Learning pt 2

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August POV

After sitting on the porch talking to Cecelia for awhile and calming her down from her mom popping up at the house I go up stairs to talk to Blessing

She's to old to be opening the door anything can happen and we've been through way too much shit to just have stuff knock us down 10 more steps

Understanding blessing is a child she's old enough to come to an adult to open the door some shit I just be wanting to cuss her out or hit ha but I be having to know she just a little girl

Walking up the stairs I push Blessing door open to see her holding her beat just laying on ha bed

She's a beautiful little girl looks just like ha momma but some stuff gotta talk to ha and make it serious and if she does it again she gets a whoopin we gotta break that habit of hers out now

Blessin let me talk to ya

Sitting up and rubbin ha poofy eyes she crawl to the side of me where I am and come sit on my lap leaning her head on my chest

You know momma and daddy just want you safe because anybody dangerous could be at the door we don't want nothin or nobody harming you

I wasn't gonna open the door I was getting momma but she said grandma so I thought it was grandma Sheila

It doesn't matter what they say you come and get me mommy or mr t Ight baybeh?

Yes sir

Good ni give daddy some shugga

After getting a kissing from blessing I tell her she has to apologize to ha momma

Picking her up we walk down the stairs together only to find Cecelia in the pool eating ice cream

I whisper in blessing ear and let her go run off to where Cecelia was at in the pool

I'm so blessed to have these two special people in my life they really in deed truly are a blessing

After getting caught up in my thoughts I take off my shirt and shoes I run and pick up her jumping inside of the pool

August really Cecelia said laughing

You love me all my girls love me

You Betta be talking about me and daddy

Blessing Shutup I say splashing her

Swimming away from blessing I step out the pool to see my phone has been blowing up

I see calls from my Bro's manager and everybody else apparently TMZ caught me coming out of one of the private dance rooms in a strip club I went too


Ayo that was a good interview I'm tired ni time to go home to my baby's

It was good seeing you bro see ya soon


Walking out of the studio I get a call from this ole broad I use to fuck with in high school she a stripper now none but a quick nut for me

The girl in high school name is Carmen ha and Cecelia didn't get along worth shit so if Cece found out ha number in my phone hell will break loose

Hopping inside of the truck I pick up the phone seeing what Carman wanted since it's been months since I've spoken to her

Woahhh you answer ya phone

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