Missing You

797 29 7

Sunday Evening

Cecelia's POV

After dropping Cardi off I head back to August house he was blowin my phone up last night like this nigga really think we're together

Stopping at McDonalds I grab everybody something to eat even August I decide to be nice for once

McDonalds didn't take me long nor the ride to the house so I was there in no time I'm just hoping Blessing wasn't no trouble for T

Pulling up to the house and parking I get out and grab everybody's food. Knocking on the door I was greeted by a smiling Blessing

Hey momma baby

Hey mommy she said giggling

Mommy can you braid my hair into a heart like you did before ? I want to be pretty tomorrow

Yeah okay that's fine where's your daddy ?

In the kitchen

Walking into the kitchen I see August on the phone I guess handling business about his tour

Okay okay so when I leave ?

Alright that's fine he said looking up at me

Let me call you back


Hey I brought food McDonalds to be exact

Alright that's cool Come to my room real quick lemme holla atchu

Okay let me set Blessing table up in the living room so she can eat

Nodding his head he walks up stairs

Grabbing blessings table I sit in front of her laying all her food out

Blessing do not make a mess or mommy not doing your hair

Yes ma'am

Walking up the stairs I walk into August room only to be welcomed with him smoking a blunt

So wassup how was last night and why was you blowing up my phone ?

Last night was hell and cause u went out yeen tell me you was doin that

It wasn't expected my bad I said giggling

He let his blunt out and walk towards me

Pushing me down on the bed August hovered over me and French kissed me roughly, taking my bottom lip between his teeth he bit down on it causing me to softly moan. Pulling back from our heated kiss he attaches his lips to my neck and leave soft tender kisses along my neck, leaving dark hickeys along my collar bone August continued to abuse my skin with his teeth. Taking my shirt off he reaches behind me and un lips my bra, twirling his tongue around my hardened nipple his right hand tugged and pulled on my right nipple. Throwing my head back and moaning August grips my chin and roughly pulls it down making me stare him directly in the eyes as he sucked and tongue fucked my breast. Detaching his lips from my breast his hands moved down to my shorts, easily tugging them off he pushes my panties to the side and enters a finger into my soaked entrance. Gripping the sheets tightly I bite down hard on my bottom lip as he adds more fingers into me, reattaching his lips to mine he continues to drive his fingers in and out of me.

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