Bitch im Back

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Cecelia's POV

it's been months since the birth of my second baby girl and a lost of my first born son and months that I've talked to my mom

Things have been difficult and I couldn't wrap my head around every single thing just fully

It's now the month of January and as you guys are wondering no August and I still aren't together but we can say that we are calm enough and respect one another if we're in the same room just for the sake of our kids that's it

I live on my own now but not too far from August because he wants me and the kids close just for safety reasons that's all if I had it my way I would've been living somewhere else but this condo is fine for right now

I made new friends Tori and Lurica we've became very close to one another and I respect it

I was hesitant at first with even having kids because of how my last friendship went if you guys remember it was full of shit

August had the kids for the day so I decided to go out and just enjoy some free time with my girls today

I met Tori through modeling I started back to model right after my body got right after my pregnancy so it was back to money do I see myself keep doing this since I'm a mother now ? No but right now modeling pays the bills and I will not live off of August money at all

Speaking of August he has a little girlfriend now or as he calls it just his "best friend" I'm not that dumb I know they seeing each other he post her she post him so that has to mean something ? She's cute I can give her that but she's not me

I still love August more than ever in in love with him but for right now I'm just trying to get myself together and he looks happy with her so I'm just falling back

Getting ready for brunch with the girls I kept it simple but cute and not being to heavy on my makeup

Making sure everything was off I get a call from tori "where yo ugly ass at we waiting on you" she said yelling into the phone

"Bitch I'm on the way" I said laughing

One thing about tori she a loud mouth bitch wild and crazy but I love her for who she is she so real realist of em all

After talking to her a lil while longer while I'm locking up and leaving my condo I head to Hooters

I know y'all probably like why the fuck we going there well I love their wings, tori like girls she gay, and Lyrica like girls as well

I remember last year we all had a threesome it was my first time with girls and it was so much fun and it feel so good sensational so there's a threesome every now and then


"Hey girl."

"I need your help with something." Tori says almost letting a moan escape her plump lips.

"Help with what?" I asks completely confused

"Lyrica and I really need a good fuck. Just try having a threesome with us, it'll feel so good." Looking at her I shrugged my shoulders. I guess it couldn't hurt to try.

"Ok." Walking into the room Lyrica looked at the both of us confused as we both kissed.

"Am I invited to this party or nah?" Pulling back from the heated make out session we both look at her with a grin on our faces.

"Yes." Pulling her shirt and bra off Tori grabbed her breast and played with them while Lyrica completely stripped leaving her beautiful curvy form to show. Pulling my t-shirt dress off I quickly took my bra and underwear off letting my wet pussy Drip out onto the sheets.

"Damn her pussy is wet." Crawling between my legs Lyrica began sucking on my lips causing me to moan out softly, running her tongue flatly over my throbbing clit she takes her finger and shove them into my slippery pussy making me feel ten times greater than before. Grabbing some of her hair I wildly buck my hips.

"Y-Yessss!" Loudly moaning I turn my attention to Tori who had a vibrator shoved deep into her pussy while sucking on her fingers. Arching my back I scream as my cum flies out all over Lyrica's fingers and lips.

"Fuck that's so sexy baby, do you want me and Tori to fuck that tight little pussy of yours?" Licking my lips I nod my head yes.

"Yes please." Biting down on her bottom lip Lyrica smacked my clit with her two fingers causing me to whimper while my legs shook.

"Come here Tori." Crawling over to Tori who was having the time of her life with her baby pink vibrator Lyrica pulled the ten inch toy out of her and squealed as Tori's cum came shooting out all over the bed and her chest. "Sexy! Let's let our baby ride your face while I take our favorite toy and play with you.

"Ok." Smiling Tori laid down on her back and waited for me to ease my pussy over her face, siting on her face I moan as I began to move my hips feeling her tongue swirl around deeply into my core. Grabbing the vibrator Tori had Lyrica placed the buzzing toy into her pussy and loudly moaned while shoving her tongue into Tori dripping pussy.

"Fuck yes!" Riding her face faster I scream as her tongue harshly runs and darts over my clit. "I'M COMING!" Gripping onto the headboard tightly I gasp for air as my orgasm soars throughout my body. Coming all over her face I whimper and slowly remove myself from her face as I trembled.

"Shit!" Coming hard all in Lyrica's mouth she softly moaned as Lyrica slurped her juices while she had a mind blowing orgasm herself. Coming down from our highs we all sighed.

"Damn." Was the only world that left our mouths.
*Flashback Over*

Pulling up to Hooters I walk in heading to the table I see my girls talking among themselves

"Hey" I said walking towards the table taking a seat

"What took you so long?" Tori asked looking at the girls at hooters butt

Before I could say anything I see August and that butch he claim to only being friends with coming in the thing is

I know damn well he Don have my kids around her without my permission

Part 2 with this chapter

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