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Cecelia POV

My momma always told me to plant my garden and make sure every seed I make and plant I will not regret it but look back from everything in my garden from good and evil and look back on it

And that's exactly what I did and I'm ashamed of myself yes I have had sex but not with any boy I've been having it with Tori and Lyrica so do me to be payed up in the bed right now with August completely naked it was different

My momma always told me even though she would abuse me she constantly reminded me to never let my guard down and to always stay on my toes with everything and to think smart but sleeping win august wasn't smart

But baby let me tell you I missed that dick so much getting caught up in my thoughts I quietly scoot from under August throwin on a big t shirt

Walkin into the bathroom I immediately run to the toilet vommiting over and over again if I'm pregnant I don't know what to do I would be so fuckin stupid

I turn my head to see if August was awake luckily he wasn't I get up throwing my hair into a bun brushin my teeth and washin my face

I throw on some jeans and grab my phone fooling around with August I left the kids with his mom I know she doesn't mind but those kids are my responsibility

I look over August sleep shaking my head knowing I wanted him back but just not like this. I grab my keys off the counter and make my way to the nearest corner store and to go pick up the kids

I decided to get the tests first just so the kids wouldn't be in my way and I got them and me a couple of snacks as well. After grabbing five different pregnancy tests I make my way too check out

And let me tell y'all some my legs are so sore from August it's not even funny when he was angry at me he made sure to show me I don't even have a clue on how I'm even walkin but I guess I be havin to just shake that shut off

After checking everything out I grab my bags and head to momma Shelias to get Blessin and Paris Blessin is now 7 going on 17 and my baby Paris is 1 I love being a good mom to my kids they mean the fuckin world to me

I cherish every moment with them I still get sad after time for loosing my other baby do to the fact that there are lots of snakes in this world and that hurts my damn heart but it's okay because I know he is in heaven and will be okay

Pulling up at momma Shelias i knock on the door to see Blessin opening the door with a a baby Paris on her hip she looked so cute she's growing up day  by day and I'm so happy to have a daughter like her and Paris because Paris love her big sister to pieces

"Mommy where were you ?" London said Rollin ha eyes

As you think as much as I beat ha ass for that and her bad ass attitude she acts just like August while Paris acts like me

Taking Paris from London I thank momma shelia and head my way back over to the condo

I stop and get my babies some to eat fifteen minutes later I make my way into the condo luckily August is gone I haven't heard from him at all he hasn't texts nor called typically nigga shit

I give London and Paris their food setting it up in the living room and make my way too the bathroom pulling out the drug test I pee on all five sitting them on the counter I slide down the wall silently praying too myself

After waiting five minutes I pick up the tests seeing all of em are positive I silently cry to myself

August POV

I sit back in my home studio at home blowin smoke out my nose I haven't heard from Cecelia she hasn't heard from me I'm just trynna let ha mind wonder

We both go through a lot with each other and bump heads and that shit sad as fuck but me fuckin ha I had to man she needed the dick that's ha fault

Getting out my thoughts I see her calling me I let it ring a little while then I decided to pick up

"Wazzam you want some mo of daddy di-"

"August I'm pregnant" I heard Cecelia sniffling on the other line

Yooooo cliff hanger
I know y'all hate that lil shit don't it ?
But since I don't work anymore I have more time on my hands for you guys
So be ready for this shit
-xoceceliaaa ❤️

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