Chapter 2: Battle Wounds

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I woke up to a foul stench and recognized the strange sensation of flying. I open my eyes and see I am in a cell of some sort. I was pinned to the wall by stun cuffs and my lightsabers were gone. I struggled against them, but each time I pulled I was shocked. When I tried to pull them open with the force, I was just shocked more and more. Well, that's just great. I think sarcastically. I then reach into my hair and pull out a single hairpin. Maybe, just maybe. I think to myself and use the force to move the pin into the keyhole, and will for the cuffs to unlock. I hear and audible click and the cuffs swing open. 

"Yes!" I say quietly to myself and massage my wrists where the cuffs were. "Now, all I have to do is find my lightsabers," I mutter my thoughts aloud. 

I heard a voice outside of my cell, "Is she awake?" another strange voice responded

"Yes," The second responded gruffly. "Just now."

Angrily the first voice responded "Go get her then! She needs to be ready for her meeting with her new master!"

"Yes, sir." He mutters quietly. I grin at this and put my hands back in the cuffs, but don't let it close all of the ways. 

A strange, masked soldier came into my cell, and when the door closed behind him, I jerk down, using the combat skills I had learned at the temple and kick her legs out from under her and force push her into the wall knocking her out. 

I use the force to grab her blaster, set it to stun, shoot her and then run out of the room. I run, shooting down guard after guard in my struggle to escape. One lucky guard manages to hit me in the knees, shoves me to the ground, and the other guards advance, pushing me to the ground and putting a new set of cuffs on me before leading me to a large, plain chamber. They release me from the cuffs and throw me into the room, and before I have any chance to react, a ray shield goes up behind the door before it closes. Well, that's one plan out the window. I think before I feel a dark coldness nearby. I quickly go to the back of the room and compose myself. A dark robed figure enters the room, his black cloak flowing behind him as he walks into the room. 

"Who are you?" I quietly say, attempting not to show my fear.

He chuckles, "My name is Darth Laris. Secret apprentice to lord Tyrannus. You are an anxious one." then he threw his cloak open and pulled out his lightsaber, I recognize it as the one from the night before.

"Why did you come for me?" I say sternly.

"I want to take you as my apprentice," he replies unnervingly

"I'll never join you!" I say. I then see my lightsabers on his belt and grabbed it with the force. I activated my newly made yellow lightsabers, and in turn, Laris activated his. We engage in battle until I finally strike a slight blow to his face.

I then see frustration fill his face. He then picks me up through telekinesis and throws me across the room. Pain filled my body as I slammed into the wall and fell onto the hard concrete floor.

"You think you can beat me!" Darth Laris screams. I then activated my lightsaber again and engage him in battle for the second time. He then disarms me with the force and I back into the corner, not knowing what to do.

"You are weak." He raises his lightsaber and strikes a deep cut in my shoulder. "Now join me or die!" he raises his lightsaber, ready to strike me down.

Then I hear two other lightsabers activate and plunge through the ceiling, where they cut a large hole. Two Jedi, a padawan and a master jump through the hole. The master engages in battle with Laris. The padawan who looked about a year older than me sheaths his lightsaber and runs over to me. He is a boy with dark brown eyes and short black hair with a padawan braid hanging down from the scalp by his ear. He kneels down carefully and examines my wound.

"Who are you?" I squeak out trying to ignore the pain

"I am Dylsavi Evela and that is my master, we're here to rescue you." he replies.

"DYLSAVI!" the master yells

Then he runs to his master and engages in battle against the dark figure. The sith then retreats out of the room.

The master comes over to me and said to Dylsavi, "Get the youngling to safety." Then he gives me a dose of medicine to help with the pain and I immediately fall asleep. 


I awake to a medical droid talking to himself. From what he was saying, my wound isn't small. I look at my arm, it hurts to move and I can't see the wound as it was covered with a bandage. I am definitely in the Coruscant Jedi Temple infirmary. I have been in here multiple times after painful or gone wrong training.

Then I hear the door open and sit up just as Dylsavi enters the room. He comes over and sits on the bed and asks gently, "How are you doing?"

I answer quietly, "I hurts, but I'll live." motioning to my shoulder.

"I heard your conversation with Laris. How did you even survive long enough to be rescued by us?"

"I don't really know, It must have been the will of the force."

"I would have to agree with that."

"So, where's your master?"

He looks around the room to see if anybody was listening, but there was no one left in the bay, not even the medical droid. He smiles and says, "As far as he knows, he thinks I'm studying."

Then master Tarbrya Luna enters the room with Jedi master Peyshem Ticsor, Dylsavi's master.

"Deceiving is not the Jedi way Dylsavi." Master Ticsor said, facing him.

Dylsavi looks at the ground then looks at his master and said, "I know master, I just wanted to see if she was all right."

"I understand your concern, now go back to your studies."

"Yes, master." Dylsavi says, and in remorse, he walked out of the room. Master Ticsor following close behind.

//ok, Elidani is injured and Dysavi is lying to his master. Could this signal something bigger? A secret that nobody else knows?

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