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Monday morning

Waking up by the sound of my alarm clock I get up and get ready for school. Walking into the bathroom I see my paid skin from crying and my hair a mess....showering and drying my hair I get to straightening it putting on a touch of make up. Since I'm not in the mood I make it a sweatsuit day. Skipping breakfast I hop in my Hunda and head to school listening to Break Every Chain. Walking inside the school not really wanting to be bothered I see August standing at my locker. Rolling eyes I approach him

Cecelia: August look I had a long night please I don't want to be
August: here me out Cecelia....I realize what I said to you Saturday at the party I meant what I said I miss you I was wondering if we can start over I did you so wrong I just----
Principal Jones: sorry to interrupt but, Cecelia this is Blessing Blessing this is Cecelia you guys have all the same classes together so I will love it if you---
Cecelia: can u find someone else I'm having a bad day
Principal Jones: too late now get too it
And sure that he walked away leaving me August and new girl Blessing
Cecelia: August can we talk later ?
August: yeah that's cool

I realize what I said to you Saturday at the party I meant what I said I miss you I was wondering if we can start over I did you so wrong I just----Principal Jones: sorry to interrupt but, Cecelia this is Blessing Blessing this is Cecelia you guys...

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Cecelia: umm hi since we have the same classes maybe we should---
Ty: damnnnnn Cecelia put me on her
Cecelia: sorry this is my stupid bestfriend ty ty this is blessing
Blessing: nice to meet you ty
Ty: ouuuu nice to meet you toooo shawty
Blessing: ummm Cecelia what class is first ?
Cecelia: history lucky you
While talking to blessing while walking to first period I tell her everything she needs to know....what to do and not to do if she need me just ask other than that she is all set...walking into class a second before the bell blessing is getting introduced in class

August POV
In first block listening to Mr.jones introducing that new girl I seen earlier I spot Cecelia coming down the row. She's so beautiful....I need her back but it's not going to be easy..getting caught in my thoughts she sits right by me and passed me a note

I thought about what you said this not gone be easy for you but I'll agree on talking to you I don't know when but I agree my number is 256-554-6789

Smiling about the note I plugged her number in as "Forever My Lady" not even wanting to pay attention in class anymore I wait for the bell to ring...once it did I walk out of the class with the biggest grin on my face walking down the hallway into the cafeteria I spot my niggas already at the table laughing and making jokes I make my appearance known at the table
August: wazzamm bitches
Chris: get cha gd biscuit head ass on somewhere stupid ass dude
August: I know yeen talking with yo lil dick ass
Everybody at the table started laughing making a scene causing some people to just stop and stare at us like we stupid
Tyga: aye man why you coming up here smiling like a lil bitch
August: cause I know I can steal yours
everybody: ouuuuu
Tyga: aye man you gone get up off of my baby Angela before I bust a cap in yo ass
August: aye man whatever you know how I run thangs
Before he could get anything else out the bell ring saying it's time to go. All I could think about was the note Cecelia gave me. I can't believe I messed up so bad with her I just want the things back on the right track. I've known Cecelia my entire life basically my childhood sweetheart. She was so special in my heart she still is. Minus the bullshit ha pothead ass momma be doing to her and her daddy being in prison her brother and sister them gone. Thing is Cecelia had that chance to leave but her being the oldest she wanted the Kik youngins of hers to live they life. I respect her for that mad love but she don't deserve it. She's beautiful, smart, and head strong. And I salute her for that. I understand why she act so stuck up why she doesn't talk to nobody. I don't blame her because her whole life she was known as the cat girl and now that she got her body right they all want ha nut shawty keep it moving. Making my way home I have a flashback in my life.

Cecelia come on it'll be fun....I said
No August I don't want to be embarrassed by people who already make fun of me
       This how it was I knew Cecelia was having a bad life her momma always beat ha. God mommy died she ain't have nobody but me. Shiddd I held her at night and everything else since she was living right across the street. Cecelia face was bruised up busted lip and all cause of ha momma but I still thought she was pretty.
August don't you drag me in that party....rolling her eyes
Baybeh come hea ain gone let nobody hurt you I just want you to enjoy your life just have fun my love.....I said trying to change her mind
      Me and Cecelia started high school freshman year nobody liked ha said she was fat but my baybeh size ain't bother me. Kids teased ha but with me around they ain't have none ta say.  So her being at this party shouldn't even mata I'm ha hero.
Fine August that's fine...finally giving in
Yes yes yes!!! Come on baybeh
     Walking into the party together everybody dancing and drinking alcohol...while I go and get a drink for Cece & I..that's when everything went left...some was bound to happen. I turn back 1 sec and I couldn't find Cece. I shook it off thinking she went to the bathroom. Me being a nigga I am seen this bad bitch with a big ass booty me slow grindin and shit on her a nigga come up to me saying " aye man don't leave yo fat bitch lonely around hea" with that he walked away laughing me being confused I search for Cecelia running upstairs I find her naked I couldn't believe my eyes...August AUGUSTTTT!!!!
Getting out of my thought not even knowing I made it home I hea my momma big mouth ass calling my name
Shelia: I'm gone I don't want them fast ass girls in my house
August: ight
Pulling my damn ear
August: ma wtf I hea ya
Sheila: I'm not playin wit ya boy
With her N.O accent coming out
August: ight I hea ya ma fr
Shelia: ight I'm gone love ya
August: ya too

Cecelia POV

Turning off the car making it home not even wanting to go in. I see the lights on so that mean momma hea. It's only 8 so I guess she's in for the night. Lucky me. Walking up the broken down stairs unlocking the door I see all types of men in hea.
Aye lil momma come hea wit yo fine of the unknown drunk men said
Me scrunching my face up hurting up to my room to only too face my horrible creature I call a momma.
What are you doing in here ma ?
Without a response she hit me repeatedly and repeatedly calling me all types of names making me feel like nothing. When she got done beating me I needed to put an end to this. I run in my closet and pack as many bags as I can not knowing where I'm going to go but me having a perfect idea where. Ignoring how late at night it was I had to leave. Avoiding the drunk men in my used to be called home I run to my car ready to go too my destination.....riding around for what feel like hours I pull up to the old house I use to always be at I get out the car slamming the door knocking on the window. Knocking into I finally got an response
....Cecelia ???
Hey August can I ummmmm come in ???
And without having a response I climbed into his window into his bed snuggling up against him like in the old days....
You wanna talk about it ???
......I just want to be happy.
And with that I was out like the light

How is it getting so far ??? Lemme know

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