The old man just shook his head slowly, brushing his aged hands through graying hairs.

'Fine, fine- C'mon in.'

James wasted no time brushing past the man and rushing straight into his house, ignoring the horrible stench of the doctors small shack he moved along, searching each room for Elizabeth, ignoring the pain in his shoulder.

'James,' Allen spoke, finally making his way into his own home. 'You're bleeding.'

'I know, James hissed, shooting a deadly glare back at the man. He really didn't want to speak about his predicaments at the very moment.

Allen just shut his mouth, knowing better than to muster another word. The older man's green eyes were trained on Kidd, watching as he sped around the shack with a sense of urgency and importance. He really needed to talk to that girl.

James peered into the last possible room he could, brown eyes scanning the cracked wooden floors. This room was relatively cleaner than the rest, which shocked the pirate, He didn't think Allen could keep anything clean. Seated in the far corner sat the brown haired lass, her back hunched as she had fallen asleep. Her head bobbing as she took deep breaths. The whole position looked rather uncomfortable but at least she was getting some sleep. James paused for just a moment, noticing how peaceful she looked when she was asleep. Her ankle was wrapped tightly with white gauze that looked rather clean- even though he and Allen had a rough past he was truly thankful for his help.

Carefully, he placed his hand softly on Elizabeth's shoulder. Giving her a gentle shake, he awaited for her to wake up.

She rose slowly, letting out a hearty yawn she looked around the room with ease, her meadow green eyes finally landing upon James Kidd- though no sooner than they had arrived the moved quickly to the growing bloodstand that was blooming upon his beige jacket. The hole torn in the think fabric rather noticeable.

'James!' she exclaimed, her hands shooting up to immediately touch the wound- knowing Elizabeth she was going to try and fix it herself.

Kidd took a step back quickly, swiftly avoiding her two hands.

'What happened?!' Elizabeth's expression was one of worry, her eyebrows furrowing as she stared at the blood.

'That's why I'm here!' James moved further again, grasping Elizabeth's upper arm. 'And we have to go- I'll explain on the way.'

Elizabeth didn't question him, just the way he had spoken to her- she knew this was somewhat important. Kidd eased her to her feet, her ankle still not healed enough for her to walk properly. The two slowly hobbled from the house, like an uncoordinated couple during a three legged race. Allen grabbed Elizabeth's other arm- assisting them as they walked from the shack.

'James?' Elizabeth finally asked, still partially asleep. 'Now will you please explain to me what's happening?'

James just stared at her, a hard look in his eyes as he watched her.

'Nathaniel,' he spoke, his expression not changing as the two men continued to assist her down the dirtied Nassau path.

Elizabeth felt herself frozen with fear, unsure of what she should do. Part of her was filled with anger and the other with fear. He whole body tensed, the feeling quite obvious to the two men besides her. James gave her a worrisome look, then tried to calm her down.

'Don't worry, lass- a few friends and I got to him before he could get to you. He's tied up on the beach right about now. I wanted to talk with you before we decided what to do with the fellow.'

Elizabeth stared straight ahead, stopping herself from moving her feet- the two men now practically carrying her down Nassau.

'James,' Elizabeth breathed, looking over at the tanned pirate to her right. 'I don't want to see him. Not yet.'

James stopped now two, along with Allen who simply had no choice in the matter.

'What do ye mean, lass?' James raised a single eyebrow.

'I... Can I talk to you? In private?' Elizabeth asked softly, pulling away from Allen ever so slightly. Allen eventually released her, getting the hint that she wanted his hands off her.

'It has to be quick, lass,' James noted, ushering the girl away from Allen.

Elizabeth looked slightly perturbed, but ignored James foolish words.

'Look,' she sighed. 'I... I don't really want to see him.'


'Does it really surprise you?' she asked, slightly annoyed,

'Aye- Ye don't crave for just the slightest bit of revenge?' James set Elizabeth down on an unoccupied bench, looking down on her once she was seated.

'I just- I...' Elizabeth couldn't find the words. She did want revenge just...

A loud crack and boom was heard in the distance, rippling through the air and disrupting all of Elizabeth's thoughts. It took her by surprise really- but after the initial shock, she began to question what it was and what had caused it.

James and Elizabeth made quick eye contact. 

It was a gunshot.

James grabbed Elizabeth quickly, the two racing as fast as they could towards the direction of the sound.

It came from Nassau's beach.

Nathaniel was at the beach.


Sorry we didn't get to satisfy our Nathaniel revenge. Next time will be better!

 Sorry for mistakes- My computers about to die and I have to find the charger so I'll be editing later.

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