Chapter 1: A new enemy

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I jerk awake, my breathing increased, drenched in a cold sweat. This was the third night in a row that I had had the same dream. In the dream, I saw a battle against many different forces. I saw a red blade and a battle, blaster shots ringing in my ears. I take a deep breath and stand up, as I was unable to fall back asleep. I step quietly out of my room and into the long, quiet hallway.

I walk the temple corridors for quite some time, admiring the beauty and peacefulness of the place, the towering columns full of beauty and intricate details. I smile, but that smile falls when I hear a large clang come from the direction of the temple gardens and against my better judgment I decide to go check it out. I quickly run back to my room and grab my lightsabers and swiftly run back to the gardens. I look around, there is a light mist and the light of the moons lit up the courtyard with a calm and peaceful glow. I walk into the familiar courtyard and breathe in a cool and clear mist. I suddenly feel quite cold and feel danger nearby. I run under the cover of a large nearby force tree. I press my back tightly up against the tree, gripping the bark like a lifeline, as it was the only thing between me and who...or whatever was there. 

"I had a feeling you would be here Laruka." I hear a voice call out. I recognized it as Master Tarbrya Luna's. I then hear a menacing laugh and feel another rush of the cold. I risk a peek between two branches of the tree. I see a tall dark-robed figure emerge into the light. He let out another chuckle and turned to her. He reached into his cloak and pulled out a lightsaber hilt. 

"My my, what a pleasant reunion Master." He says in a taunting way. He says and activates his lightsaber, a bright red blade shoots out. I unintentionally gasp. I immediately flip around and press my back against the tree, but I know that Master Luna had seen me, but I didn't know about the Sith. I heard two other lightsabers activate and risk another peek. I see the two force wielders clash blades. The red and white sabers clash in sequences and flurries of light. The plasma blades humming along to an unheard song. 

"I knew we would meet again someday, but I never thought it would be this way." Master Luna says, and I can sense an emotional struggle within her over fighting her fallen padawan. 

"Life is always full of surprises Tarbrya." He says and grunts as they fight. Her lightsaber lands a glance on his saber handle and part of his hand, sending sparks flying. 

"Laruka, why did you do this!? why did you turn?" She said, pain in her voice. 

"It's Laris now...Laruka is gone. Your apprentice is gone forever." He responds, his eyes burning yellow with hatred.

They then engage in intense battle, their blades crashing together and their moves getting increasingly harder to do. I watch the emotion fueled battle from my hideaway behind the tree.

"Cease hostility!" A temple guard says as he is joined by three others, igniting their saber pikes. I hear Laris growl something under his breath before force pushing backwards, hard. She hit the wall behind her and was immediately knocked out. He then started to advance when the temple guards started to close in. He realized that this was one battle he couldn't win. He took off in a sprint and pressed a button on his wrist band. He then jumps over the edge of the building, and onto a speeder, making his escape. I hear one of the temple guards mutter a curse under his breath that probably wasn't meant for anybody to hear. The temple guard then turns around and catches a glimpse of me in the shadows. He activates his pike, sees it's me, and deactivates the pike.

"Come, young one, it's safe now." He says and I nod quietly. I begin to follow him, but am stopped by a strange feeling I feeling of eminent danger.

I flip around and see a man standing behind me and back away but the tree blocks my escape. My sanctuary had just become my downfall. He laughs and I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head before the world goes black before my eyes.

//1st chapter editing done!! 

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