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Cecelia's POV

We just finished the tour and made it back home safe and sound which I was gladly happy about

My moods have been changing of course on and off from the pregnancy I found out that I was almost a month which was surprising but when I thought back on when was the time me and August had sex it made sense

I want to to Blessing that she will be happy a brother or sister but I hope it makes her happy and know me and August will love both of the equally no favorites and she will always be my baby girl

I have a lunch date with Fetty tomorrow as much as I don't wanna go I just Wanna know what the sneaky bitch up too

Blessing ta her hasn't been giving me no problems nor reasons to beat her ass so I'm cool on that end just for now until she fuck up and imma have to fuck ha ass up other than that were fine

It's Sunday night and Blessing wanted to sleep in the room with August and I and of course we agreed because I've missed her and August has also plus she missed us lol

We gave T a break let him take a load off since he's been rippin and running for us mainly August behind so i told him to take a load off and just chill

Laying in bed we decide on watching movies all night but no too late because Blessing has school and I don't want her being to tired from school in the morning

In between the movie I had to get up and throw up which is something I'm not use to and never will it's like I throw up everything I eat and it's killing me

But It's part of the pregnancy I have another appointment next week so I'll see what they say about the situation

Mommy are you sick ?

No baby why you you ask mommy that ?

Because you keep running to the bathroom Everytime you eat

That's because ya momma fat and ha stomach tellin ha she needa go work out August said laughing

I picked up a pillow and threw it at his Crimson chin ass

Shut up August Blessing don't listen to him mommy is okay

Okay that's good she saying starting to focus back on the movie

August was on his phone not paying any attention but I was debating on if this was a good time or not to go ahead and tell Blessing I'm pregnant

After thinking long and hard staring into space I look over at August tapping him looking down at my stomach mouthing now

He shook his head yeah shrugging his shoulders I tap blessing getting her back out her daze of the movie we were watching and put it on pause

What if you had a brother or sister blessing how that sound ?

Sound good so I won't be bored

Bored ? I thought you have fun with us

Yeah mommy but I needa have fun with people my age at home not you and daddy

Okay smart mouth ni what if ya momma say she can make that happen ?

What you mean ?

Blessing your going to be having either a brother or sister


He or she is growing in my stomach right now

Blessing look at my stomach touching it then back at me and August with a huge grin

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