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Cecelia's POV

after the doctors appointment my mind has been blank these last couple of days I've been trying to learn on coping with the lost of one of my babies

I barely talk to others I've been stuck up in August and I bedroom I know it's not healthy for me and my baby that's still in me so I'm going to try my best to at least get out the house for a little bit and spend time with blessing

Getting out of bed I run me a hot shower which lasted for only about 30 minutes tops so I won't waste the whole day away after taking my shower i take my towel wrapping it around my wet body

Brushing my teeth I thought on wearing something simple since my weight is getting worse my the minute so I decide on my Gucci slides with hair tie to match with black tank top and black fitted tights but flow out at the bottom

After getting dressed I decide on not wearing any make up just have a bare face so I just throw on some lip gloss to just top it off

After being satisfied with myself I go into Blessing room but she wasn't nowhere in there to be found

I knew August was at and interview he didn't say anything about him getting Blessing so I hope she isn't missing

Walking down the long flight of stairs I hear laughs and small giggles coming out of the living room so I'm assuming that was Blessing but it sounds like an adult laughter as well with her

Getting closer I see an older women who looks much like me but I couldn't tell who she was really since her back was turned tossing Blessing in the air

Mommy mommy look I'm in the air blessing says laughing

After her saying that the unknown person turns around and look at me with sincere eyes pleading but with also an smile on her face

Mom ?

Hey baby


With a crying blessing she runs up stairs leave em face to face with the woman who has abused me my whole life and did drugs not really raising me

The one who kicked me out of the house when she found out I was pregnant the woman who birthed me so many mixed emotions came across my face I was angry upset frustrated any thing you could think of at this moment I was just pissed

What the hell your doing here ? How the hell you find me

That's not what's important I ju-

Just what ? Want help ? No get off my property now I don't want nothing to do with you Candice I mean sorry I don't want nothing to do with my abusive mother

I looked at her with so much hatred in my eyes I didn't care how shocked she looked I didn't care about the tears in her eyes I want her to feel the pain I went through

Cecelia just let me explain she pleaded

Explain what Candice ? Explain how you abused me all my life and made me feel like I was nothing ? Explain how you kicked me out on the streets when I told you I was pregnant? Explain how you had men in and out of the house ? Oh yeah that's a lot of explaing to do

I just got of rehab is there any way we can talk about this ?

No you can't say shit I don't wanna here your apologies after you hurt me making my life a living hell ? I hate you I don't even know why your here begging for forgiveness who the hell you think you are strolling up in my damn house--

Hey hey hey wazzam ma wazzam wit all the commotion

I didn't even hear August coming through the front door I'm just so pissed off at the moment she better with I wasn't pregnant because looking at her makes me want to beat her ass ugh I'm just sick to my damn stomach

August POV

I just made it home after my Interview I was so ready to go inside to make sure Cecelia was straight because I know she was learning to cope with everything with the baby

Walking inside with T behind me I hear a lot of arguing in the living room and sounds like Cecelia is pissed

I walk in the living room and see Cecelia face to face with this woman I can't point out who she is but she looks hella familiar but the thing is whoever she is how did she find out where we stay I thought

Nobody knew where our sacred house was so I'm kind of curios I see tears falling and Cecelia and this mystery lady look so caught up going back and forth I decided it was finally time to make my presence known

Hey hey hey ma wazzam wit all this commotion in hea ?

Both the ladies got quiet and just looked so I'm guessing they death or some shii cause I could've sworn I asked a damn question

Y'all ass death or some shit ? Cecelia who the hell is this you know ain't nobody suppose to know where we stay until I find us a perfect spot

August meet Candice also known as my "mother" she quoted wit ha fingers

I turned my head looking at the older lady I found familiar when I seen ha I was lost for words I didn't have shit to say it was so confusing right now how did she even know where we stayed

Get out

Just let me-

I pointed to the door and looked at T to have a escorted out I didn't want anything to do with her after what all the hurt she put Cecelia through the shit just dead

Clenching my jaw I go out to the backyard sitting down rolling up a blunt to ease my mind cause I come home to bullshit every since me and Cecelia got together we just been high on our toes and I'm sick of it

Smoking my blunt Cecelia walk out not saying anything but sitting on my lap layin ha head on my shoulders

It was just a peaceful moment

Wea blessing ?

Oh shit I forgot I sent ha to ha room she in trouble

Why ?

She's the one who opened the door and playing with my mom that's how everything started

Shaking my head I get up and i go upstairs we need to break this habit of blessing and it starts now


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