Chapter 9: The Meeting

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I pick up my cloak and slide it on, resting the hood over my shoulders. I then adjust the placement of my twin lightsabers on my belt. I look up at Dylsavi and his dark brown eyes stare into mine. "Thank you...for everything," I say quietly and look at him.

"Elidani, it's not a problem at all. I enjoy it very much," he says, adjusting his cloak. He pauses and looks around, my master had already left the room. He pulls me gently into a small hug. I feel his tan brown robes brush gently against my cheeks. He pulls away, and some of my hair falls in front of my face. "Elidani, we better go. We need to get there as soon as possible." He says gently brushing my blonde hair out of my face with his hand.

"Yeah, we probably shouldn't be late," I say quietly, smiling a little at his kind gesture.

We move toward the door and leave the room, walking down the long hallway toward the simulation room. I smile slightly as we enter the room. It was filled with padawans, some with their newly received padawan braids, like me, and some who were almost Jedi Knights, almost ready for the trials.

"Why are we here?" I say, turning to Dylsavi and fiddling with one of my lightsaber handles, curiousness in my voice.

"All I know is that Master Yoda called us, other than that I have absolutely no idea," he says and looks at me, his brown eyes looking into mine. "I'm sure we'll find out soon."

"I..." I stutter but am quickly silenced when Master Yoda walked into the room. The Jedi Master's face is solemn and I can tell whatever he is about to say isn't going to be good. He slowly walks through the padawans and toward the podium set up in the middle of the room. He walks up the beautifully carved stairs and steps up behind the podium. He looks up around the large room, a deep sadness in his light brown eyes as he looks at all of the Padawans.

"At war, the galaxy is." He says and a surprised murmur spreads quickly like wildfire across the large room.

"Betrayed the Republic, the separatist alliance has. Chosen by the Chancellor we have been to lead the Galactic Republic Clone Army," he says and motions to Jedi Master Mace Windu, who nods in response and steps up to the podium as Yoda sits down in his seat on the right of the stage.

"Today we have called you all here for a battle simulation. This simulation will give you a taste of battle and teach you discipline." he stops and turned on a holograph with a picture of part of the simulation. The picture was separated into four quadrants. One showed a snowy scene, the second one showed a raging thunderstorm, the third showed a scorching desert, and the fourth a dense jungle. "These are just a few examples of the challenges you might face in your simulation. You must prepare yourselves for anything. You will be sorted into teams, then you be flown to your simulation location. You have till then to prepare," he says and then steps off of the podium as it lowers gently into the ground.

"Your holoprojectors, turn them on you must. Then, your team shall be revealed." Yoda says and motions to the holo projector I held in my hand, as I had gotten it out already, and I was the closest padawan to him. I click it on and a number twelve appeared on the hologram along with a list of the other people in my group. I zoom in on the names and see mine, Dylsavi Evela, and another name, Lea Carlind. I recognized it as another girl that had been in my training group as a youngling and give a small smile.

I heard the click of other padawans turning on their holoprojectors all around me, their numbers and team members were displayed brightly on the blue screen. I look around for my other team members, weaving in and out of the throngs of other padawans. I find them in the back of the room and smile a little. A clone trooper then walks up to us, we are then into a new ship, obviously made for battle. The door closes and the ship launches off of the ground. We fly up into the upper atmosphere and I feel a jolt as we are thrown into hyperspace. Even though I've felt it many times, I've never enjoyed that feeling. A clone trooper, a commander by the looks of his armor walks up to us and hands us each a survival pack.

"Commanders, we will arrive at the location in five hours." He says strictly and precisely, saluting us.

"At ease soldier," Dylsavi says, putting a hand on the soldier's shoulder.

"Yes, sir." He says relaxing slightly.

"Go get some rest, you're going to need it," Dylsavi says and the soldier nods before turning and walking out of the room.

"Well, let's check out what we have. Maybe we could work out what we're up against." I say sitting down on the ground, opening my pack. Dylsavi and Lea follow soon after. We open our packs and inside we find a waterproof coat, diving masks, water, and a sleeping bag.

"Well, they gave us a lot," I say sarcastically, zipping my bag shut.

"We still have to work with what we have. We're lucky they are giving us time to prepare." Dylsavi says with a smile. "Look!" He says, pulling a small bag out of his pack. He opens it and inside is five packs of rations. This simulation was going to be longer than I thought.

"How long do you think this simulation will be?" I ask, confused as to why there were so many.

"At least two days, probably more," Lea says adjusting her long, black braids, pulling them into a bun. I braid my long, blond hair tightly behind my back.

"We should probably rest for now." Dylsavi said, "We don't know the next time we will be able to sleep." Lea nods and goes find a room to sleep in. Dylsavi pulls me into a hug, and I hug back. "Get some sleep Elidani, you'll need it." He says gently and I nod as he pulls away. He then leaves the room and I lay down, using my pack as a pillow. I sleep for about four hours before I feel a hand on my shoulder, waking me up. "Elidani, it's time to go." He says and I sit up and nod just as the ship is thrown out of hyperspace.

//okay, they may just fall in love.... will they be found out by the Jedi council?

I promise I'll update more after next week! Send any book covers to Thank you guys so much for reading my book!


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