Chapter Thirty-Nine Part II;Let the Truth Be Told

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All cried out, Kelly sat Indian style on the floor of her bedroom.

Surrounded by a dozen pictures of her so-called family and feeling the ultimate wrath of Karma, she let out a heart wrenching sigh, sniffling, coughing and wiping her nose with the sleeve of her shirt all at once. She knew she'd make herself sick if she went on like this but she'd already accomplished that by living this lie for so long. She couldn't take it anymore.

Somewhat in a daze, she couldn't remover her gaze from one particular picture of Roy holding the twins the day they were born. A look of joy written all over his face, you couldn't tell him nothing and that's exactly why she didn't.

Kelly could only imagine what his reaction would be if he found out they weren't his; case in point why she'd been acting so much differently towards him since that day at the hospital.


Despite the fact that Roy had managed to cut back on some of his hours he still couldn't get away from the traveling aspect of his time-consuming job. To mend her sorrows, Kelly decided to meet up with Beyonce at the new little mixer club on 23rd street after work to chat the night away and maybe have a few drinks. Unfortunately, Michelle couldn't make it but her absence of course didn't rain on their parade.

They were having a good time, snacking on a bowl of pretzels and sipping on cocktails until Beyonce's phone started ringing off the hook.

"Please answer that. You know he's going to keep calling you back until you do."

"Whatever." Bey replied setting the phone to vibrate and placing it on the table.

"I know it aint nobody but Shawn's slow ass."

"And you've definitely used the correct term. Slow Ass." Bey rolled her eyes getting herself worked up over the previous events of the night. "Do you know he had the nerve to tell me that raising a baby was a breeze and that I didn't have shit to complain to him about."

Kelly shook her head.

"So I told his ass if he thinks it's such a breeze, why doesn't he take on my role of being the mother for the day. He had to go to work, pick up Brendan from school and then the baby from my mother's house." She smirked referring to Courtney who was just six months old at the time. "He even agreed to cook dinner. He's probably calling me right now trying to get me to come home 'cause he cant handle it."

"Well if this is his first time calling you all day, maybe he could."

"Nah boo!" Beyonce pulled up the call log on her cell and showed it to Kelly.

"Gotdamn!" she laughed noticing that Shawn had actually been calling almost every 10 minutes since 3pm and it was going on 7:30. "Yall have issues."

Bey giggled. "He left like 5 messages apologizing."

"Please go home, not for his sake but for Brendan and Courtney." Kelly chimed unable to stop laughing at how silly her best friend was acting. "Lord only knows what he's got them doing, does he even know how to change a diaper."

"That's about ALL he knows how to do. That and heat up that damn microwavable mac&cheese." Bey replied; ashamed.

"See.." Kelly shook her head unable to control herself. "That's just sad."

Beyonce's phone started ringing again but Kelly picked it up while she laughed.

"Man, Give Bey the phone!" Shawn based, highly irritated. This wasn't a laughing matter to him. He had a hollering baby in his arms and couldn't shut her up for shit. He'd tried everything.

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